| - Les Coréens du Vietnam forment une diaspora de Coréens au Vietnam. À l'origine, les Coréens étaient venus au Vietnam dans un cadre militaire, combattant pour les deux parties impliquées dans la guerre du Viêt Nam. À la fin de la guerre, peu de Coréens ont émigré au Vietnam ou s'y sont rendus pour y faire du tourisme; mais une fois que l'économie sud-coréenne a atteint un niveau de développement élevé et que l'économie de la Corée du Nord a entamé son déclin, le Vietnam a vu un afflux d'investisseurs du Sud et de réfugiés du Nord, et en parallèle un nombre croissant de Sud-Coréens cherchant des épouses vietnamiennes. Depuis 2009, ils représentent la deuxième communauté coréenne en Asie du Sud-Est, après celle des Philippines, et la dixième dans le monde. (fr)
- 재베트남 교민(在越僑民, 베트남어: Người Hàn Quốc tại Việt Nam응어이 한 꾸옥 타이 비엣 남, 영어: Koreans in Vietnam)은 베트남에 살고 있는 한국인들이며, 근래 한국인들의 베트남에 대한 투자급증과 비례하여, 2012년 기준으로 재베트남 한국인은 약 13만명을 돌파한 것으로 베트남 정부는 추산하고 있다. 동남아시아 내에 거주는 교민사회 중에서 재필리핀 동포를 추월하여 가장 많은 동포로 부상한 것으로 파악되고 있다. 주로 대부분이 구 남베트남의 수도 호찌민 시 시내와 근교 공단지역에 거주하고 있으며, 근래에는 북부의 수도 하노이의 개발 및 투자와 관련하여 역시 가파른 증가추세에 있다. (ko)
- Koreans in Vietnam is a community of Vietnam. It is a population of only the Korean expatriates along and some Vietnamese (people) citizens that have Korean ancestry. Most of these people (them) are expatriates in Vietnam in 21st century. The population initially came in a military capacity, fighting on both sides of the Vietnam War. After the end of the war, there was little Korean migration or tourism in Vietnam, until the rise of the South Korean economy and the decline of the North resulted in an influx of South Korean investors and North Korean defectors, as well as South Korean men seeking Vietnamese wives. However, Vietnamese women experience high levels of domestic violence and abuse due to the difficulties of intercultural marriage. (en)
- Корейцы во Вьетнаме — этническое сообщество Вьетнама, состоящее из корейских эмигрантов и вьетнамских граждан корейского происхождения. Возникло из корейских военных, которые в ходе войны во Вьетнаме сражались на обеих сторонах. После окончания войны уровень миграции и туризма был невысок, пока рост экономики Южной Кореи и упадок КНДР не привели к притоку южнокорейских инвесторов и беженцев из Северной Кореи. Также мужчины из Южной Кореи часто ищут во Вьетнаме жён, создавая смешанные браки, в которых высок уровень домашнего насилия и жестокого обращения с женщинами. По состоянию на 2011 год, согласно статистике Министерства иностранных дел и торговли Южной Кореи, во Вьетнаме насчитывалось около восьмидесяти тысяч корейцев, что делало их сообщество второй по величине корейской диаспорой соо (ru)
has abstract
| - Koreans in Vietnam is a community of Vietnam. It is a population of only the Korean expatriates along and some Vietnamese (people) citizens that have Korean ancestry. Most of these people (them) are expatriates in Vietnam in 21st century. The population initially came in a military capacity, fighting on both sides of the Vietnam War. After the end of the war, there was little Korean migration or tourism in Vietnam, until the rise of the South Korean economy and the decline of the North resulted in an influx of South Korean investors and North Korean defectors, as well as South Korean men seeking Vietnamese wives. However, Vietnamese women experience high levels of domestic violence and abuse due to the difficulties of intercultural marriage. As of 2011, according to statistics of South Korea's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, they numbered roughly eighty thousand people, making them the second-largest Korean diaspora community in Southeast Asia, after the Korean community in the Philippines and the tenth-largest in the world. A more recent estimate from Vietnam Television says their population might be as large as 130,000. Vietnam and Korea had a connection in the past via survivors of the Lý dynasty of Vietnam fleeing to Korea via Taiwan. Lý Long Tường/Lee Yong Sang is one such notable figure. (en)