| - Stegeman Coliseum is a 10,523-seat multi-purpose arena in Athens, Georgia, United States. The arena opened in 1964 in honor of C. Sal Stegeman. It is home to the University of Georgia Bulldogs basketball and gymnastics teams. It was also the venue of the rhythmic gymnastics and preliminary indoor volleyball matches during the 1996 Summer Olympics, as well as the 1989, 1995, and 2008 NCAA gymnastics championships. As a multi-purpose facility, the Coliseum also hosted a variety of other kinds of events, including many large indoor rock concerts during its early history, as well as the university's Graduate School commencement exercises. At its opening it replaced Woodruff Hall, a 3,000-seat field house built in 1923. (en)
- Stegeman Coliseum é uma arena multiuso de 10 523 lugares, Athens, Geórgia. A arena aberta, em 1964. É a casa para a Universidade da Geórgia Bulldogs basquetebol e das equipes de ginástica. Foi também o local da ginástica rítmica e preliminares de vôlei durante a Olimpíadas de 1996, bem como os campeonatos de ginástica da NCAA de 1989, 1995, 2008. Ele substituiu Woodruff Hall, uma casa de campo de 3000 lugares, construído em 1923. (pt)
- Das Stegeman Coliseum (früher: University of Georgia Coliseum) ist eine Mehrzweckhalle in Athens im US-Bundesstaat Georgia. Das 1964 eröffnete Stegeman Coliseum ist die Heimspielstätte der Basketball- und Turnmannschaften der University of Georgia und ersetzte die 1923 erbaute Woodruf Hall. Im Rahmen der Olympischen Sommerspiele 1996 in Atlanta fanden in der Halle Wettkämpfe in der Rhythmischen Sportgymnastik und im Kunstturnen sowie Spiele im Volleyball statt. Des Weiteren war die Halle Austragungsort der NCAA-Turnmeisterschaften in den Jahren 1989, 1995 und 2008. Neben den Sportveranstaltung fanden im Stegeman Coliseum bereits einige Konzerte statt. (de)