| - Oda de Canterbury (Ànglia de l'Est?, c. 880 - 2 de juny de 958), dit també Oda el Bó o Oda el Sever, fou un religiós anglès de família danesa, 22è arquebisbe de Canterbury. És venerat com a sant per l'Església Catòlica i l'anglicanisme. (ca)
- Odo aŭ Oda (mortis la 2-an de junio 958), foje kromnomata la bona aŭ la severa, estis ĉefepiskopo de Canterbury, Anglio, nomumita sanktulo de la katolika Eklezio. (eo)
- Odo von Canterbury (* um 880 in Dänemark; † 2. Juni 959 in Canterbury) war ein englischer Erzbischof und ist ein Heiliger. Er wird auch als Odo der Gute bezeichnet. (de)
- Oda (or Odo; died 958), called the Good or the Severe, was a 10th-century Archbishop of Canterbury in England. The son of a Danish invader, Oda became Bishop of Ramsbury before 928. A number of stories were told about his actions both prior to becoming and while a bishop, but few of these incidents are recorded in contemporary accounts. After being named to Canterbury in 941, Oda was instrumental in crafting royal legislation as well as involved in providing rules for his clergy. Oda was also involved in the efforts to reform religious life in England. He died in 958 and legendary tales afterwards were ascribed to him. Later he came to be regarded as a saint, and a hagiography was written in the late 11th or early 12th century. (en)
- Oda ou Odon, surnommé « le Bon » ou « le Sévère », est un ecclésiastique anglo-saxon mort le 2 juin 958. Il est évêque de Ramsbury, puis archevêque de Cantorbéry de 941 à sa mort. D'origine danoise, il est l'oncle d'Oswald de Worcester. Considéré comme saint après sa mort, il est fêté le 4 juillet. (fr)
- Oda o Odo detto "il Buono", o "il Severo", (880 circa – 2 giugno 958) è stato un arcivescovo britannico, vescovo di Ramsbury e poi arcivescovo di Canterbury; è venerato come santo dalle Chiese cristiane. (it)
- Ода, иначе Одо (англ. Oda; умер 2 июня 958) — 22-й архиепископ Кентерберийский (941—958). (ru)