. . . . "1700591"^^ . . . . . . . . "O School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG) (em portugu\u00EAs, Grupo de Estudos de Matem\u00E1tica Escolar) era um tanque de pensamento acad\u00EAmico focando na reforma do ensino de matem\u00E1tica. Direcionado por Edward G. Begle e financiado pelo National Science Foundation (em portugu\u00EAs, Funda\u00E7\u00E3o Nacional de Ci\u00EAncia), o grupo for criado no come\u00E7o da em 1958 e atarefado com criar e implementar um curr\u00EDculo matem\u00E1tico para educa\u00E7\u00E3o prim\u00E1ria e secund\u00E1ria, o que realizou at\u00E9 ser encerrado em 1977. Os esfor\u00E7os do SMSG resultaram na reforma do ensino de matem\u00E1tica conhecido como Nova Matem\u00E1tica que foi promulgada em uma s\u00E9rie de relat\u00F3rios, que culminou na s\u00E9rie publicada por Random House chamada de New Mathematical Library (em portugu\u00EAs, Biblioteca da Nova Matem\u00E1tica). Em seus primeiros anos, a SMSG publicou liv"@pt . . . . . . . "School Mathematics Study Group"@en . . "1082503886"^^ . . . "School Mathematics Study Group"@pt . . . . "2134"^^ . . . . . . . . . "The School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG) was an American academic think tank focused on the subject of reform in mathematics education. Directed by Edward G. Begle and financed by the National Science Foundation, the group was created in the wake of the Sputnik crisis in 1958 and tasked with creating and implementing mathematics curricula for primary and secondary education, which it did until its termination in 1977. The efforts of the SMSG yielded a reform in mathematics education known as New Math which was promulgated in a series of reports, culminating in a series published by Random House called the New Mathematical Library (Vol. 1 is Ivan Niven's Numbers: Rational and Irrational). In the early years, SMSG also produced a set of draft textbooks in typewritten paperback format for elementary, middle and high school students. Perhaps the most authoritative collection of materials from the School Mathematics Study Group is now housed in the Archives of American Mathematics in the University of Texas at Austin's Center for American History."@en . . . . "O School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG) (em portugu\u00EAs, Grupo de Estudos de Matem\u00E1tica Escolar) era um tanque de pensamento acad\u00EAmico focando na reforma do ensino de matem\u00E1tica. Direcionado por Edward G. Begle e financiado pelo National Science Foundation (em portugu\u00EAs, Funda\u00E7\u00E3o Nacional de Ci\u00EAncia), o grupo for criado no come\u00E7o da em 1958 e atarefado com criar e implementar um curr\u00EDculo matem\u00E1tico para educa\u00E7\u00E3o prim\u00E1ria e secund\u00E1ria, o que realizou at\u00E9 ser encerrado em 1977. Os esfor\u00E7os do SMSG resultaram na reforma do ensino de matem\u00E1tica conhecido como Nova Matem\u00E1tica que foi promulgada em uma s\u00E9rie de relat\u00F3rios, que culminou na s\u00E9rie publicada por Random House chamada de New Mathematical Library (em portugu\u00EAs, Biblioteca da Nova Matem\u00E1tica). Em seus primeiros anos, a SMSG publicou livros did\u00E1ticos em formato paperback para estudantes do ensino m\u00E9dio e fundamental. Talvez a maior cole\u00E7\u00E3o de material da SMSG \u00E9 guardada no Archives of American Mathematics (em portugu\u00EAs, Arquivos da Matem\u00E1tica Americana) na Universidade do Texas no Austin's Center for American History (em portugu\u00EAs, Centro de Austin para Hist\u00F3ria Americana)."@pt . . "The School Mathematics Study Group (SMSG) was an American academic think tank focused on the subject of reform in mathematics education. Directed by Edward G. Begle and financed by the National Science Foundation, the group was created in the wake of the Sputnik crisis in 1958 and tasked with creating and implementing mathematics curricula for primary and secondary education, which it did until its termination in 1977."@en .