"Koks w \u0142adowni \u2013 dziewi\u0119tnasty album komiksowy o przygodach reportera Tintina i jego psa, Milusia. Autorem jest Herg\u00E9. W tym albumie powraca wielu bohater\u00F3w. S\u0105 to: \n* (P\u0119kni\u0119te ucho i Siedem kryszta\u0142owych kul); \n* Emir (Tintin w krainie czarnego z\u0142ota); \n* (Cygara faraona i B\u0142\u0119kitny lotos); \n* (Cygara faraona i Tintin w krainie czarnego z\u0142ota); \n* Dawson (B\u0142\u0119kitny lotos); \n* (Cygara faraona i Krab o z\u0142otych szczypcach); \n* (Ber\u0142o Ottokara i Afera Lakmusa); \n* (Czarna Wyspa i Tintin w krainie czarnego z\u0142ota)."@pl . "2009"^^ . . . "2011"^^ . . . . "Coke en stock (ou Les Aventures de Tintin : Coke en stock) est le 19e album de bande dessin\u00E9e des Aventures de Tintin, con\u00E7u par Herg\u00E9 et paru en 1958."@fr . . "Stock de coque"@es . . . "Cokes in voorraad"@nl . "1114047844"^^ . . . . . . "Goddin"@en . . "256"^^ . . "Stock de coque (en franc\u00E9s Coke en stock), es el decimonoveno \u00E1lbum de Las aventuras de Tint\u00EDn, escritas e ilustradas por el historietista belga Herg\u00E9. Se public\u00F3 en franc\u00E9s en 1958. ISBN 978-84-261-1003-9 Stock de coque es una aventura en la cual Tint\u00EDn descubre que el Sheikh est\u00E1 detr\u00E1s del derrocamiento de Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab, el emir del Khemed."@es . . . "Goddin"@en . "Cover of the English edition"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Laut Merah (Tintin)"@in . . . "--10-31"^^ . "Koks i lasten, fransk originaltitel: Coke en stock, \u00E4r det nittonde i en serie klassiska seriealbum, skrivna och illustrerade av den belgiske serietecknaren Herg\u00E9, vars huvudperson \u00E4r den unge reportern Tintin. Koks i lasten publicerades f\u00F6rsta g\u00E5ngen i album p\u00E5 franska 1958, efter att serierna ursprungligen f\u00F6ljetongpublicerats 31 oktober 1956\u20131 januari 1958. Den f\u00F6rsta svenska \u00F6vers\u00E4ttningen gavs ut i album 1969, som Illustrationsf\u00F6rlagets Tintin-album nummer 13."@sv . "74"^^ . "Kohle an Bord"@de . "Tintin, Snowy, Haddock, and Skut are on a raft in the Red Sea, waving at us. We are viewing the scene through a telescope."@en . "72"^^ . . . . "Coke en stock (Perdidos no Mar ou Carv\u00E3o no Por\u00E3o, como editado em portugu\u00EAs) \u00E9 o d\u00E9cimo nono \u00E1lbum da s\u00E9rie de banda desenhada franco-belga As aventuras de Tintim, produzida pelo belga Herg\u00E9. A hist\u00F3ria foi publicada semanalmente pela Revista Tintin de outubro de 1956 a janeiro de 1958 e republicado no formato \u00E1lbum pela Casterman em 1958. A hist\u00F3ria mostra o jovem jornalista belga Tintim, o seu c\u00E3o Milu e seu amigo Capit\u00E3o Haddock enquanto viajam para o reino (fict\u00EDcio) do Oriente M\u00E9dio de Khemed com a inten\u00E7\u00E3o de ajudar o emir Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab a recuperar o controle ap\u00F3s um golpe de estado de seus inimigos, que s\u00E3o financiados por comerciantes de escravos. Na sequ\u00EAncia do volume anterior da s\u00E9rie, L'affaire Tournesol', Coke en stock foi criado com a ajuda da equipe de artistas de Herg\u00E9 no Studios Herg\u00E9. Influenciado por La com\u00E9die humaine de Honor\u00E9 de Balzac, Herg\u00E9 usou a hist\u00F3ria como um ve\u00EDculo para reintroduzir uma ampla gama de personagens que apareceram pela primeira vez em vers\u00F5es anteriores da s\u00E9rie. A hist\u00F3ria tratou do com\u00E9rcio em curso de africanos escravizados em todo o mundo \u00E1rabe. No entanto, na d\u00E9cada de 1960, a hist\u00F3ria geraria controv\u00E9rsia, j\u00E1 que Herg\u00E9 foi repetidamente acusado de ter retratado os africanos de maneira racista. Ele ficou chateado com essas alega\u00E7\u00F5es e fez altera\u00E7\u00F5es na representa\u00E7\u00E3o dos africanos em reimpress\u00F5es posteriores. Herg\u00E9 continuou As Aventuras de Tintin com Tintin au Tibet, e a s\u00E9rie como um todo tornou-se uma parte definidora da tradi\u00E7\u00E3o da banda desenhada franco-belga. Coke en stock foi criticamente bem recebido com v\u00E1rios comentaristas descrevendo-o como uma das melhores aventuras de Tintin. A hist\u00F3ria foi adaptada para a s\u00E9rie animada As Aventuras de Tintim dos est\u00FAdios e Nelvana de 1991."@pt . . "Coke in Stock (Coke en stock) \u00E8 la diciannovesima avventura della serie fumetti Le avventure di Tintin realizzata nel 1958 dal fumettista belga Herg\u00E9."@it . . . . "\u062A\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0623\u0633\u0645\u0627\u0643 \u0642\u0631\u0634 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u062D\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u0645\u0631\u0647\u064A \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0632\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0627\u0633\u0639 \u0639\u0634\u0631 \u0645\u0646 \u0645\u063A\u0627\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062A \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0636\u0639\u062A \u0645\u0646 \u0642\u0628\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0627\u062A\u0628 \u0647\u064A\u0631\u062C\u064A \u0628\u0637\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u062D\u0641\u064A \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u064A\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638 \u0641\u064A \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0632\u0621 \u0645\u0634\u0627\u0631\u0643\u0629 \u0639\u062F\u062F \u0643\u0628\u064A\u0631 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u062E\u0635\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 ."@ar . "right"@en . . . . "Koks i lasten"@sv . . . . . . "Goddin"@en . "Peeters"@en . . . ""@en . . . . . . . . "Laut Merah adalah sebuah album serial Kisah Petualangan Tintin yang ke 19. Dalam versi aslinya yang menggunakan Bahasa Prancis berjudul 'Coke en Stock'. Album ini menceritakan tentang perdagangan manusia di Laut Merah serta konflik antara Emir Ben Kalish Ezab dengan . Cerita bermula dengan pertemuan Tintin dan Kapten Haddock dengan Jenderal Alcazar tanpa sengaja sepulangnya dari bioskop. Setibanya di Moulinsart, mereka mendapat kejutan berupa kedatangan Abdallah, putra Emir Ben Kalish Ezab dengan segala keusilannya. Emir sendiri menitipkan pesan bersama dengan kedatangan Abdallah, yang menyatakan bahwa Emir sedang dalam keadaan yang gawat karena dia dikudetai oleh musuh lamanya, Bab El Ehr. Mengetahui keadaan gawat yang dimaksud, Tintin, bersama Milo dan Kapten, pergi ke yang sedang dalam situasi konflik. Di sana, mereka mendapat kabar mengejutkan bahwa di Laut Merah terdapat perdagangan manusia, orang Afrika yang hendak berangkat haji ke Mekkah sebagai budak oleh seorang miliuner, Di Gorgonzola. Dalam album ini, terdapat kemunculan seorang pilot Estonia yang bernama Piotr Skut, tentara angkatan udara dari pihak Bab El Ehr yang ikut berpartisipasi dengan Tintin dan Kapten. \n* l \n* \n* s"@in . . . . . . . . . "Koks i lasten, fransk originaltitel: Coke en stock, \u00E4r det nittonde i en serie klassiska seriealbum, skrivna och illustrerade av den belgiske serietecknaren Herg\u00E9, vars huvudperson \u00E4r den unge reportern Tintin. Koks i lasten publicerades f\u00F6rsta g\u00E5ngen i album p\u00E5 franska 1958, efter att serierna ursprungligen f\u00F6ljetongpublicerats 31 oktober 1956\u20131 januari 1958. Den f\u00F6rsta svenska \u00F6vers\u00E4ttningen gavs ut i album 1969, som Illustrationsf\u00F6rlagets Tintin-album nummer 13."@sv . . "Koks w \u0142adowni \u2013 dziewi\u0119tnasty album komiksowy o przygodach reportera Tintina i jego psa, Milusia. Autorem jest Herg\u00E9. W tym albumie powraca wielu bohater\u00F3w. S\u0105 to: \n* (P\u0119kni\u0119te ucho i Siedem kryszta\u0142owych kul); \n* Emir (Tintin w krainie czarnego z\u0142ota); \n* (Cygara faraona i B\u0142\u0119kitny lotos); \n* (Cygara faraona i Tintin w krainie czarnego z\u0142ota); \n* Dawson (B\u0142\u0119kitny lotos); \n* (Cygara faraona i Krab o z\u0142otych szczypcach); \n* (Ber\u0142o Ottokara i Afera Lakmusa); \n* (Czarna Wyspa i Tintin w krainie czarnego z\u0142ota)."@pl . . "Tintin in Tibet"@en . . . . . . "Michael Turner"@en . "Cokes in voorraad (oorspronkelijke Franstalige titel: Coke en stock) is het negentiende album uit de reeks Kuifje-strips van de Belgische tekenaar Herg\u00E9 (1907-1983). Het is voor het eerst verschenen in 1958. In 1986 verscheen een nieuwe Nederlandse vertaling."@nl . . . "Farr"@en . . . . . . . "Koks na palub\u011B (francouzsky Coke en stock) je se\u0161it z komiksov\u00E9 s\u00E9rie Tintinova dobrodru\u017Estv\u00ED od kresl\u00ED\u0159e Herg\u00E9ho. Ve francouzsk\u00E9m origin\u00E1le poprv\u00E9 vych\u00E1zel na pokra\u010Dov\u00E1n\u00ED v letech 1956\u20131958, prvn\u00ED \u010Desk\u00FD p\u0159eklad poch\u00E1z\u00ED z roku 2010 od nakladatelstv\u00ED Albatros. Jm\u00E9no \u201EKoks na palub\u011B\u201C doopravdy znamen\u00E1 sp\u00ED\u0161e \u201E\u010Dern\u00ED otroci na palub\u011B\u201C."@cs . "French"@en . "The Red Sea Sharks"@en . . . . . "1960"^^ . . "Goddin"@en . "63"^^ . "Coke en stock (Perdidos no Mar ou Carv\u00E3o no Por\u00E3o, como editado em portugu\u00EAs) \u00E9 o d\u00E9cimo nono \u00E1lbum da s\u00E9rie de banda desenhada franco-belga As aventuras de Tintim, produzida pelo belga Herg\u00E9. A hist\u00F3ria foi publicada semanalmente pela Revista Tintin de outubro de 1956 a janeiro de 1958 e republicado no formato \u00E1lbum pela Casterman em 1958. A hist\u00F3ria mostra o jovem jornalista belga Tintim, o seu c\u00E3o Milu e seu amigo Capit\u00E3o Haddock enquanto viajam para o reino (fict\u00EDcio) do Oriente M\u00E9dio de Khemed com a inten\u00E7\u00E3o de ajudar o emir Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab a recuperar o controle ap\u00F3s um golpe de estado de seus inimigos, que s\u00E3o financiados por comerciantes de escravos."@pt . . . "155157"^^ . . . . . . . . "Coke en stock"@pt . . . "Stock de coque (en franc\u00E9s Coke en stock), es el decimonoveno \u00E1lbum de Las aventuras de Tint\u00EDn, escritas e ilustradas por el historietista belga Herg\u00E9. Se public\u00F3 en franc\u00E9s en 1958. ISBN 978-84-261-1003-9 Stock de coque es la primera aventura de Tint\u00EDn que integra a un gran n\u00FAmero de personajes de anteriores n\u00FAmeros: el general Alc\u00E1zar (La oreja rota, Las 7 bolas de cristal), Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab y Abdallah (Tint\u00EDn en el pa\u00EDs del oro negro), Rastapopoulos (Los cigarros del fara\u00F3n, El loto azul), (El loto azul), Allan Thompson (Los cigarros del fara\u00F3n, El cangrejo de las pinzas de oro), el Dr. M\u00FCller (La isla negra, Tint\u00EDn en el pa\u00EDs del oro negro), Oliveira da Figueira (Los cigarros del fara\u00F3n, Tint\u00EDn en el pa\u00EDs del oro negro), Bianca Castafiore (El cetro de Ottokar, Las 7 bolas de cristal, El asunto Tornasol) y Seraf\u00EDn Lat\u00F3n (El asunto Tornasol). Otros personajes son mencionados como (Tint\u00EDn en el pa\u00EDs del oro negro), Patrash Pasha (Los cigarros del fara\u00F3n) y el general Tapioca (La oreja rota), pero no aparecen. Stock de coque es una aventura en la cual Tint\u00EDn descubre que el Sheikh est\u00E1 detr\u00E1s del derrocamiento de Mohammed Ben Kalish Ezab, el emir del Khemed."@es . . . "177"^^ . . . "Coke en stock"@fr . . "Farr"@en . . . . "Coke in Stock (Coke en stock) \u00E8 la diciannovesima avventura della serie fumetti Le avventure di Tintin realizzata nel 1958 dal fumettista belga Herg\u00E9."@it . . "\u7D05\u6D77\u9BCA\u9B5A"@zh . "Stoc de coc (en franc\u00E8s Coke en stock) \u00E9s el dinov\u00E8 \u00E0lbum de Les aventures de Tint\u00EDn i Mil\u00FA creat per Herg\u00E9 el 1958."@ca . . . . . . "1960"^^ . . . "1958"^^ . . "Farr"@en . . . . "151"^^ . "Koks na palub\u011B (francouzsky Coke en stock) je se\u0161it z komiksov\u00E9 s\u00E9rie Tintinova dobrodru\u017Estv\u00ED od kresl\u00ED\u0159e Herg\u00E9ho. Ve francouzsk\u00E9m origin\u00E1le poprv\u00E9 vych\u00E1zel na pokra\u010Dov\u00E1n\u00ED v letech 1956\u20131958, prvn\u00ED \u010Desk\u00FD p\u0159eklad poch\u00E1z\u00ED z roku 2010 od nakladatelstv\u00ED Albatros. P\u0159\u00EDb\u011Bh za\u010D\u00EDn\u00E1 op\u011Bt v Bruselu, kdy na z\u00E1mek Moulinsart po\u0161le em\u00EDr sv\u00E9ho syna Abdall\u00E1ha a ten trop\u00ED na z\u00E1mku neplechu. Tintin a kapit\u00E1n Haddock odj\u00ED\u017Ed\u011Bj\u00ED za em\u00EDrem, kde je v\u0161ak st\u00EDh\u00E1 dal\u0161\u00ED dobrodru\u017Estv\u00ED. V p\u0159\u00EDb\u011Bhu se objevuje krom\u011B jin\u00FDch postav i Szpim, nov\u00FD hrdina jen v tomto p\u0159\u00EDb\u011Bhu. Tintin se zde setk\u00E1v\u00E1 s gener\u00E1lem Alc\u00E1zarem nebo i s Allanem, b\u00FDval\u00FDm poskokem kapit\u00E1na Haddocka, kter\u00FD v\u0161echny t\u0159i i s Filutou uv\u011Bzn\u00ED na sv\u00E9 lodi. Jm\u00E9no \u201EKoks na palub\u011B\u201C doopravdy znamen\u00E1 sp\u00ED\u0161e \u201E\u010Dern\u00ED otroci na palub\u011B\u201C."@cs . . . . "Coke en stock"@en . . "The Red Sea Sharks (French: Coke en stock) is the nineteenth volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comic series by Belgian cartoonist Herg\u00E9. The story was initially serialised weekly in Belgium's Tintin magazine from October 1956 to January 1958 before being published in a collected volume by Casterman in 1958. The narrative follows the young reporter Tintin, his dog Snowy, and his friend Captain Haddock as they travel to the fictional Middle Eastern kingdom of Khemed with the intention of aiding the Emir Ben Kalish Ezab in regaining control after a coup d'\u00E9tat by his enemies, who are financed by slave traders led by Tintin's old nemesis Rastapopoulos. Following on from the previous volume in the series, The Calculus Affair, The Red Sea Sharks was created with the aid of Herg\u00E9's team of artists at Studios Herg\u00E9. Influenced by Honor\u00E9 de Balzac's The Human Comedy, Herg\u00E9 used the story as a vehicle in which to reintroduce a wide range of characters who had first appeared in earlier instalments of the series. The story dealt with the trade of enslaved Africans across the Arab world. However, in the 1960s the story generated controversy as Herg\u00E9 was repeatedly accused of having portrayed the Africans in a racist manner. He was upset by these claims, and made alterations to the depiction of the Africans in later reprints. Herg\u00E9 continued The Adventures of Tintin with Tintin in Tibet, and the series as a whole became a defining part of the Franco-Belgian comics tradition. The Red Sea Sharks was critically well-received, with various commentators describing it as one of the best Tintin adventures. The story was adapted for both the 1991 Ellipse/Nelvana animated series The Adventures of Tintin and the 1992-3 BBC Radio 5 dramatisation of the Adventures."@en . . "157"^^ . "106"^^ . . "\"[In The Red Sea Sharks], total confusion puts an end to the Manichaenism of the opening adventures. The former opposition between Good and Evil now becomes the opposition between the private and the public. Unable to judge such a complex world, Tintin prefers to withdraw from it. He reluctantly takes on this adventure as a traveler without baggage and spends little time with people he formerly would have gotten to know quite well\"."@en . . . "Cokes in voorraad (oorspronkelijke Franstalige titel: Coke en stock) is het negentiende album uit de reeks Kuifje-strips van de Belgische tekenaar Herg\u00E9 (1907-1983). Het is voor het eerst verschenen in 1958. In 1986 verscheen een nieuwe Nederlandse vertaling."@nl . "152"^^ . . . "2001"^^ . . "155"^^ . . . "Thompson"@en . "Peeters"@en . "166"^^ . . "167"^^ . . . "Stoc de coc (en franc\u00E8s Coke en stock) \u00E9s el dinov\u00E8 \u00E0lbum de Les aventures de Tint\u00EDn i Mil\u00FA creat per Herg\u00E9 el 1958."@ca . "106"^^ . "107"^^ . . "Tintin magazine"@en . . "152"^^ . "2011"^^ . . . . "1989"^^ . "155"^^ . "1991"^^ . "The Red Sea Sharks (French: Coke en stock) is the nineteenth volume of The Adventures of Tintin, the comic series by Belgian cartoonist Herg\u00E9. The story was initially serialised weekly in Belgium's Tintin magazine from October 1956 to January 1958 before being published in a collected volume by Casterman in 1958. The narrative follows the young reporter Tintin, his dog Snowy, and his friend Captain Haddock as they travel to the fictional Middle Eastern kingdom of Khemed with the intention of aiding the Emir Ben Kalish Ezab in regaining control after a coup d'\u00E9tat by his enemies, who are financed by slave traders led by Tintin's old nemesis Rastapopoulos."@en . . . . . . . "25"^^ . . . . "\u2014 Jean-Marie Apostolid\u00E8s"@en . . . . "Kohle an Bord (franz\u00F6sischer Originaltitel: Coke en stock) ist das 19. Tim-und-Struppi-Album des belgischen Zeichners Herg\u00E9. Es erschien erstmals 1958. Das Hauptthema des Bandes ist Sklaverei und Waffenschmuggel."@de . "54933"^^ . "Koks w \u0142adowni"@pl . . "\u062A\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0623\u0633\u0645\u0627\u0643 \u0642\u0631\u0634 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u062D\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u0645\u0631"@ar . . "Coke en stock (ou Les Aventures de Tintin : Coke en stock) est le 19e album de bande dessin\u00E9e des Aventures de Tintin, con\u00E7u par Herg\u00E9 et paru en 1958."@fr . "71"^^ . . "Lofficier"@en . . . . . . . . "\u7D05\u6D77\u9ED1\u5E55 \uFF08\u6CD5\u8A9E\uFF1A Coke en stock \uFF1B\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1A The Red Sea Sharks \uFF09\u662F\u4E01\u4E01\u6B77\u96AA\u8A18\u7684\u7B2C19\u90E8\u4F5C\u54C1\u3002\u4F5C\u8005\u662F\u6BD4\u5229\u6642\u6F2B\u756B\u5BB6\u827E\u723E\u5409\u3002\u6545\u4E8B\u7684\u4E3B\u7DDA\u662F\u975E\u6D32\u7684\u8CA9\u5974\u984C\u6750\u3002\u9019\u90E8\u4F5C\u54C1\u7684\u6700\u5927\u7279\u9EDE\u662F\u51FA\u73FE\u4E86\u5927\u91CF\u4E01\u4E01\u6B77\u96AA\u8A18\u65E9\u671F\u4F5C\u54C1\u4E2D\u7684\u4EBA\u7269\u3002"@zh . "74"^^ . "158"^^ . "Lofficier"@en . . . "1956"^^ . . . . . . . . "Koks na palub\u011B"@cs . "82"^^ . "152"^^ . . . . . . "151"^^ . . . "The Calculus Affair"@en . "Stoc de coc"@ca . . . . . "82"^^ . "1991"^^ . . . . . "2011"^^ . . "2012"^^ . "166"^^ . . . "165"^^ . "Coke in stock"@it . . "2001"^^ . "The Adventures of Tintin"@en . . "2002"^^ . . "The Red Sea Sharks"@en . . . "Thompson"@en . "Laut Merah adalah sebuah album serial Kisah Petualangan Tintin yang ke 19. Dalam versi aslinya yang menggunakan Bahasa Prancis berjudul 'Coke en Stock'. Album ini menceritakan tentang perdagangan manusia di Laut Merah serta konflik antara Emir Ben Kalish Ezab dengan . Mengetahui keadaan gawat yang dimaksud, Tintin, bersama Milo dan Kapten, pergi ke yang sedang dalam situasi konflik. Di sana, mereka mendapat kabar mengejutkan bahwa di Laut Merah terdapat perdagangan manusia, orang Afrika yang hendak berangkat haji ke Mekkah sebagai budak oleh seorang miliuner, Di Gorgonzola. \n* l \n* \n* s"@in . . . . . "70"^^ . . "71"^^ . "Leslie Lonsdale-Cooper"@en . . "2001"^^ . "2011"^^ . "2002"^^ . . . "Kohle an Bord (franz\u00F6sischer Originaltitel: Coke en stock) ist das 19. Tim-und-Struppi-Album des belgischen Zeichners Herg\u00E9. Es erschien erstmals 1958. Das Hauptthema des Bandes ist Sklaverei und Waffenschmuggel."@de . "79"^^ . "Assouline"@en . "\u7D05\u6D77\u9ED1\u5E55 \uFF08\u6CD5\u8A9E\uFF1A Coke en stock \uFF1B\u82F1\u8A9E\uFF1A The Red Sea Sharks \uFF09\u662F\u4E01\u4E01\u6B77\u96AA\u8A18\u7684\u7B2C19\u90E8\u4F5C\u54C1\u3002\u4F5C\u8005\u662F\u6BD4\u5229\u6642\u6F2B\u756B\u5BB6\u827E\u723E\u5409\u3002\u6545\u4E8B\u7684\u4E3B\u7DDA\u662F\u975E\u6D32\u7684\u8CA9\u5974\u984C\u6750\u3002\u9019\u90E8\u4F5C\u54C1\u7684\u6700\u5927\u7279\u9EDE\u662F\u51FA\u73FE\u4E86\u5927\u91CF\u4E01\u4E01\u6B77\u96AA\u8A18\u65E9\u671F\u4F5C\u54C1\u4E2D\u7684\u4EBA\u7269\u3002"@zh . "24717"^^ . "\u062A\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0623\u0633\u0645\u0627\u0643 \u0642\u0631\u0634 \u0627\u0644\u0628\u062D\u0631 \u0627\u0644\u0623\u062D\u0645\u0631\u0647\u064A \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0632\u0621 \u0627\u0644\u062A\u0627\u0633\u0639 \u0639\u0634\u0631 \u0645\u0646 \u0645\u063A\u0627\u0645\u0631\u0627\u062A \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u0636\u0639\u062A \u0645\u0646 \u0642\u0628\u0644 \u0627\u0644\u0643\u0627\u062A\u0628 \u0647\u064A\u0631\u062C\u064A \u0628\u0637\u0648\u0644\u0629 \u0627\u0644\u0635\u062D\u0641\u064A \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u062A\u0627\u0646 \u0648\u064A\u0644\u0627\u062D\u0638 \u0641\u064A \u0647\u0630\u0627 \u0627\u0644\u062C\u0632\u0621 \u0645\u0634\u0627\u0631\u0643\u0629 \u0639\u062F\u062F \u0643\u0628\u064A\u0631 \u0645\u0646 \u0627\u0644\u0634\u062E\u0635\u064A\u0627\u062A \u0641\u064A \u0627\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0633\u0644\u0629 ."@ar .