| - Die 80th Infantry Division (deutsch 80. US-Infanteriedivision) ist ein Großverband der US-Army. Er existiert heute als 80th Training Command. (de)
- La 80e division d'infanterie (80th Infantry Division) est une division de l'US Army active lors des deux guerres mondiales et toujours présente aujourd'hui sous la dénomination de 80th Training Command. (fr)
- 제80훈련사령부 (육군 학교 시스템)(영어: 80th Training Command (The Army School System))는 의 교육훈련부대이다. 제1차 세계 대전과 제2차 세계 대전에서 전시 편성된 보병사단이었으며, 종전 후 1946년부터 1952년까지 공수사단으로 전환되었지만, 냉전부터 교육훈련부대로 부대의 운영 목적이 바뀌었다. (ko)
- La 80th Infantry Division (80ª Divisione di fanteria) è stata una divisione di fanteria dell'esercito degli Stati Uniti che ha partecipato alla prima guerra mondiale ed alla seconda guerra mondiale per poi essere disattivata il 7 gennaio 1946 ma nel dicembre dello stesso anno fu riattivata come 80th Airborne Division della riserva. Nel maggio 1952 fu riorganizzata e rinominata 80th Infantry Division ed il 1º marzo 1959 si trasformò in un divisione di addestramento della riserva. Nel 1994 fu rinominata 80th Division (Institutional Training) ed il 1º ottobre 2008 fu riorganizzata ed assunse il nome di 80th Training Command.. (it)
- 80-я пехотная дивизия (англ. 80th Infantry Division) — дивизия Армии США. Прозвище: «Blue Ridge Division». (ru)
- 80-та тренувальна дивізія (США) (англ. 80th Division (United States), також 80-те тренувальна командування(англ. 80th Training Command (The Army School System - TASS) — військове з'єднання, дивізія армії США. Дивізія брала участь у бойових діях Першої та Другої світових війн. З грудня 1946 до травня 1952 року — 80-та повітрянодесантна дивізія, після чого реорганізована на резервну піхотну дивізію, а згодом на резервну навчальну дивізію. 1 жовтня 2008 року з'єднання стало іменуватися 80-м тренувальним командуванням Резерву армії США. (uk)
- The 80th Training Command (The Army School System - TASS) is a formation of the United States Army Reserve. The unit was first organized in August 1917 and activated the following September during World War I as the 80th Division. During World War II, the Division was redesignated on 1 August 1942, as the 80th Infantry Division. Nicknamed the "Blue Ridge Division", it was initially composed of draftees from the mid-atlantic states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. The Division was redesignated the 80th Airborne Division from December 1946 to May 1952. In May 1952 and March 1959, the unit was redesignated as a reserve infantry division and then a reserve training division. In 1994, the unit was granted the designation, 80th Division (Institutional Training). On 1 Octob (en)