. . . . . "La locomoci\u00F3 per ondulaci\u00F3 \u00E9s un tipus de despla\u00E7ament caracteritzat per patrons de moviment similars a ones que actuen propulsant l'animal cap endavant. Exemples d'aquesta manera de despla\u00E7ar-se inclouen la locomoci\u00F3 de les serps, o la nataci\u00F3 de les llampreses. Tot i que \u00E9s una anadura t\u00EDpica d'animals sense extremitats, algunes criatures amb potes, com les salamandres, opten per no utilitzar les seves cames en certs entorns i adopten la locomoci\u00F3 per ondulaci\u00F3."@ca . . . . . . "24667"^^ . . "Locomoci\u00F3 per ondulaci\u00F3"@ca . . . . . . . . "22653328"^^ . . . . . "Undulatory locomotion is the type of motion characterized by wave-like movement patterns that act to propel an animal forward. Examples of this type of gait include crawling in snakes, or swimming in the lamprey. Although this is typically the type of gait utilized by limbless animals, some creatures with limbs, such as the salamander, forgo use of their legs in certain environments and exhibit undulatory locomotion. In robotics this movement strategy is studied in order to create novel robotic devices capable of traversing a variety of environments."@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Undulatory locomotion is the type of motion characterized by wave-like movement patterns that act to propel an animal forward. Examples of this type of gait include crawling in snakes, or swimming in the lamprey. Although this is typically the type of gait utilized by limbless animals, some creatures with limbs, such as the salamander, forgo use of their legs in certain environments and exhibit undulatory locomotion. In robotics this movement strategy is studied in order to create novel robotic devices capable of traversing a variety of environments."@en . . . . . . . "La locomoci\u00F3 per ondulaci\u00F3 \u00E9s un tipus de despla\u00E7ament caracteritzat per patrons de moviment similars a ones que actuen propulsant l'animal cap endavant. Exemples d'aquesta manera de despla\u00E7ar-se inclouen la locomoci\u00F3 de les serps, o la nataci\u00F3 de les llampreses. Tot i que \u00E9s una anadura t\u00EDpica d'animals sense extremitats, algunes criatures amb potes, com les salamandres, opten per no utilitzar les seves cames en certs entorns i adopten la locomoci\u00F3 per ondulaci\u00F3."@ca . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Undulatory locomotion"@en . . "1086030167"^^ . . . . . .