An Entity of Type: Brigade combat team, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The 25th Infantry Division (nicknamed "Tropic Lightning") is a United States Army division based at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. The division, which was activated on 1 October 1941 in Hawaii, conducts military operations primarily in the Asia-Pacific region. Its present deployment is composed of light infantry and aviation units. Tropic Lightning soldiers regularly train with other U.S. military branches to practice and maintain joint operations capabilities. The climate and terrain of the Pacific region demands Tropic Lightning soldiers be able to operate in physically demanding and harsh environments. In 2014, the division opened the Jungle Operations Training Center—the first such school in the Army since the closing of the old Jungle Warfare School at Fort Sherman, Panama Canal Zone.

Property Value
  • Die 25th Infantry Division (deutsch 25. US-Infanteriedivision, Beiname Tropic Lightning, dt. tropischer Blitz) ist ein Großverband der US Army mit einer Personalstärke von rund 17.000 Mann. Sie ist dem US Pacific Command (PACOM) unterstellt und ist an verschiedenen Orten im pazifischen Raum disloziert. Kommandierender General ist zurzeit Major General Joseph A. Ryan. Das Divisionshauptquartier befindet sich in den in Hawaii. Die Division nahm seit ihrer Aufstellung im Jahr 1941 an allen militärischen Konflikten der Vereinigten Staaten im pazifischen und südostasiatischen Raum teil. (de)
  • The 25th Infantry Division (nicknamed "Tropic Lightning") is a United States Army division based at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. The division, which was activated on 1 October 1941 in Hawaii, conducts military operations primarily in the Asia-Pacific region. Its present deployment is composed of light infantry and aviation units. Tropic Lightning soldiers regularly train with other U.S. military branches to practice and maintain joint operations capabilities. The climate and terrain of the Pacific region demands Tropic Lightning soldiers be able to operate in physically demanding and harsh environments. In 2014, the division opened the Jungle Operations Training Center—the first such school in the Army since the closing of the old Jungle Warfare School at Fort Sherman, Panama Canal Zone. Joint operations and training with partner states herald a new chapter in the history of Tropic Lightning—America's Pacific Division. The division was originally activated from Hawaii garrison units during World War II, slightly more than a month before the Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor began the Pacific War. After spending almost a year training, it fought in the Allied counteroffensive during the Guadalcanal Campaign from December 1942, helping to end organized Japanese resistance on that island by early February 1943. The 25th spent a period garrisoning the island, then moved on to fight in the New Georgia Campaign in July. After the Japanese defeat in the latter, it was sent to New Zealand later that year for rest and training, before moving to New Caledonia for further training. The division returned to combat in the January 1945 invasion of Luzon, reducing Japanese resistance on the island until late June, after which it was pulled out of the line for training. The division then served in the occupation of Japan after the surrender of the latter from September 1945. When the Korean War began in June 1950, the division was deployed to South Korea, where it fought in the defense of and the breakout from the Pusan Perimeter in mid-1950, with elements advancing as far as the Amnok River in November. After being thrown back by the Chinese Communist intervention in the war, the division eventually took up positions south of Osan. It participated in a series of United Nations counteroffensives in early 1951, then fought in a stalemate close to the 38th parallel from the middle of the year. The division defended Seoul against Chinese Communist attack from May 1953 to the July armistice, returning to Hawaii in late 1954. After undergoing major reorganizations in 1957 and 1963 to adapt to changing tactics, the division deployed to South Vietnam to fight in the Vietnam War between late 1965 and early 1966. The 25th served in Vietnam until its withdrawal back to Hawaii in 1970–1971, participating in Operation Attleboro, Operation Cedar Falls, Operation Junction City, the Battle of Saigon during the North Vietnamese Tet Offensive, and the Cambodian Incursion. It was reorganized as a light infantry division in 1985, and elements have participated in the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan. (en)
  • La 25e division d'infanterie des États-Unis est mise sur pied le 1er octobre 1941 à Schofield Barracks, territoire d’Hawaï, soit à la même date que la 24e Division d’Infanterie. (fr)
  • 第25歩兵師団(だいにじゅうごほへいしだん、25th Infantry Division)は、アメリカ合衆国陸軍の師団のひとつ。1941年、ハワイ師団を母体として編成されたのち、朝鮮戦争、ベトナム戦争、湾岸戦争、不朽の自由作戦、イラク戦争に参加した歴戦の師団である。師団司令部はハワイ州オアフ島ワヒアワのスコフィールドバラックスに所在する。 (ja)
  • La 25th Infantry Division è una divisione di fanteria dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti, sotto il controllo operativo dello United States Army Pacific. I suoi quartier generali sono situati presso le Schofield Barracks, nelle Hawaii. (it)
  • 25 Dywizja Piechoty (ang. 25th Infantry Division, przydomek Tropic Lightning) − jedna z dywizji Armii Stanów Zjednoczonych. Dywizja przeszła szeroko zakrojoną reorganizację, w ramach której przemianowano ją z dywizji piechoty lekkiej na dywizję piechoty w styczniu 2006. Obecnie składa się z czterech brygad. Dwie z nich stacjonują na wyspie Oʻahu na Hawajach, jedna w w stanie Alaska (dawna 172 brygada), i jedna (spadochronowa) w , również w stanie Alaska. Dywizja znana jest z filmu Pluton. (pl)
  • 25-я пехотная дивизия (англ. 25th Infantry Division) — тактическое соединение Армии США, существующее с 1941 года. Прозвище — «Тропическая молния» (Tropic Lightning). Также существует неофициальное, шутливое название «Electric Strawberry» («Электрическая клубника») (ru)
  • 25-та піхо́тна диві́зія а́рмії США (англ. 25th Infantry Division (United States) — військове піхотне з'єднання армії США. Заснована 1 жовтня 1941 року. Пунктами постійної дислокації є гарнізони в штатах Гаваї та Аляска. Штаб-квартира дивізії розташована в Шофілд Барракс, Гаваї. Дивізія має у своєму складі п'ять бригад: дві ударні («Страйкер») — 1-ша та 2-га піхотні бригади, одну піхотну — 3-тя піхотна бригада, одну повітряно-десантну бригаду — 4-та повітряно-десантна бригада та бригаду армійської авіації, а також комплект частин дивізійного підпорядкування. (uk)
  • 美国陆军第25步兵师隶属于美国陆军太平洋司令部第8军,绰号“热带闪电”,是美国太平洋战区主要的陆军力量,可以在接到动员令后18小时内开始部署。第25步兵师属轻型作战师,机动灵活,在执行紧急支援任务方面能力突出,可以进行城市战或进行警备任务,局限在于无法抵挡重装甲部队、炮兵集群、战略导弹部队袭击,山地战能力差。第25轻步师自成立以来,先后参加过第二次世界大战、朝鲜战争、越南战争、阿富汗战争等,是美国陆军的主力部队之一。该师的格言是:“准备在任何地方、任何时刻进行打击。”(The preparation in any place, any time carries on the attack.) (zh)
  • Scarlet and yellow (the traditional colors of Hawaiian royalty) (en)
  • 100px|center
  • 165px|border
  • Division
  • "America’s Pacific Division"
  • Jungle warfare
  • 444948 (xsd:integer)
  • 68188 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123225713 (xsd:integer)
  • World War II **Pacific War ***Pearl Harbor ***Guadalcanal ***New Georgia ***Luzon (1945) Korean War **Pusan Perimeter Vietnam War **Tet Offensive Global War on Terrorism **Iraq War **War in Afghanistan ***Operation Freedom's Sentinel **Syrian Civil War ***Operation Inherent Resolve (en)
  • Shoulder sleeve insignia and combat service identification badge; the overall shape represents a taro leaf, indicating the division's Hawaiian origin. (en)
  • Scarlet and yellow (en)
  • I Corps (en)
  • Brigadier General Phillip C. Baker (en)
  • CSM Robert Haynie (en)
  • Colonel Jeffrey A. VanAntwerp (en)
  • Colonel Michael A. van Welie, New Zealand Army (en)
  • Colonel William "Scott" Gallaway (en)
  • Deputy Commander-Operations (en)
  • Deputy Commander-Support (en)
  • Deputy Commander-interoperability (en)
  • Chief of Staff (en)
  • Command Sergeant Major (en)
  • 1942 (xsd:integer)
  • 1955 (xsd:integer)
  • 2022-03-05 (xsd:date)
  • Schofield Barracks, Wahiawa, Hawaii (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.26966 (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.26967 (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.26973 (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.26977 (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.27007 (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.26981 (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.26961 (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.26972 (en)
  • gov.dod.dimoc.26970 (en)
  • 100 (xsd:integer)
  • 165 (xsd:integer)
  • Distinctive unit insignia 25th Infantry Division Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion (en)
  • Flag (en)
  • 150 (xsd:integer)
  • "America’s Pacific Division" (en)
  • 25 (xsd:integer)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-17A (en)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-18A (en)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-22A (en)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-25A (en)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-5A (en)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-29A (en)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-12A (en)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-21A (en)
  • STAFF FILM REPORT 66-2B (en)
  • "Tropic Lightning" (en)
  • General Frederick C. Weyand, 1964–1967 (en)
  • General J. Lawton Collins, 1942–1943 (en)
  • General James T. Hill, 1997–1999 (en)
  • Lieutenant General Jonathan O. Seaman, 1960 (en)
  • Lieutenant General Robert L. Caslen, 2008–2009 (en)
  • Lieutenant General William B. Kean, 1948–1951 (en)
  • Lieutenant General William E. Ward, 1999–2000 (en)
  • Lieutenant General Samuel Tankersley Williams, 1952–1953 (en)
  • * 14th Infantry Regiment *27th Infantry Regiment *35th Infantry Regiment ** * Division Artillery **8th Artillery Battalion **64th Artillery Battalion **69th Artillery Battalion **90th Artillery Battalion * Division Trains **25th Quartermaster Company **25th Medical Battalion **725th Ordnance Battalion * Division Troops **25th Aviation Company **25th Reconnaissance Company **89th Tank Battalion ** 65th Engineer Battalion ** 125th Signal Company ** 25th Military Intelligence Company ** 25th Replacement Company ** 25th Finance Company ** 25th Military Police Company **25th Inf Div Band (en)
  • * Headquarters, 25th Infantry Division * 27th Infantry Regiment * 35th Infantry Regiment * 161st Infantry Regiment * 298th Infantry Regiment * 65th Engineer Combat Battalion * 25th Medical Battalion * 25th Cavalry Reconnaissance Troop * Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 25th Infantry Division Artillery ** 8th Field Artillery Battalion ** 64th Field Artillery Battalion ** 89th Field Artillery Battalion ** 90th Field Artillery Battalion * Headquarters, Special Troops, 25th Infantry Division ** 25th Signal Company ** 725th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company ** 25th Quartermaster Company ** Military Police Platoon ** Band * 25th Counterintelligence Corps Detachment (en)
  • 25 (xsd:integer)
  • Die 25th Infantry Division (deutsch 25. US-Infanteriedivision, Beiname Tropic Lightning, dt. tropischer Blitz) ist ein Großverband der US Army mit einer Personalstärke von rund 17.000 Mann. Sie ist dem US Pacific Command (PACOM) unterstellt und ist an verschiedenen Orten im pazifischen Raum disloziert. Kommandierender General ist zurzeit Major General Joseph A. Ryan. Das Divisionshauptquartier befindet sich in den in Hawaii. Die Division nahm seit ihrer Aufstellung im Jahr 1941 an allen militärischen Konflikten der Vereinigten Staaten im pazifischen und südostasiatischen Raum teil. (de)
  • La 25e division d'infanterie des États-Unis est mise sur pied le 1er octobre 1941 à Schofield Barracks, territoire d’Hawaï, soit à la même date que la 24e Division d’Infanterie. (fr)
  • 第25歩兵師団(だいにじゅうごほへいしだん、25th Infantry Division)は、アメリカ合衆国陸軍の師団のひとつ。1941年、ハワイ師団を母体として編成されたのち、朝鮮戦争、ベトナム戦争、湾岸戦争、不朽の自由作戦、イラク戦争に参加した歴戦の師団である。師団司令部はハワイ州オアフ島ワヒアワのスコフィールドバラックスに所在する。 (ja)
  • La 25th Infantry Division è una divisione di fanteria dell'Esercito degli Stati Uniti, sotto il controllo operativo dello United States Army Pacific. I suoi quartier generali sono situati presso le Schofield Barracks, nelle Hawaii. (it)
  • 25 Dywizja Piechoty (ang. 25th Infantry Division, przydomek Tropic Lightning) − jedna z dywizji Armii Stanów Zjednoczonych. Dywizja przeszła szeroko zakrojoną reorganizację, w ramach której przemianowano ją z dywizji piechoty lekkiej na dywizję piechoty w styczniu 2006. Obecnie składa się z czterech brygad. Dwie z nich stacjonują na wyspie Oʻahu na Hawajach, jedna w w stanie Alaska (dawna 172 brygada), i jedna (spadochronowa) w , również w stanie Alaska. Dywizja znana jest z filmu Pluton. (pl)
  • 25-я пехотная дивизия (англ. 25th Infantry Division) — тактическое соединение Армии США, существующее с 1941 года. Прозвище — «Тропическая молния» (Tropic Lightning). Также существует неофициальное, шутливое название «Electric Strawberry» («Электрическая клубника») (ru)
  • 25-та піхо́тна диві́зія а́рмії США (англ. 25th Infantry Division (United States) — військове піхотне з'єднання армії США. Заснована 1 жовтня 1941 року. Пунктами постійної дислокації є гарнізони в штатах Гаваї та Аляска. Штаб-квартира дивізії розташована в Шофілд Барракс, Гаваї. Дивізія має у своєму складі п'ять бригад: дві ударні («Страйкер») — 1-ша та 2-га піхотні бригади, одну піхотну — 3-тя піхотна бригада, одну повітряно-десантну бригаду — 4-та повітряно-десантна бригада та бригаду армійської авіації, а також комплект частин дивізійного підпорядкування. (uk)
  • 美国陆军第25步兵师隶属于美国陆军太平洋司令部第8军,绰号“热带闪电”,是美国太平洋战区主要的陆军力量,可以在接到动员令后18小时内开始部署。第25步兵师属轻型作战师,机动灵活,在执行紧急支援任务方面能力突出,可以进行城市战或进行警备任务,局限在于无法抵挡重装甲部队、炮兵集群、战略导弹部队袭击,山地战能力差。第25轻步师自成立以来,先后参加过第二次世界大战、朝鲜战争、越南战争、阿富汗战争等,是美国陆军的主力部队之一。该师的格言是:“准备在任何地方、任何时刻进行打击。”(The preparation in any place, any time carries on the attack.) (zh)
  • The 25th Infantry Division (nicknamed "Tropic Lightning") is a United States Army division based at Schofield Barracks in Hawaii. The division, which was activated on 1 October 1941 in Hawaii, conducts military operations primarily in the Asia-Pacific region. Its present deployment is composed of light infantry and aviation units. Tropic Lightning soldiers regularly train with other U.S. military branches to practice and maintain joint operations capabilities. The climate and terrain of the Pacific region demands Tropic Lightning soldiers be able to operate in physically demanding and harsh environments. In 2014, the division opened the Jungle Operations Training Center—the first such school in the Army since the closing of the old Jungle Warfare School at Fort Sherman, Panama Canal Zone. (en)
  • 25th Infantry Division (Vereinigte Staaten) (de)
  • 25th Infantry Division (United States) (en)
  • 25e division d'infanterie (États-Unis) (fr)
  • 25th Infantry Division (United States Army) (it)
  • 第25歩兵師団 (アメリカ軍) (ja)
  • 25 Dywizja Piechoty (USA) (pl)
  • 25-я пехотная дивизия (США) (ru)
  • 美国陆军第25步兵师 (zh)
  • 25-та піхотна дивізія (США) (uk)
  • 25th Infantry Division (en)
  • "Tropic Lightning" (Special Designation) (en)
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