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Gaz de réservoir compact 緻密氣 Tight gas غاز حبيس Газ щільних колекторів Gaz zamknięty Tight gas
Le gaz de réservoir compact (en anglais : tight gas) est un gaz naturel produit à partir de roches-réservoirs si peu perméables qu'une fracturation hydraulique est nécessaire pour en assurer une production rentable. Les gisements de gaz de réservoir compact sont généralement caractérisés par une perméabilité inférieure à 0,1 millidarcy (mD) et une porosité inférieure à 10%. Les réservoirs compacts sont généralement des grès et, plus rarement, des calcaires. Le gaz de réservoir compact est considéré comme un gaz non conventionnel. Gaz zamknięty (ang. tight gas) – gaz ziemny uwięziony w izolowanych porach skalnych w skałach nieprzepuszczalnych na głębokości większej niż 3500 m, jeden z rodzajów niekonwencjonalnych źródeł gazu. Gaz zamknięty jest wydobywany za pomocą technologii podobnych do stosowanych przy wydobyciu gazu łupkowego, stosuje się także zmodyfikowane szczelinowanie skał. W Stanach Zjednoczonych gaz zamknięty wydobywa się już od lat 70., a w początkach XXI wieku jego wydobycie stanowiło ok. 40% wydobycia gazu niekonwencjonalnego. W Europie wydobywany jest głównie w Niemczech. الغاز الحبيس أحد هيئات الوقود الأحفوري، ييُستخرج بضغط الصخر المسامي الذي يحتويه رأسيا، بخلاف غاز الأردواز الذي يُستخرج بضغط الصخر المسامي . ويضغط بأساليب التصديع المائي. 緻密氣(英語:tight gas)是指在滲透率非常低的儲層岩石中的天然氣,它的生產需要大規模水力壓裂才能達到符合經濟效益的產量。這種天然氣一般不含凝析油。故被稱爲乾氣(英語:dry gas)。這些產生乾氣的不滲透儲層也被稱為“緻密砂岩”(英語:tight sand) 。一般緻密氣藏通常定義為基質滲透率低於 0.1 毫達西 (mD) 和基質孔隙度低於 10%。緻密氣最常在砂岩,但有時在石灰岩。緻密氣被認為是一種非常規天然氣資源。緻密砂岩多屬古生代地層。因受長期地質作用,降低了岩石的滲透性,天然氣被困在這些岩層中。水平鑽井和水力壓裂 一般被常用於緻密砂岩的氣田開發。水平鑽井可增加生產管在岩層中長度,水力壓裂可增加岩層的破裂帶能加速氣體流動。故兩者實施可增加氣田產能。 Il gas da sabbie compatte, o gas da arenarie compatte, o tight gas (lingua inglese) è un tipo di giacimento di gas naturale non convenzionale costituito da rocce a bassa macroporosità e poco permeabili. Questi giacimenti di gas da sabbie compatte si possono trovare anche nelle miniere di carbone.La tecnologia utilizzata per estrarre il gas da questi giacimenti è analoga a quella utilizzata per lo shale gas: si inizia con un perforazione con andamento verticale perforazione nel sottosuolo, successivamente si devia verso una perforazione orizzontale che può essere completata da un'operazione di fratturazione idraulica per aumentare la fratturazione presente nelle rocce aumentandone la permeabilità per meglio produrre il gas intrappolato. Tight gas is natural gas produced from reservoir rocks with such low permeability that massive hydraulic fracturing is necessary to produce the well at economic rates. This natural gas is trapped within rocks with very low permeability, in other words, they are sealed in very impermeable and hard rocks, making their formation "tight". These impermeable reservoirs which produce dry natural gas are also called "Tight Sand". Tight gas reservoirs are generally defined as having less than 0.1 millidarcy (mD) matrix permeability and less than ten percent matrix porosity. Although shales have low permeability and low effective porosity, shale gas is usually considered separate from tight gas, which is contained most commonly in sandstone, but sometimes in limestone. Tight gas is considered an unc
dbr:Mesaverde_Formation dbr:Geology_of_the_Appalachians dbr:Natural_gas dbr:Utica_Shale dbr:Nanodarcy dbr:Denver_Basin dbc:Unconventional_gas dbr:Permeability_(earth_sciences) dbr:Wattenberg_Gas_Field dbr:Shale_gas n24:(Non)_Conventional_Deposits.svg dbr:Darcy_(unit) dbr:Piceance_Basin dbr:Tight_oil dbr:Unconventional_(oil_&_gas)_reservoir dbr:Hydraulic_fracturing dbr:Rotliegend
n12:3hRq3 yago-res:Tight_gas dbpedia-zh:緻密氣 dbpedia-fr:Gaz_de_réservoir_compact dbpedia-uk:Газ_щільних_колекторів dbpedia-pl:Gaz_zamknięty dbpedia-tr:Kum_gazı wikidata:Q3991263 dbpedia-ar:غاز_حبيس dbpedia-it:Tight_gas freebase:m.0crcmc3
dbt:Short_description dbt:Petroleum-stub dbt:Fuel_gas dbt:Portal_bar dbt:Shale_gas
Le gaz de réservoir compact (en anglais : tight gas) est un gaz naturel produit à partir de roches-réservoirs si peu perméables qu'une fracturation hydraulique est nécessaire pour en assurer une production rentable. Les gisements de gaz de réservoir compact sont généralement caractérisés par une perméabilité inférieure à 0,1 millidarcy (mD) et une porosité inférieure à 10%. Les réservoirs compacts sont généralement des grès et, plus rarement, des calcaires. Le gaz de réservoir compact est considéré comme un gaz non conventionnel. Le gaz de schiste, également appelé gaz de roche-mère est un autre gaz non conventionnel. Les argiles ou marnes roches-mères (appelées souvent improprement schistes) qui contiennent ce gaz ont une très faible perméabilité et une faible porosité, mais le gaz de schiste est la plupart du temps défini séparément du gaz de réservoir compact. Tight gas is natural gas produced from reservoir rocks with such low permeability that massive hydraulic fracturing is necessary to produce the well at economic rates. This natural gas is trapped within rocks with very low permeability, in other words, they are sealed in very impermeable and hard rocks, making their formation "tight". These impermeable reservoirs which produce dry natural gas are also called "Tight Sand". Tight gas reservoirs are generally defined as having less than 0.1 millidarcy (mD) matrix permeability and less than ten percent matrix porosity. Although shales have low permeability and low effective porosity, shale gas is usually considered separate from tight gas, which is contained most commonly in sandstone, but sometimes in limestone. Tight gas is considered an unconventional source of natural gas. But they are much older than the Conventional gas. Tight gas was formed 248 million years ago in Paleozoic formations. Cementation and recrystallization changed a conventional gas reserve which reduced the permeability of the rock and natural gas was trapped within these rock formations. Horizontal and directional drilling is used to extract tight gas deposits as they run along the formation which in turn allows more natural gas to enter the well that was dug. Numerous wells can be drilled to access the gas. Hydraulic fracturing is one of the main methods to access the gas which requires breaking apart the rocks in the formation by pumping fracking fluids in to the wells. This increases permeability and allows gas to flow easily, freeing it from the trap. After that deliquifaction is used to help in the extraction. Rock with permeabilities as little as one nanodarcy, reservoir stimulation may be economically productive with optimized spacing and completion of staged fractures to maximize yield concerning cost. 緻密氣(英語:tight gas)是指在滲透率非常低的儲層岩石中的天然氣,它的生產需要大規模水力壓裂才能達到符合經濟效益的產量。這種天然氣一般不含凝析油。故被稱爲乾氣(英語:dry gas)。這些產生乾氣的不滲透儲層也被稱為“緻密砂岩”(英語:tight sand) 。一般緻密氣藏通常定義為基質滲透率低於 0.1 毫達西 (mD) 和基質孔隙度低於 10%。緻密氣最常在砂岩,但有時在石灰岩。緻密氣被認為是一種非常規天然氣資源。緻密砂岩多屬古生代地層。因受長期地質作用,降低了岩石的滲透性,天然氣被困在這些岩層中。水平鑽井和水力壓裂 一般被常用於緻密砂岩的氣田開發。水平鑽井可增加生產管在岩層中長度,水力壓裂可增加岩層的破裂帶能加速氣體流動。故兩者實施可增加氣田產能。 الغاز الحبيس أحد هيئات الوقود الأحفوري، ييُستخرج بضغط الصخر المسامي الذي يحتويه رأسيا، بخلاف غاز الأردواز الذي يُستخرج بضغط الصخر المسامي . ويضغط بأساليب التصديع المائي. Gaz zamknięty (ang. tight gas) – gaz ziemny uwięziony w izolowanych porach skalnych w skałach nieprzepuszczalnych na głębokości większej niż 3500 m, jeden z rodzajów niekonwencjonalnych źródeł gazu. Gaz zamknięty jest wydobywany za pomocą technologii podobnych do stosowanych przy wydobyciu gazu łupkowego, stosuje się także zmodyfikowane szczelinowanie skał. W Stanach Zjednoczonych gaz zamknięty wydobywa się już od lat 70., a w początkach XXI wieku jego wydobycie stanowiło ok. 40% wydobycia gazu niekonwencjonalnego. W Europie wydobywany jest głównie w Niemczech. Il gas da sabbie compatte, o gas da arenarie compatte, o tight gas (lingua inglese) è un tipo di giacimento di gas naturale non convenzionale costituito da rocce a bassa macroporosità e poco permeabili. Questi giacimenti di gas da sabbie compatte si possono trovare anche nelle miniere di carbone.La tecnologia utilizzata per estrarre il gas da questi giacimenti è analoga a quella utilizzata per lo shale gas: si inizia con un perforazione con andamento verticale perforazione nel sottosuolo, successivamente si devia verso una perforazione orizzontale che può essere completata da un'operazione di fratturazione idraulica per aumentare la fratturazione presente nelle rocce aumentandone la permeabilità per meglio produrre il gas intrappolato.