| - IGCSE(International General Certificate of Secondary Education)는 영국의 중고등 과정인 GCSE를 케임브리지 대학에서 국제학생을 위한 국제 커리큘럼으로 개조한 것이다. IGCSE는 IB와 마찬가지로 국제적인 공인성의 교육과정이다. 매우 많은 국제학교들이 채용하고 있는 교육과정으로, 9학년과 10학년을 걸쳐 진행된다. IGCSE를 수료한 학생들은 11학년부터 A Level을 수료하거나, NLCS Jeju 같이 IB DP로 넘어가는 학교도 있다. IGCSE는 크게 Cambridge IGCSE와 Edexcel IGCSE로 구분된다. 일부 학교들은 과학, 영어등의 과목을 CIE 대신 Edexcel IGCSE로 보는 경우도 있다. (ko)
- 国际中学教育普通证书(全称:International General Certificate of Secondary Education,缩写:IGCSE),由英國劍橋大學創立,是针对14岁至16岁学生的國際普通中學教育认证,被全世界多数大学及雇主所承认。 作为升读A-Level国际预科课程之前的基础课程,IGCSE国际高中课程在学制上大体相当于中国的高一、高二年级课程。 (zh)
- The International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) is an English language based examination similar to GCSE and is recognised in the United Kingdom as being equivalent to the GCSE for the purposes of recognising prior attainment. It was developed by University of Cambridge International Examinations. The examination boards Edexcel and Oxford AQA also offer their own versions of International GCSEs. Students normally begin studying the syllabus at the beginning of Year 10 and take the test at the end of Year 11. However, in some international schools, students can begin studying the syllabus at the beginning of Year 9 and take the test at the end of Year 10. (en)
- Los IGCSE son la abreviatura de International General Certificate of Secondary Education. Los IGCSE son exámenes internacionales de Inglaterra. Hay varios países que brindan estos exámenes a ciertos colegios que tengan la habilidad apropiada para aplicar estos exámenes. Los alumnos necesitan aproximadamente 2 años para prepararse para estos exámenes generalmente. Lo general es que alumnos entre 14-17 años den este examen (3º-4º E.S.O. en España). Tienen calificaciones desde A* (la mejor) hasta U (desaprobado), pasando por las calificaciones intermedias (todas implican aprobación, y estas son A, B, C, D, E, F y G, siendo obviamente una A mejor que una G). (es)
- IGCSE singkatan dari International General Certificate of Secondary Education (Indonesia: Sertifikat Internasional Pendidikan Menengah) adalah ujian internasional untuk siswa sekolah menengah. IGCSE dikembangkan oleh CIE (Cambridge International Examination) pada tahun 1988 dan dijadikan ujian internasional oleh CIE dan London Examinations. IGCSE dikhususkan untuk anak berusia 14-16 tahun, dan untuk menyiapkan siswa ke jenjang berikutnya, seperti AS Level, dan program diploma IB. dan pun dipercaya oleh sekolah-sekolah dipenjuru dunia sebagai acuan untuk mengadakan ujian internasional. (in)