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Subject Item
yago:PhotographicEquipment103926148 yago:Artifact100021939 yago:WikicatCamerasByType yago:Whole100003553 yago:Equipment103294048 yago:Object100002684 yago:Instrumentality103575240 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 yago:Camera102942699
Banc-titre Rostrum camera Càmera rostrum
A rostrum camera is a specially designed camera used in television production and filmmaking to animate a still picture or object. It consists of a moving lower platform on which the article to be filmed is placed, while the camera is placed above on a column. Many visual effects can be created from this simple setup, although it is most often used to add interest to static objects. The camera can, for example, traverse across a painting, and using wipes and zooms, change a still picture into a sequence suitable for television or movie productions. La càmera rostrum és un tipus de càmera cinematogràfica muntada sobre un aparell que permet la filmació d'objectes o imatges fixes i que té la capacitat de moure tant el subjecte com la càmera, en augment. Hi ha càmeres més avançades, controlades per ordinador i que permeten fer moviments tridimensionals i tenen un control de zoom, de l'enfocament i de l'obertura. Le banc-titre ou banc d'animation est un appareil utilisé dans le cinéma professionnel pour les films en 16 mm ou 35 mm, ainsi que pour les caméras numériques, principalement pour la réalisation de films d'animation ou la reproduction de documents écrits ou dessinés ou photographiques.
dbc:Animation_techniques dbc:Film_and_video_technology dbc:Cameras_by_type
dbr:Television_program dbr:Animation_stand dbc:Cameras_by_type dbr:Ken_Morse dbc:Film_and_video_technology n15:Aerialimagecamera.jpg dbr:Matte_(filmmaking) dbr:Exposure_(photography) dbr:Filmmaking dbr:Movie_camera dbr:Multiplane_camera dbr:Closing_credits dbr:Ken_Burns_effect dbc:Animation_techniques dbr:Animation_camera dbr:Superimposition
wikidata:Q2881921 dbpedia-ca:Càmera_rostrum n18:2fx4W yago-res:Rostrum_camera dbpedia-fr:Banc-titre freebase:m.029vzn
dbt:More_citations_needed dbt:Reflist
Le banc-titre ou banc d'animation est un appareil utilisé dans le cinéma professionnel pour les films en 16 mm ou 35 mm, ainsi que pour les caméras numériques, principalement pour la réalisation de films d'animation ou la reproduction de documents écrits ou dessinés ou photographiques. A rostrum camera is a specially designed camera used in television production and filmmaking to animate a still picture or object. It consists of a moving lower platform on which the article to be filmed is placed, while the camera is placed above on a column. Many visual effects can be created from this simple setup, although it is most often used to add interest to static objects. The camera can, for example, traverse across a painting, and using wipes and zooms, change a still picture into a sequence suitable for television or movie productions. The controls of the camera differ considerably from those of a regular motion picture camera. The key to its operation is one or more frame counters. These enable the camera operator to roll the film backwards and forwards through the film gate, and to know exactly which frame is being exposed at a given time. Also key is the way the operation of the shutter is completely independent from the film transport, so a given frame may be exposed a number of different times, or not at all. Very long exposures are also possible, so that title streaks, zooms and other special effects can be created by keeping the shutter open while moving the camera head up and down the column; rotating or moving the lower platform from side to side; or doing both at the same time. For some of these types of effects, the artwork may be a transparency, which is back-lit by a light source below the table surface. The camera's film gate is also different from that of a regular motion picture camera, in that fixed pins hold each film frame in place while it is being exposed. This "pin-registered" gate means that the film can be wound backwards and forwards through the camera head many times, but will always return to exactly the same place without any shifts of the film frame. Such precise repeatability is required for multiple exposures, traveling mattes, title superimposition, and a range of other techniques. The camera is connected to a mechanism that allows an operator to precisely control the movement of the lower platform, as well as of the camera head. The lower platform is often called an animation compound table. In a modern setup, a computer controls the horizontal, vertical and rotational movements of the compound table, the "zooming" (lowering and rising) of the camera head on the column, and the lens bellows. Early rostrum cameras were largely adapted from existing equipment, but after World War II industry pioneer John Oxberry made some key refinements to the design. His company, Oxberry Products, then went on to produce some of the best-known models, which were used by leading film and animation studios around the world. Other manufacturers included Acme, Forox, Marron Carrel, Mangum Sickles, the German company Crass, and Neilson-Hordell in the UK. Some of these machines were somewhat smaller and more cheaply built than the Oxberry models, but were ideal for general purpose work, such as producing titles and copying artwork to film. In the UK, Ken Morse is well known for his rostrum camera work in television and film, and his name is often seen in the closing credits of UK productions. In United States-based documentary film making, the use of a rostrum camera for a particular type of panning and zooming effect is sometimes called the Ken Burns effect. An animation camera or animation stand, used for single frame shooting on film is similar. With a multiplane camera, a 3-dimensional effect can be obtained. La càmera rostrum és un tipus de càmera cinematogràfica muntada sobre un aparell que permet la filmació d'objectes o imatges fixes i que té la capacitat de moure tant el subjecte com la càmera, en augment. Aquest aparell emprat en realitzacions televisives o cinematogràfiques consisteix en una plataforma on és situat l'objecte a filmar i en una columna on és situada la càmera, per sobre de l'element a fotografiar i que es pot moure verticalment. A més, és recomanable l'acoblament de dues làmpades, que poden ser LED, als costats del treball, col·locades en un angle de 45° per proporcionar una llum uniforme. L'estructura del dispositiu permet l'operador que l'està utilitzant modificar lliurement tant la posició de l'objecte de la plataforma inferior com la càmera. Hi ha càmeres més avançades, controlades per ordinador i que permeten fer moviments tridimensionals i tenen un control de zoom, de l'enfocament i de l'obertura. El mètode d'exposició de la pel·lícula és diferent del d'una càmera cinematogràfica normal. Aquest mètode fixa la pel·lícula el temps necessari perquè la imatge exterior sigui exposada completament. El negatiu o fotograma es manté fix, no passa al següent, encara que la càmera es vagi movent al voltant de l'objecte. Això permet la introducció de múltiples tècniques com els travelling mattes, les exposicions múltiples, la superposició de títols, etc.