"Eye of the Beholder" (also titled "The Private World of Darkness" when initially rebroadcast in the summer of 1962) is episode 42 of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone. It originally aired on November 11, 1960 on CBS.
"Eye of the Beholder" (also titled "The Private World of Darkness" when initially rebroadcast in the summer of 1962) is episode 42 of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone. It originally aired on November 11, 1960 on CBS. (en)
"The Eye of the Beholder" (oorspronkelijk getiteld "The Private World Of Darkness") is een aflevering van de Amerikaanse televisieserie The Twilight Zone. Het scenario werd geschreven door Rod Serling. (nl)
"Eye of the Beholder" (also titled "The Private World of Darkness" when initially rebroadcast in the summer of 1962) is episode 42 of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone. It originally aired on November 11, 1960 on CBS. (en)
"The Eye of the Beholder" (oorspronkelijk getiteld "The Private World Of Darkness") is een aflevering van de Amerikaanse televisieserie The Twilight Zone. Het scenario werd geschreven door Rod Serling. (nl)