. . "1081887157"^^ . "Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press, Oxford\u2014today published under the short title New Hart's Rules\u2014is an authoritative reference book and style guide published in England by Oxford University Press (OUP). Hart's Rules originated as a compilation of best practices and standards by English printer and biographer Horace Hart over almost three decades during his employment at other printing establishments, but they were first printed as a single broadsheet page for in-house use by the OUP in 1893 while Hart's job was controller of the university press. They were originally intended as a concise style guide for the staff of the OUP, but they developed continuously over the years, were published in 1904, and soon gained wider use as a source for authoritative instruc"@en . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "Hart's Rules for Compositors and Readers at the University Press, Oxford\u2014today published under the short title New Hart's Rules\u2014is an authoritative reference book and style guide published in England by Oxford University Press (OUP). Hart's Rules originated as a compilation of best practices and standards by English printer and biographer Horace Hart over almost three decades during his employment at other printing establishments, but they were first printed as a single broadsheet page for in-house use by the OUP in 1893 while Hart's job was controller of the university press. They were originally intended as a concise style guide for the staff of the OUP, but they developed continuously over the years, were published in 1904, and soon gained wider use as a source for authoritative instructions on typesetting style, grammar, punctuation, and usage. Hart's Rules has been revised and republished under different titles, including The Oxford Guide to Style (2002), The Oxford Style Manual (2003, also including The Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors of 2000), New Hart's Rules (2005, an updated but abridged, pocket-size version), and New Oxford Style Manual (2012, inclusive of New Hart's Rules and The New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors of 2005, together notably shorter than the 2003 combined edition). A revised second edition of New Hart's Rules (without the Dictionary) was released in 2014, and a second New Oxford Style Manual was compiled in 2016, using the 2014 versions of both of the individual volumes."@en . . . . . . . "L\u2019Oxford Style Manual est un code typographique et anglais britannique reprenant et compl\u00E9tant les Rules for Compositors and Readers initialement compil\u00E9es par et accompagn\u00E9, depuis 2003, de l\u2019Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors de Robert M. Ritter. Cet ouvrage de r\u00E9f\u00E9rence publi\u00E9 par l\u2019Oxford University Press (OUP) est \u00E0 l\u2019origine une compilation de r\u00E8gles et normes regroup\u00E9es par Horace Hart durant trois d\u00E9cennies au cours desquelles il travaille pour plusieurs imprimeries. il est initialement imprim\u00E9 en 1893 sur une feuille grand format pour un usage interne \u00E0 l\u2019OUP o\u00F9 Hart est contr\u00F4leur. Ces r\u00E8gles et normes se d\u00E9veloppent au long des ann\u00E9es et sont finalement publi\u00E9es en 1904 et deviennent rapidement une r\u00E9f\u00E9rence en typographie, grammaire, ponctuation et usage."@fr . . . . . . . . "2127150"^^ . . . . . . . . "Oxford Style Manual"@fr . "L\u2019Oxford Style Manual est un code typographique et anglais britannique reprenant et compl\u00E9tant les Rules for Compositors and Readers initialement compil\u00E9es par et accompagn\u00E9, depuis 2003, de l\u2019Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors de Robert M. Ritter. Cet ouvrage de r\u00E9f\u00E9rence publi\u00E9 par l\u2019Oxford University Press (OUP) est \u00E0 l\u2019origine une compilation de r\u00E8gles et normes regroup\u00E9es par Horace Hart durant trois d\u00E9cennies au cours desquelles il travaille pour plusieurs imprimeries. il est initialement imprim\u00E9 en 1893 sur une feuille grand format pour un usage interne \u00E0 l\u2019OUP o\u00F9 Hart est contr\u00F4leur. Ces r\u00E8gles et normes se d\u00E9veloppent au long des ann\u00E9es et sont finalement publi\u00E9es en 1904 et deviennent rapidement une r\u00E9f\u00E9rence en typographie, grammaire, ponctuation et usage."@fr . . "6855"^^ . . . . . . . . "Hart's Rules"@en . . .