| - Peter Björn Nemenyi (14 d'abril de 1927 – 20 de maig de 2002) va ser un matemàtic nord-americà que treballava en estadística i teoria de probabilitats. Va ensenyar matemàtiques a diversos col·legis i universitats nord-americanes, com ara Hunter College, , Oberlin College, Universitat de Carolina del Nord a Chapel Hill, i la Universitat de Wisconsin–Madison. Diverses proves estadístiques, per exemple el , porten el seu nom. També va ser un destacat activista dels drets civils. Era fill de Paul Nemenyi, un eminent expert en mecànica de fluids i enginyeria del segle XX. La seva mare era Aranka Heller, poeta i erudita, filla de Bernat Heller, un reconegut aggadista, erudit islàmic i folklorista. (ca)
- Peter Björn Nemenyi (April 14, 1927 – May 20, 2002) was an American mathematician, who worked in statistics and probability theory. He taught mathematics at a number of American colleges and universities, including Hunter College, Tougaloo College, Oberlin College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Virginia State College and the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Several statistical tests, for example the Nemenyi test, bear his name. He was also a prominent civil-rights activist. He was the son of Paul Nemenyi an eminent fluid and engineering mechanics expert of the twentieth century. His mother was Aranka Heller, poet and scholar, daughter of Bernat Heller, a renowned 'Aggadist, Islamic scholar and folklorist. (en)
has abstract
| - Peter Björn Nemenyi (14 d'abril de 1927 – 20 de maig de 2002) va ser un matemàtic nord-americà que treballava en estadística i teoria de probabilitats. Va ensenyar matemàtiques a diversos col·legis i universitats nord-americanes, com ara Hunter College, , Oberlin College, Universitat de Carolina del Nord a Chapel Hill, i la Universitat de Wisconsin–Madison. Diverses proves estadístiques, per exemple el , porten el seu nom. També va ser un destacat activista dels drets civils. Era fill de Paul Nemenyi, un eminent expert en mecànica de fluids i enginyeria del segle XX. La seva mare era Aranka Heller, poeta i erudita, filla de Bernat Heller, un reconegut aggadista, erudit islàmic i folklorista. (ca)
- Peter Björn Nemenyi (April 14, 1927 – May 20, 2002) was an American mathematician, who worked in statistics and probability theory. He taught mathematics at a number of American colleges and universities, including Hunter College, Tougaloo College, Oberlin College, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Virginia State College and the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Several statistical tests, for example the Nemenyi test, bear his name. He was also a prominent civil-rights activist. He was the son of Paul Nemenyi an eminent fluid and engineering mechanics expert of the twentieth century. His mother was Aranka Heller, poet and scholar, daughter of Bernat Heller, a renowned 'Aggadist, Islamic scholar and folklorist. (en)