A fatwa (Arabic: فتوى), is a non-binding legal opinion in Islam, issued by an Islamically qualified religious law specialist, known as a mufti, on a specific issue. The following is a list of notable historical and contemporary fatwas.
الفتوى هي مرسوم ديني في دين الإسلام يقوم بإصداره علماء في الشريعة الإسلامية حسب الأدلة الشرعية من القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية. القائمة الآتية تتضمن أبرز الفتاوى التاريخية والمعاصرة. (ar)
A fatwa (Arabic: فتوى), is a non-binding legal opinion in Islam, issued by an Islamically qualified religious law specialist, known as a mufti, on a specific issue. The following is a list of notable historical and contemporary fatwas. (en)
In questa pagina sono elencate le fatwā, risposte fornite a un qāḍī, giudice musulmano, da un giurisperito (faqīh) su un quesito presentatogli per sapere se una data fattispecie sia regolamentata dalla Sharīʿa e quali siano le modalità per applicarne il disposto. In questo caso il faqīh viene detto Muftī. (it)