The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven is a 1998 B-movie directed by Lawrence Lanoff, co-written by Khara Bromiley and Sam Rappaport, and distributed by Troma Films. It stars Carmen Electra and Lawrence Lanoff.
The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven is a 1998 B-movie directed by Lawrence Lanoff, co-written by Khara Bromiley and Sam Rappaport, and distributed by Troma Films. It stars Carmen Electra and Lawrence Lanoff. (en)
The Chosen One: Legend of the Raven is a 1998 B-movie directed by Lawrence Lanoff, co-written by Khara Bromiley and Sam Rappaport, and distributed by Troma Films. It stars Carmen Electra and Lawrence Lanoff. (en)