In Greek mythology, Leucippus (Ancient Greek: Λεύκιππος Leukippos, "white horse") was a name attributed to multiple characters: * Leucippus (son of Perieres), a Messenian prince and father of the Phoebe, Hilaera and Arsinoe. * Leucippus (daughter of Galatea), the daughter of Lamprus and Galatea, who was turned by Leto into a son. * Leucippus (son of Thurimachus), the son of Thurimachus and king of Sicyon. * Leucippus, the Thespian son of Heracles and Eurytele, daughter of King Thespius of Thespiae. Leucippus and his 49 half-brothers were born of Thespius' daughters who were impregnated by Heracles in one night, for a week or in the course of 50 days while hunting for the Cithaeronian lion. Later on, the hero sent a message to Thespius to keep seven of these sons and send three of them