Tokyo Dogs (東京DOGS, Tōkyō DOGS), sometimes styled as Tôkyô Dogs, is a Fuji TV Japanese television drama, which stars Shun Oguri, Hiro Mizushima and Yuriko Yoshitaka.
Tokyo Dogs è un dorama autunnale in 10 puntate di Fuji TV andato in onda nel 2009. Conosciuto anche come Saiaku de Saiko no Partner (The Worst and Best Partners), ha come protagonisti Shun Oguri e Hiro Mizushima. (it)
Tokyo Dogs (東京DOGS, Tōkyō DOGS), sometimes styled as Tôkyô Dogs, is a Fuji TV Japanese television drama, which stars Shun Oguri, Hiro Mizushima and Yuriko Yoshitaka. (en)