| - The Ten-Year Lunch (Untertitel: The Wit and Legend of the Algonquin Round Table) ist ein US-amerikanischer Dokumentarfilm von Aviva Slesin aus dem Jahr 1987 über den Algonquin Round Table. Die Veröffentlichung des Films war am 28. September 1987. Bei der Oscarverleihung 1988 erhielt der Film einen Oscar als Bester Dokumentarfilm. (de)
- The Ten-Year Lunch est un film documentaire américain réalisé par (en) et sorti en 1987. Le film a obtenu l'Oscar du meilleur documentaire en 1988. (fr)
- The Ten-Year Lunch: The Wit and Legend of the Algonquin Round Table è un documentario del 1987 diretto da vincitore del premio Oscar al miglior documentario. (it)
- The Ten-Year Lunch é um filme-documentário estadunidense de 1988 dirigido e escrito por , que fala sobre o grupo artístico . Venceu o Oscar de melhor documentário de longa-metragem na edição de 1989. (pt)
- The Ten-Year Lunch: The Wit and Legend of the Algonquin Round Table is a 1987 American documentary film about the Algonquin Round Table, a floating group of writers and actors during the Jazz Age in New York City, which included great names such as Dorothy Parker, Robert Benchley, George S. Kaufman, Edna Ferber, Marc Connelly, Harold Ross and Harpo Marx. It was produced and directed by Aviva Slesin and narrated by Heywood Hale Broun. The film premiered on the PBS series American Masters on September 28, 1987. On April 11, 1988, it won the 1987 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. (en)