| - San Juan Hill war ein Viertel in der Upper West Side des New Yorker Stadtbezirks Manhattan. (de)
- San Juan Hill Manhattango (New York) mendebaldean zegoen auzo afroamerikarra zen nagusiki. Ingurunearen zatirik handiena eraikuntza egiteko hiri berritzeko ondorioz suntsitu zen. (eu)
- San Juan Hill était un quartier essentiellement peuplé d'afro-américains de la West Side de l'arrondissement de Manhattan, à New York. La plupart de la zone fut détruite en raison d'un renouvellement urbain pour la construction du Lincoln Center.
* Portail de New York (fr)
- San Juan Hill was a community in what is now the Lincoln Square neighborhood of the Upper West Side in Manhattan, New York City. Its residents were mostly African-American, Afro-Caribbean, and Puerto Rican, and comprised one of the largest African-American communities in New York before World War I. San Juan Hill was bound by 59th Street to the south, West End Avenue to the west, 65th Street to the north, and Amsterdam Avenue (part of Tenth Avenue) to the east. The site is now occupied by Lincoln Center, a 16.3-acre (6.6 ha) complex dedicated to the performing arts. (en)
- San Juan Hill dulunnya merupakan permukiman yang didominasi oleh warga Afrika Amerika di West Side, borough Manhattan, New York City. Permukiman ini kemudian dirombak besar-besaran sebagai bagian dari dalam pembangunan Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. (in)