The Great Bank Hoax is a 1978 American comedy film written and directed by Joseph Jacoby. The film stars Richard Basehart, Ned Beatty, Charlene Dallas, Burgess Meredith, Michael Murphy, Paul Sand and Constance Forslund.
The Great Bank Hoax is a 1978 American comedy film written and directed by Joseph Jacoby. The film stars Richard Basehart, Ned Beatty, Charlene Dallas, Burgess Meredith, Michael Murphy, Paul Sand and Constance Forslund. (en)
The Great Bank Hoax is a 1978 American comedy film written and directed by Joseph Jacoby. The film stars Richard Basehart, Ned Beatty, Charlene Dallas, Burgess Meredith, Michael Murphy, Paul Sand and Constance Forslund. (en)