| - Skits: Earth Disease, Couchmates, Kung Fu Karl, Smokey and the Bieber, Dick Figures. (en)
- An American goofball joins the terrorists, Josh and Liz get Jackson Galaxy to fix their broken cat, Jay and Hamilton mess with young planets, President Robot solves America and Gundarr enjoys some boobs on the tubes. (en)
- In this animated sketch show, Taylor Swift gets spacey, Josh and Liz re-friend and un-friend, Lavender attempts to get a dream job, Claire Danes cries a lot, and Kung Fu Karl karate chops movie sequels. (en)
- Skits: Bum Fight, Couchmates, Deep Space 69, Buzzfeed, Dick Figures. (en)
- Skits: Terrorists, Couchmates, Deep Space 69, President Robot, Gundarr. (en)
- Skits: Fat Albert, Couchmates, Chick Figures, Future Dad, Deep Space 69. (en)
- Skits: LaBeouf Art, Couchmates, Deep Space 69, Rhino Coach, Dick Figures. (en)
- Dick Cheney vs. Elmo, Josh and Liz vs. Geniuses, Gundarr tries a sassy new look, a woman loves a dolphin, Cat Agent reps George Clooney's cat, and a man and his bong get paranoid in the park. (en)
- In this animated sketch series, Jimmy Fallon makes a cutesy Joker, Josh and Liz get over-inked, Chick Figures can't get fired from Goople, Gundarr really loves his gun and Deep Space 69 goes Blade Jogging. (en)
- 6980.0 (second)
- In this animated sketch show, the Statue of Liberty is pregnant, Josh and Liz stalk their exs, Gundarr gets his gun license revoked, Miss Andry takes back the streets from Cat Call, and The Nuclear Family gets a visit from the Terminator. (en)
- A black guy has a breakthrough with the cops, Josh and Liz order a weed delivery, Todd the Wizard uses a crystal ball to spy on Gundarr, the Smurfsters hipster out, and Mystery Boy saves the universe. (en)
- Skits: Dick Cheney, Couchmates, Gundarr, Dolphins, Cat Agent, Paranoid Bong. (en)
- Skits: Jimmy Fallon, Couchmates, Chick Figures, Gundarr, Deep Space 69. (en)
- Skits: Taylor Swift, Couchmates, Chick Figures, Claire Danes, Kung Fu Karl. (en)
- Earth gets bad news from the doctor, Josh and Liz hate web commercials, Kung Fu Karl kicks a vacation, Smokey and The Bieber dodge the cops, Red and Blue swashbuckle a pirate ship. (en)
- A comedian tries comedy on a PC campus, Josh and Liz's drone delivery goes haywire, Kung Fu Karl legalizes drugs, The Rock blocks cocks, Cat Agent returns some calls, and God finally solves the case of humanity. (en)
- Skits: Cops Breakout, Couchmates, Gundarr, Smurfsters, Mystery Boy. (en)
- Charles Manson is the Bachelor, Josh and Liz get surprised by the rents, Jay finds out if he's a baby daddy, 80's movies get a modern twist, and Curb Crew debates Dracula vs. Frankenstein. (en)
- Fat Albert learns not to ruffie, Josh makes peace with his inner beard, Lavender gets nerve gas when she meets a boy, a dad in the future can't relate to his kids and Jay pays the price for seducing the daughter of a god. (en)
- Nicki Minaj and Iggy Azalea have a bum fight, Daniel Tosh wants to stick something in your ear, Princess Leia works out her daddy issues, A Day in the life at Buzzfeed, and Red and Blue kill some zombies. (en)
- Skits: He-Man, Couchmates, Deep Space 69, Neil Degrasse Tyson, Cat Agent. (en)
- Religion gets all debatey, Josh and Liz inherit some porn, Jay and Hamilton get dock blocked, Family Guy gets remade poorly, Cat Agent closes a deal, and Red finds a lost cat. (en)
- Skits: Lumbersexual, Couchmates, Deep Space 69, Lego Movie, Chick Figures. (en)
- Shia LaBeouf becomes art, life gets meta, no wi-fi leads to space madness in Deep Space 69, a rhino flies coach, Red and Blue pretend to be cops. (en)
- Skits: Religion, Couchmates, Deep Space 69, Family Guy, Cat Agent, Dick Figures. (en)
- A lumbersexual sings his theme song, Josh and Liz get paranoid about the NSA, Jay races in the space 1950's, The Lego Movie gets remade poorly, Scarlet and Lavender face off against a neckbeard jerk. (en)
- Skits: Mic Massacre, Couchmates, Kung Fu Karl, Cock Block, Cat Agent, God Solves Humanity. (en)
- He-Man defends owning a cat, Josh and Liz almost leave the couch, Jay destroys Spacebook, Neil Degrasse Tyson redefines Cosmos, and Cat Agent goes golfing. (en)
- Skits: Statue of Liberty, Couchmates, Gundarr, Miss Andry, Nuclear Family. (en)
- Skits: Matthew McConaughey, Couchmates, Kung Fu Karl, Miss Andry, Curb Crew. (en)
- Matthew McConaughey awards himself, Josh goes Tinderstellar, Kung Fu Karl takes on cats, Miss Andry puts a Frat Boy in his place, and Curb Crew debates Jail vs. a Bus Ride. (en)