| - Ο Βλαντιμίρ Κους ( Vladimir Kush ) είναι Ρώσος σουρεαλιστής ζωγράφος και γλύπτης, γεννημένος το 1965. Σπούδασε στο , και μετά από μερικά χρόνια εργάστηκε ως καλλιτέχνης στη Μόσχα, τη γενέτειρά του, αργότερα μετανάστευσε στις Η.Π.Α.ιδρύοντας παράλληλα δική του γκαλερί στο νησί Μάουι της Χαβάης. (el)
- Vladimir Kush (Moscú, 1965) es un pintor surrealista que define su arte como surrealismo metafórico. (es)
- Vladimir Kush, né en 1965 à Moscou, est un peintre et un sculpteur surréaliste russe. (fr)
- Vladimir Kuš (Mosca, 1965) è un pittore e scultore russo surrealista, sebbene egli preferisca definire la propria arte realismo metaforico. (it)
- ウラジミール・クッシュ(Vladimir Kush, 1965年 -)はロシア出身の画家。ヴィラデミア・クッシュとも言う。メタフォリカルレアリズムの第一人者。 (ja)
- Куш Володимир (нар.1965) — російський художник та скульптор, аніматор, що працює в стилі сюрреалізм або, за його словами, «метафізичний реалізм». (uk)
- Vladimir Kush (born 1965) is a Russian born American painter, jewelry designer and sculptor. He studied at the Surikov Moscow Art Institute, and after several years working as an artist in Moscow, his native city, he emigrated to the United States, eventually establishing his own gallery on the island of Maui in Hawaii. His oil paintings are also sold as giclée prints which contributed to his popularity and led to the establishment of further galleries in Laguna Beach, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada, Miami, Florida . The artist has become part of the American cultural environment and is inspiring others. He is the only Russian artist in the US who has his own galleries where prints account for 80% of sales. European recognition came in 2012 with receiving from the hands of Marina Picass (en)
- Vladimir cush (Moscou, 1965) é um pintor que se identifica com o "realismo de metamorfose" ou "fine art", com desenhos e pinturas que formam imagens "impossíveis", se utilizando de truques de imagens e/ou elementos que se formam em outros. Aos sete anos, Vladimir começou o treino formal que o levou para o Instituto de Arte de Moscou, onde promoveu o seu domínio da cor, composição, óleos e técnicas de arte de todos os tipos. (pt)