| - Earl of Perth ist ein erblicher britischer Adelstitel in der Peerage of Scotland. Der jeweilige Earl ist erblicher Chief des Clan Drummond. Familiensitz der Earls war früher Drummond Castle bei Crieff in Perth and Kinross und ist heute Stobhall bei Perth in Perth and Kinross. (de)
- Comte de Perth (Earl of Perth) est un titre de la pairie d'Écosse transmis dans la . (fr)
- パース伯爵(英語: Earl of Perth)は、スコットランド貴族の伯爵位の一つ。1605年にに土地を所有する第4代ドラモンド卿が叙位されたのに始まる。4代伯ジェイムズ・ドラモンドは名誉革命後にジャコバイトに走ったため、1716年に私権剥奪となり、爵位を失ったが(としてはパース公爵に叙位された)、1853年にが貴族院特権委員会によって5代パース伯爵に復権し、以降現在まで続いている。 (ja)
- Граф Перт (англ. Earl of Perth) — наследственный титул в системе Пэрства Шотландии. Был создан 4 марта 1605 года для Джеймса Драммонда, 4-го лорда Драммонда (ум. 1611). Титул учтивости старшего сына и наследника графа Перта — виконт Стрателлан (Viscount Strathallan). (ru)
- Earl of Perth is a title in the Peerage of Scotland. It was created in 1605 for James Drummond, 4th Lord Drummond. The Drummond family claim descent from Maurice, son of George, a younger son of King Andrew I of Hungary. Maurice arrived in Scotland on the ship which brought Edgar Ætheling, the Saxon claimant to the crown of England after the Norman Conquest, and his sister Margaret to Scotland in 1068. Maurice was given lands in Lennox (Dunbartonshire), together with the hereditary stewardship of the county. The Hungarian Prince theory has been discounted as no evidence of any relationships exists in written records or DNA. "The Red Book of the Menteiths" clearly discounts the Hungarian Prince as a myth likely formed to give status to the Drummond origins. The Drummonds in the 12th Century (en)
- Conte di Perth è un titolo dei Pari di Scozia. È stato creato nel 1605 per . La famiglia Drummond rivendicava la propria discendenza da Maurice, figlio di George, il figlio più giovane del re Andrea I d'Ungheria. Maurice arrivò in Scozia a bordo della nave che ha portato , il pretendente sassone alla corona d'Inghilterra dopo la conquista normanna, e la sorella Margherita, nel 1068. A Maurice vennero date le terre nel , insieme alla gestione ereditaria della contea. Il suo successore venne privato delle terre e si ritirò nel Perthshire. (it)