"1265"^^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Cengkok (en ortografia antiga, chengkok) s\u00F3n els patrons que interpreten els instruments panerusan (o intruments d'elaboraci\u00F3) en el gamelan javan\u00E9s. S\u00F3n f\u00F3rmules mel\u00F2diques que condueixen a la una nota final anomenada seleh, tot seguint les normes que indica el sistema de jerarquies tonals anomenat patet. Aquestes normes varien segons l'obra interpretada."@ca . . "1093105822"^^ . . . . . . . . "Cengkok"@ca . . . . . . . . . "C\u00E9ngkok (Javanese: \uA995\uA9BA\uA981\uA98F\uA9BA\uA9B4\uA98F\uA9C0, romanized: C\u00E9ngkok) (old orthography: tjengkok) are patterns played by the elaborating instruments used in Indonesian Javanese gamelan. They are melodic formula that lead to a s\u00E8l\u00E8h, following the rules of the pathet of the piece. The most elaborate cengkok repertoire is that of the gend\u00E9r barung. The gambang and siter, on the other hand, do not have such formalized sets of cengkok, and therefore may vary more from performer to performer."@en . "C\u00E9ngkok (Javanese: \uA995\uA9BA\uA981\uA98F\uA9BA\uA9B4\uA98F\uA9C0, romanized: C\u00E9ngkok) (old orthography: tjengkok) are patterns played by the elaborating instruments used in Indonesian Javanese gamelan. They are melodic formula that lead to a s\u00E8l\u00E8h, following the rules of the pathet of the piece. The most elaborate cengkok repertoire is that of the gend\u00E9r barung. The gambang and siter, on the other hand, do not have such formalized sets of cengkok, and therefore may vary more from performer to performer. Most cengkok derive from the vocal repertoire, and many have names that originally came from lyrics, like the well-known \"\". They may incorporate pre-existent melodic patterns through a process of centonization."@en . . . . "4985090"^^ . . . . . . . . "Cengkok (en ortografia antiga, chengkok) s\u00F3n els patrons que interpreten els instruments panerusan (o intruments d'elaboraci\u00F3) en el gamelan javan\u00E9s. S\u00F3n f\u00F3rmules mel\u00F2diques que condueixen a la una nota final anomenada seleh, tot seguint les normes que indica el sistema de jerarquies tonals anomenat patet. Aquestes normes varien segons l'obra interpretada. L'instrument amb un repertori m\u00E9s elaborat de cengkok \u00E9s el gender barung. Per altra banda, instruments com el gambang o el no tenen una llista formal de cengkok, i per tant l'execuci\u00F3 de les obres amb aquests instruments varia segons l'int\u00E8rpret. La majoria de cengkok provenen del repertori vocal, i de fet molts d'ells tenen noms que remeten a les lletres de les can\u00E7ons originals, com per exemple la tonada Ayu kuning. Aix\u00ED doncs, \u00E9s probable que durant el seu proc\u00E9s d'elaboraci\u00F3, els cengkok hagin incorporat patrons mel\u00F2dics preexistents, el que es coneix acad\u00E8micament amb el nom de ."@ca . "Cengkok"@en .