General Zahl is a fictional character who appears in American comic books published by DC Comics. Initially known as Captain Zahl, he is a former officer of the German Navy who has come into conflict with the Doom Patrol from time to time.
El General Zahl es un supervillano creado para la editorial DC Comics, en las páginas de la historieta Doom Patrol, y siendo uno de sus más acérrimos enemigos de dicho equipo, debutó en las páginas del cómic de Doom Patrol Vol. 1 #121 (octubre de 1968) y fue creado por y . (es)
General Zahl is a fictional character who appears in American comic books published by DC Comics. Initially known as Captain Zahl, he is a former officer of the German Navy who has come into conflict with the Doom Patrol from time to time. (en)
Generale Zahl è il nome di un personaggio immaginario che compare nei fumetti DC Comics. (it)