HIM is an ITV drama miniseries, consisting of three 60-minute episodes. The series follows a boy referred to only as HIM (Fionn Whitehead) who discovers that he has telekinetic powers.
HIM is an ITV drama miniseries, consisting of three 60-minute episodes. The series follows a boy referred to only as HIM (Fionn Whitehead) who discovers that he has telekinetic powers. (en)
Him (stylisé en HIM) est une mini-série dramatique d'ITV, composée de trois épisodes de 60 minutes. La série suit un garçon appelé seulement HIM (Fionn Whitehead) qui découvre qu'il a des pouvoirs de télékinésie. (fr)
HIM è una miniserie televisiva del 2016 diretta da Andy De Emmony e sceneggiata da Paula Milne. (it)
Faith decides she shouldn't become romantically involved with HIM, and goes out on a date with one of HIM's friends. Enraged, HIM causes a serious accident, leaving his friend hospitalized in intensive care. HIM confesses to his psychiatrist, Ross Brodie, that he has telekinetic powers. (en)
Dr. Brodie refers HIM to Magda Elliott, a Professor of Psychic Research who verifies HIM's telekinetic powers. Elliott ultimately does not have HIM's best interests at heart and Ross decides she is not the person to help HIM find the answers he seeks. Him leaves home, and a year later is using his powers to perform magic shows and seems contented and happier. (en)