Beyond the Beyond (その向こうの向こう側, Sono Mukō no Mukōgawa) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by . The story is about Futaba Kudo, a young boy who is pulled into a strange world when he rescues a girl named Kiara, a powerful girl whom many people wish to capture or kill. Futaba pledges to protect Kiara from her pursuers and help her find her missing master. The series first premiered in Japan in the monthly shōnen magazine Comic Blade in 2004, where it ran until February 2008. The individual chapters were collected and published in six tankōbon volumes by Mag Garden.
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| - Futabas (höchst) seltsame Reise (de)
- Beyond the Beyond (manga) (en)
- その向こうの向こう側 (ja)
| - Futabas (höchst) seltsame Reise (jap. その向こうの向こう側, Sono Mukō no Mukōgawa, dt. „Jene andere Seite gegenüber“) ist ein Manga des japanischen Zeichners Yoshitomo Watanabe aus den Jahren 2004 bis 2008. Das Werk wurde in mehrere Sprachen übersetzt und umfasst über 1000 Seiten. (de)
- 『その向こうの向こう側』(そのむこうのむこうがわ)は渡辺祥智原作のファンタジー漫画作品。略称は「むこむこ」、または「向こう側」「向こう」。 マッグガーデン刊の「月刊コミックブレイド」2003年9月号にて表紙&巻頭カラーで連載開始。2008年3月号で連載終了。全6巻。単行本の1 - 3、5巻はいずれも初回限定版が同時に発売された。1巻はミニ画集、2巻はミニドラマCD、3巻にはファンブック、5巻にはクレイトンマスコット3体が付録。また通常版と限定版では表紙も異なっている。 (ja)
- Beyond the Beyond (その向こうの向こう側, Sono Mukō no Mukōgawa) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by . The story is about Futaba Kudo, a young boy who is pulled into a strange world when he rescues a girl named Kiara, a powerful girl whom many people wish to capture or kill. Futaba pledges to protect Kiara from her pursuers and help her find her missing master. The series first premiered in Japan in the monthly shōnen magazine Comic Blade in 2004, where it ran until February 2008. The individual chapters were collected and published in six tankōbon volumes by Mag Garden. (en)
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| - Cover of the original Japanese release of the first volume Beyond the Beyond (en)
| - * Chapter 1: The Way Back Home to Where You Fell From
* Chapter 2: A Shortcut for the Long Way
* Chapter 3: Birds That Won't Fly / Birds That Can't Fly
* Chapter 4: The House Deep Inside the Forest
* Chapter 5: Those Who Pick the Flowers (en)
- * Chapter 12: The Me That I Don't Know Is Me
* Chapter 13: It Is Impossible To Fly
* Chapter 14: Red Thunder
* Chapter 15: Wizard's Apprentice
* Chapter 16: Those Who Drown
* Chapter 17: In the Mist
* Chapter 18: Heart-hugging
* Extra Chapters (en)
- * Chapter 19: Tears
* Chapter 20: The Other Side
* Chapter 21: Colorful forest
* Chapter 22: Dream I Had a Long Time Ago
* Chapter 23: Happy Item
* Chapter 24: The Wing's Whereabouts
* Chapter 25: You on the Other Side (en)
- * Chapter 6: Temptation
* Chapter 7: The City That Reflects on the Surface of the Water
* Chapter 8: Pottage of Lentils
* Chapter 9: Even If It Is a Little Flower, It Is Still a Flower
* Chapter 10: What a Little Light Wishes For
* Chapter 11: After the Dream (en)
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| - Sono Mukō no Mukōgawa (en)
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