Two Small Bodies is a 1993 thriller directed by Beth B and starring Fred Ward and Suzy Amis. The film is based on the 1977 American stage play Two Small Bodies by Neal Bell. The film was screened at the 1994 Sundance Film Festival.
Two Small Bodies ist ein Thriller mit nur zwei Hauptdarstellern. Die beiden Rollen werden von Fred Ward und Suzy Amis gespielt. (de)
Two Small Bodies is a 1993 thriller directed by Beth B and starring Fred Ward and Suzy Amis. The film is based on the 1977 American stage play Two Small Bodies by Neal Bell. The film was screened at the 1994 Sundance Film Festival. (en)
Two Small Bodies ist ein Thriller mit nur zwei Hauptdarstellern. Die beiden Rollen werden von Fred Ward und Suzy Amis gespielt. (de)
Two Small Bodies is a 1993 thriller directed by Beth B and starring Fred Ward and Suzy Amis. The film is based on the 1977 American stage play Two Small Bodies by Neal Bell. The film was screened at the 1994 Sundance Film Festival. (en)