Agistment originally referred specifically to the proceeds of pasturage in the king's forests. To agist is, in English law, to take cattle to graze, in exchange for payment (derived from the Old English giste, gite, a "lying place").
Agistment originally referred specifically to the proceeds of pasturage in the king's forests. To agist is, in English law, to take cattle to graze, in exchange for payment (derived from the Old English giste, gite, a "lying place"). (en)
Le droit de pâturage est le droit de faire paître du bétail ou des chevaux dans un lieu délimité et à une période précise. (fr)
Agistment originally referred specifically to the proceeds of pasturage in the king's forests. To agist is, in English law, to take cattle to graze, in exchange for payment (derived from the Old English giste, gite, a "lying place"). (en)
Le droit de pâturage est le droit de faire paître du bétail ou des chevaux dans un lieu délimité et à une période précise. (fr)