. . . . . "Nova Scotia House of Assembly Chamber.jpg"@en . . . . "Lower house then unicameral house"@en . "L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse (en anglais : Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia) est l'unique chambre de l'Assembl\u00E9e g\u00E9n\u00E9rale monocam\u00E9rale de la province canadienne de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse qu'elle forme avec le lieutenant-gouverneur, repr\u00E9sentant du souverain dans la province. Elle est compos\u00E9e de 51 d\u00E9put\u00E9s r\u00E9partis entre trois formations politiques : le Nouveau Parti d\u00E9mocratique, le Parti lib\u00E9ral et les progressistes-conservateurs. L'Assembl\u00E9e se r\u00E9unit dans le Province House, un lieu historique national qui est aussi le plus petit et le plus vieil \u00E9difice parlementaire au Canada. Il ouvrit ses portes le 11 f\u00E9vrier 1819. L'\u00E9difice \u00E9tait le si\u00E8ge original de la Cour supr\u00EAme de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse. Son entr\u00E9e principale se trouve rue Hollis \u00E0 Halifax. Ayant si\u00E9g\u00E9 pour la premi\u00E8re fois en 1758, elle constitue la plus ancienne assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative au Canada."@fr . "2021-09-24"^^ . . . . "The Nova Scotia House of Assembly (French: Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse; Scottish Gaelic: Taigh Seanaidh Alba Nuadh), or Legislative Assembly, is the deliberative assembly of the General Assembly of Nova Scotia of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. The assembly is the oldest in Canada, having first sat in 1758, and in 1848 was the site of the first responsible government in the British Empire. Bills passed by the House of Assembly are given royal assent by the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia in the name of the King. Originally (in 1758), the Legislature consisted of the Crown represented by a governor (later a lieutenant governor), the appointed Nova Scotia Council holding both executive and legislative duties and an elected House of Assembly (lower chamber). In 1838, the council was replaced by an executive council with the executive function and a legislative council with the legislative functions based on the House of Lords. In 1928, the Legislative Council was abolished and the members pensioned off. There are 55 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) representing 55 electoral districts. (Expanded from 51 electoral districts.) Members nearly always represent one of the three main political parties of the province: the Nova Scotia Liberal Party, Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia, and Nova Scotia New Democratic Party. The assembly meets in Province House. Located in Halifax, Province House is a National Historic Site and Canada's oldest and smallest legislative building. It opened on February 11, 1819. The building was also originally home to the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, and the location of the \"Freedom of the Press\" trial of Joseph Howe. Its main entrance is found on Hollis Street in Halifax."@en . . . . . . "Opposition House Leader"@en . . . "Das Abgeordnetenhaus von Nova Scotia (engl. Nova Scotia House of Assembly, frz. Chambre d\u2019Assembl\u00E9e de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse) ist die Legislative der kanadischen Provinz Nova Scotia. Das seit 1758 bestehende Abgeordnetenhaus ist das \u00E4lteste Parlament Kanadas. Es tagt im in Halifax. Dem Abgeordnetenhaus geh\u00F6ren 51 Mitglieder an, die in ebenso vielen Wahlkreisen nach dem Mehrheitswahlsystem gew\u00E4hlt werden. Der Anf\u00FChrer der Mehrheitspartei ist gleichzeitig Premierminister und steht der als Exekutivrat (engl. executive council, frz. conseil ex\u00E9cutif) bezeichneten Regierung vor."@de . . . . "L'Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse (en anglais : Legislative Assembly of Nova Scotia) est l'unique chambre de l'Assembl\u00E9e g\u00E9n\u00E9rale monocam\u00E9rale de la province canadienne de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse qu'elle forme avec le lieutenant-gouverneur, repr\u00E9sentant du souverain dans la province. Elle est compos\u00E9e de 51 d\u00E9put\u00E9s r\u00E9partis entre trois formations politiques : le Nouveau Parti d\u00E9mocratique, le Parti lib\u00E9ral et les progressistes-conservateurs. Ayant si\u00E9g\u00E9 pour la premi\u00E8re fois en 1758, elle constitue la plus ancienne assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative au Canada."@fr . . . . "PC"@en . . "" . . . "64th General Assembly of Nova Scotia" . "House Leader"@en . . . . . . . "Nova Scotia House of Assembly"@en . "70"^^ . . . . "Premier"@en . . . . . . . . . . "Das Abgeordnetenhaus von Nova Scotia (engl. Nova Scotia House of Assembly, frz. Chambre d\u2019Assembl\u00E9e de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse) ist die Legislative der kanadischen Provinz Nova Scotia. Das seit 1758 bestehende Abgeordnetenhaus ist das \u00E4lteste Parlament Kanadas. Es tagt im in Halifax. Dem Abgeordnetenhaus geh\u00F6ren 51 Mitglieder an, die in ebenso vielen Wahlkreisen nach dem Mehrheitswahlsystem gew\u00E4hlt werden. Der Anf\u00FChrer der Mehrheitspartei ist gleichzeitig Premierminister und steht der als Exekutivrat (engl. executive council, frz. conseil ex\u00E9cutif) bezeichneten Regierung vor. Die drei Hauptaufgaben des Abgeordnetenhauses sind der Erlass neuer Gesetze, das Genehmigen des Staatshaushaltes und die Kontrolle der Regierung. Von 1758 bis 1928 besa\u00DF die Provinz ein Zweikammernparlament."@de . . . . . . . . . . . . . "--08-31"^^ . . . . . . . "Arms of the Nova Scotia House of Assembly.svg"@en . . "\u8BFA\u74E6\u65AF\u79D1\u820D\u7701\u8BAE\u4F1A"@zh . . . . "Government\n*"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "L'Assemblea legislativa della Nuova Scozia, composta da un vice-governatore e dalla Camera bassa, \u00E8 l'organo legislativo della Nuova Scozia."@it . "2021-08-17"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . "\u8BFA\u74E6\u65AF\u79D1\u820D\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u662F\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u8BFA\u74E6\u65AF\u79D1\u820D\u7701\u7684\u7ACB\u6CD5\u6A5F\u95DC\uFF0C\u7531\u8BFA\u74E6\u65AF\u79D1\u820D\u7701\u7ACB\u6CD5\u4F1A\u8BAE\u548C\u7EC4\u6210\u3002\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u4F4D\u65BC\u54C8\u5229\u6CD5\u514B\u65AF\u3002\u753155\u540D\u8B70\u54E1\u7D44\u6210\u3002"@zh . . "TBD"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "664485"^^ . . . "Other Parties\n* NDP \n* Independent"@en . "General Assembly of Nova Scotia"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Assemblea legislativa della Nuova Scozia"@it . "64"^^ . . . "Nova Scotia House of Assembly"@en . . . . . . . "Svgfiles 2021-09-13-01-52-42-048410-8415435312584107616.svg"@en . . . . . . . "Legislative Chamber,"@en . . "Liberal"@en . . . . . "2021-09-24"^^ . . "18423"^^ . . . . . . . . "Nova Scotia, Canada"@en . . . . . . . "Official Opposition\n*"@en . . . . . . . . "Province House, Halifax,"@en . . "\u8BFA\u74E6\u65AF\u79D1\u820D\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u662F\u52A0\u62FF\u5927\u8BFA\u74E6\u65AF\u79D1\u820D\u7701\u7684\u7ACB\u6CD5\u6A5F\u95DC\uFF0C\u7531\u8BFA\u74E6\u65AF\u79D1\u820D\u7701\u7ACB\u6CD5\u4F1A\u8BAE\u548C\u7EC4\u6210\u3002\u7701\u8B70\u6703\u4F4D\u65BC\u54C8\u5229\u6CD5\u514B\u65AF\u3002\u753155\u540D\u8B70\u54E1\u7D44\u6210\u3002"@zh . . . . . . . . . "2021-08-17"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . ""@en . . . . . "Nova Scotia House of Assembly"@en . "1115859242"^^ . . . "300"^^ . . . . . . . . . . "The Nova Scotia House of Assembly (French: Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse; Scottish Gaelic: Taigh Seanaidh Alba Nuadh), or Legislative Assembly, is the deliberative assembly of the General Assembly of Nova Scotia of the province of Nova Scotia, Canada. The assembly is the oldest in Canada, having first sat in 1758, and in 1848 was the site of the first responsible government in the British Empire. Bills passed by the House of Assembly are given royal assent by the Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia in the name of the King."@en . "Abgeordnetenhaus von Nova Scotia"@de . "64"^^ . . "Assembl\u00E9e l\u00E9gislative de la Nouvelle-\u00C9cosse"@fr . . . "L'Assemblea legislativa della Nuova Scozia, composta da un vice-governatore e dalla Camera bassa, \u00E8 l'organo legislativo della Nuova Scozia."@it . . "55"^^ . . . "55"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .