| - Miguel Sousa Tavares (* 25. června 1952 Porto, Portugalsko) je portugalský novinář a spisovatel, původně vystudovaný právník. Jeho matkou byla uznávaná portugalská básnířka Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresenová. Jeho románovám debutem je kniha (2003). Píše také cestopisy, povídky a politické fejetony. (cs)
- Miguel Andresen de Sousa Tavares (* 25. Juni 1952 in Porto) ist ein portugiesischer Schriftsteller und Journalist. (de)
- Miguel Sousa Tavares, né à Porto le 25 juin 1952. Avocat, journaliste, chroniqueur politique portugais.Il est également l'auteur de plusieurs documents. (fr)
- Miguel Sousa Tavares (Porto, 25 giugno 1952) è uno scrittore e giornalista portoghese, figlio della più nota Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, vincitrice del Premio Camões nel 1999. Dopo aver studiato Giurisprudenza, intraprende la carriera di giornalista, scrivendo di tanto in tanto anche alcuni saggi. Ha debuttato come romanziere con il romanzo Equador, best seller nel 2003 con oltre 220 000 copie vendute. Ha scritto anche storie e racconti per bambini molto apprezzati; collabora con il settimanale politico Expresso (and Público before that) e con il quotidiano sportivo Bola, per il quale stende un resoconto settimanale sull'andamento della F.C. Porto, sua squadra del cuore. (it)
- Miguel Andresen de Sousa Tavares (Porto, 25 de junho de 1952) é um jornalista, editor, escritor e comentador político português. Os seus artigos de opinião (mais recentemente, na SIC Notícias, Expresso e TVI 24) são, frequentemente, polémicos. É um habitual crítico do Acordo Ortográfico, da Lei do Tabaco, de várias greves em Portugal, da privatização da TAP, do partido Pessoas-Animais-Natureza e das Forças Armadas. (pt)
- Miguel Andresen de Sousa Tavares (born Porto, 25 June 1952) is a Portuguese lawyer, journalist and writer. The son of poet Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen and lawyer and politician , Miguel received his education in Law, eventually pursuing careers in journalism and essay writing for which he became known. His literary fiction debut , based on the life of a Portuguese governor of São Tomé e Príncipe, was one of the best-selling books of 2003 in Portugal, with over 220,000 copies sold. He has also published some best-selling books for children. He currently writes a weekly column of political commentary for Expresso (as he previously did for Público), and contributes to the sports newspaper A Bola. His passion for football is well known, and he is a keen FC Porto supporter. He is usually s (en)
- Miguel Andresen de Sousa Tavares (Porto, 25 juni 1952) is een Portugese schrijver. Sousa Tavares debuteerde in 2003 met de roman 'Equador'. Voor die tijd werkte Sousa Tavares als journalist, wat nog is terug te lezen in zijn heldere en directe schrijfstijl. Sousa Tavares schrijft ook columns voor de dagbladen Expresso en A Bola. Sousa Tavares' debuutroman was een succes en het boek werd al snel vertaald in een aantal talen. In 2005 verscheen 'Evenaar', de Nederlandse vertaling. Inmiddels zijn er wereldwijd ongeveer 220,000 exemplaren van het boek verkocht. (nl)