About: Taqwacore

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Taqwacore is a subgenre of punk music dealing with Islam, its culture, and interpretation. Originally conceived in Michael Muhammad Knight's 2003 novel, The Taqwacores, the name is a portmanteau of "hardcore" and the Arabic word "taqwa" (تقوى), which is usually translated as "piety" or the quality of being "God-fearing", and thus roughly denotes reverence and love of the divine. The scene is composed mainly of young Muslim artists living in the US and other Western countries, many of whom openly reject traditionalist interpretations of Islam, and thus live their own lifestyle within the religion or without.

Property Value
  • Taqwacore je punkově muslimské hnutí, které se snaží nalézt soulad v duální identitě muslima a Američana. Zároveň také hledá možné spojnice mezi vírou a radikálním alternativním hnutím jako je punk. Taqwacore subkultura se utvořila na základě novely Michaela Muhammada Knighta. Pojem je složený ze slov „Taqwa“ a „core“. První je islámským konceptem s významem „strachu nebo respektu z Boha“, ale i „povědomí nebo vědomí Boha“. Slovo „core“ je zkratkou pro „hardcore“ a odkazem na hardcore punk rockovou scénu. (cs)
  • Taqwacore ist ein Genre des Punk, das mit dem Islam und seiner Kultur in Zusammenhang steht. Der Begriff wurde von dem zum Islam konvertierten amerikanischen Schriftsteller Michael Muhammad Knight in einem Roman mit dem Titel The Taqwacores geprägt und beschreibt dort als Kunstwort aus dem arabischen Begriff Taqwa (Gottesehrfurcht oder auch Demut gegenüber Allah,) und dem englischen Wort Hardcore als Analogie für Hardcore-Punk eine islamisch beeinflusste und geprägte Punkmusikbewegung. Im 2009 entstandenen und von Knights Buch beeinflussten Dokumentarfilm wurden erstmals sich als Taqwacore bezeichnende Bands wie The Kominas, Al-Thawra und Vote Hezbollah einer breiteren Öffentlichkeit bekannt. Es gibt noch keinen endgültigen ausgeprägten Taqwacore-Sound, die Künstler spielen aus verschiedenen Musikrichtungen, von Punk bis Hip-Hop. (de)
  • Taqwacore Islamarekin eta kultura islamikoarekin zerikusia duen punk musikaren adar bat da. Kontzeptua sortu zuen eleberrian. Hardcore eta hitz arabiarraren elkartzetik sortutako hitza da. Taqwaren ohiko itzulpena "errukia" da edo "Jainkoaren beldur" izatea. Lehen Taqwacore taldeak , eta izan ziren. Geroztik beste hainbat talde sortu dira, besteren artean, eta . Ez da musika mota zehatz bat, taldeek hainbat estilo nahasten dituzte, punketik hip-hoperaino, musika tradizio islandarrarekin nahasirik. The Kominas taldeak bere estiloa "Bollywood punk" bezala definitzen du, Sagg Taqwacore Syndicatek rap eta techno oinarridun musika egiten du eta taldeak "raicore" estiloa lantzen du, arabiar rai musikan oinarriturik. (eu)
  • Le taqwacore est un sous-genre de punk en rapport avec l'Islam et sa culture. Le terme est initialement utilisé par l'écrivain américain Michael Muhammad Knight dans un roman intitulé The Taqwacores. Il s'agit d'un mot-valise qui regroupe le punk hardcore et le mot arabe taqwa, qui peut se traduire par l'expression « vivre la piété » et qui dénote à la fois d'une peur et d'un amour du divin. Il n'y a pas encore de son définitif au taqwacore, les artistes se réclamant du genre jouant divers genres de musique variant du punk au hip-hop. (fr)
  • Taqwacore adalah subgenre musik punk yang berhubungan dengan Islam, budaya, dan interpretasinya. Awalnya ditulis dalam novel tahun 2003, , nama ini merupakan gabungan dari "hardcore" dan kata Arab "taqwa" (تقوى), yang biasanya diterjemahkan sebagai "kesalehan" atau kualitas menjadi "takut akan Allah" , dan dengan demikian secara kasar menunjukkan penghormatan dan cinta yang ilahi. Kancah ini sebagian besar terdiri dari seniman muda Muslim yang tinggal di AS dan negara-negara Barat lainnya, banyak dari mereka secara terbuka menolak interpretasi tradisionalis tentang Islam, dan dengan demikian menjalani gaya hidup mereka sendiri di dalam atau di luar agama. (in)
  • Taqwacore is a subgenre of punk music dealing with Islam, its culture, and interpretation. Originally conceived in Michael Muhammad Knight's 2003 novel, The Taqwacores, the name is a portmanteau of "hardcore" and the Arabic word "taqwa" (تقوى), which is usually translated as "piety" or the quality of being "God-fearing", and thus roughly denotes reverence and love of the divine. The scene is composed mainly of young Muslim artists living in the US and other Western countries, many of whom openly reject traditionalist interpretations of Islam, and thus live their own lifestyle within the religion or without. (en)
  • Taqwacore è un genere tematico relativo al punk rock (in particolare hardcore punk), che introduce temi trattanti la religione islamica.Questa corrente emerse in seguito al romanzo scritto da dal titolo di The Taqwacores (diffuso in Italia sotto il nome di Islampunk) pubblicato nel 2003. Il nome è un composto aplologico tra le parole hardcore (tratto da hardcore punk) e la parola araba Taqwa, che nella cultura araba appunto significherebbe fare quello che Allah ha comandato, ed evitare quello che ha proibito. Anche se i primi esempi di punk islamico, come gli , risalgono ai tardi anni settanta, e sebbene ci siano stati in seguito altri gruppi islamici collegati al punk come gli Asian Dub Foundation, fu il libro di Knight a favorire la nascita di complessi di questo genere anche negli USA. Le prime band ad autodefinirsi come taqwacore furono i , gli e . Altre band che caratterizzano la scena sono e . Essendo un genere prettamente tematico, va ricordato che il taqwacore non è un genere musicale, ma unicamente un termine da attribuire a quelle band dalle sonorità punk rock che introducono appunto tematiche riferite alla religione islamica. Non esiste perciò uno stile ben preciso ed i gruppi della scena presentano sonorità che, seppur rientranti nella categoria della musica punk, possono essere molto diverse tra loro. (it)
  • Takwacore – gatunek muzyczny będącym połączeniem punk rocka oraz kultury Islamu. Określenie użyte pierwszy raz w Książce Michaela Muhammad Knighta, The Taqwacores z 2003 roku. Nazwa gatunku jest połączeniem słów core od hardcore oraz arabskiego słowa taqwa oznaczającego „pobożność”. O ile początki muzułmańskiej muzyki punk datuje już na rok 1979, wskazując na twórczość brytyjskiej grupy , to pierwszymi grupami, którą wskazać można jako tworzące takwacore są , Vote Hezbollah czy . (pl)
  • Taqwacore é um gênero derivado da música punk é totalmente relacionada ao islamismo e sua cultura, originalmente concebida por Michael Muhammad Knight autor do romance, "Os Taqwacores". O nome é uma junção do termo hardcore e da palavra árabe taqwa, que é normalmente traduzida como piedade ou a qualidade de ser temente a Deus e, portanto, denota o medo e o temor ao amor divino. As primeiras bandas a usar o termo taqwacore são The Kominas, 8-bit e Vote Hezbollah. Outras bandas inclusas na cena são Diacritical e Secret Trial Five. Não existe um definitivo estilo musical taqwacore alguns artistas incorporão diversos estilos, que vão de punk ao hip-hop, e tradições musicais do mundo muçulmano, os The Kominas descrevem seu som como punk Bollywood, enquanto Al-Thawra usa o termo Raïcore, baseado no estilo musical árabe chamado Raï . (pt)
  • Таквакор (англ. Taqwacore) — направление в панк-музыке, связанное с исламом и исламской культурой.Слово придумано Майклом Мухаммадом Найтом в его романе «The Taqwacores», как словослияние слов hardcore и таква (араб. تقوى‎‎ — богобоязненность). Сцена таквакора состоит в основном из молодых мусульман в США и других западных странах, которые открыто отрицают традиционную интерпретацию ислама и ведут свой собственный образ жизни. (ru)
  • 4502002 (xsd:integer)
  • 30018 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
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  • Michael Muhammad Knight (en)
  • Secret Trial Five (en)
  • Marwan from Al-Thawra (en)
  • 1990.0
  • Taqwacore (en)
  • *Sufi rock *Taqwa (en)
  • Soft Skull Press (en)
  • About Me on the Website (en)
  • Email Correspondence (en)
  • Email-correspondence (en)
  • the band has been identified as being part of a genre called "taqwacore", but they now actively reject that association, as it not only limits them, but also, taqwacore has caused a racist, islamophobic and sensationalist media frenzy. it has also been wrongly reported that the inspiration behind secret trial five are the writings of michael muhammad knight: which is false (en)
  • I stopped trying to define Punk around the same time I stopped trying to define Islam. They aren't so far removed as you'd think. Both began in tremendous bursts of truth and vitality but seem to have lost something along the way—the energy, perhaps, that comes with knowing the world has never seen such positive force and fury and never would again. Both have suffered from sell-outs and hypocrites, but also from true believers whose devotion had crippled their creative drive. Both are viewed by outsiders as unified, cohesive communities when nothing can be further from the truth. (en)
  • Our relationship with the taqwacore thing has been fairly unsteady. While we did participate in a lot of the media surrounding it, we didn't start out as a "taqwacore" band, because the project was already underway before I even had any idea that such a thing existed. We were hesitant to use the term, and reluctantly accepted it later on, only to be disillusioned again. (en)
  • Anyway, initially, "raicore" was a term that I came up with for Al-Thawra's music and put on our first Myspace page back in 2006, because I couldn't think of any other way to describe it. Rai seemed like a natural place for this music to exist, because it was born from similar social phenomena. Our music is something that is of diaspora, with a mentality, identity crisis/allegiance, and musical texture that is caught somewhere between East and West and really belonging to neither. In some ways, Rai and early Chaabi, folk music from Wahran was very influential to me, because it was true people's music. It came from the ports, from the marginalized elements of society in a multicultural city, it spoke of socially taboo subjects. In a sense it was real rebel music. I was very influenced by that and, as delusional as this may sound, is something that I hope to speak to when I started out on this project. (en)
  • The Taqwacores (en)
  • Taqwacore je punkově muslimské hnutí, které se snaží nalézt soulad v duální identitě muslima a Američana. Zároveň také hledá možné spojnice mezi vírou a radikálním alternativním hnutím jako je punk. Taqwacore subkultura se utvořila na základě novely Michaela Muhammada Knighta. Pojem je složený ze slov „Taqwa“ a „core“. První je islámským konceptem s významem „strachu nebo respektu z Boha“, ale i „povědomí nebo vědomí Boha“. Slovo „core“ je zkratkou pro „hardcore“ a odkazem na hardcore punk rockovou scénu. (cs)
  • Le taqwacore est un sous-genre de punk en rapport avec l'Islam et sa culture. Le terme est initialement utilisé par l'écrivain américain Michael Muhammad Knight dans un roman intitulé The Taqwacores. Il s'agit d'un mot-valise qui regroupe le punk hardcore et le mot arabe taqwa, qui peut se traduire par l'expression « vivre la piété » et qui dénote à la fois d'une peur et d'un amour du divin. Il n'y a pas encore de son définitif au taqwacore, les artistes se réclamant du genre jouant divers genres de musique variant du punk au hip-hop. (fr)
  • Taqwacore adalah subgenre musik punk yang berhubungan dengan Islam, budaya, dan interpretasinya. Awalnya ditulis dalam novel tahun 2003, , nama ini merupakan gabungan dari "hardcore" dan kata Arab "taqwa" (تقوى), yang biasanya diterjemahkan sebagai "kesalehan" atau kualitas menjadi "takut akan Allah" , dan dengan demikian secara kasar menunjukkan penghormatan dan cinta yang ilahi. Kancah ini sebagian besar terdiri dari seniman muda Muslim yang tinggal di AS dan negara-negara Barat lainnya, banyak dari mereka secara terbuka menolak interpretasi tradisionalis tentang Islam, dan dengan demikian menjalani gaya hidup mereka sendiri di dalam atau di luar agama. (in)
  • Taqwacore is a subgenre of punk music dealing with Islam, its culture, and interpretation. Originally conceived in Michael Muhammad Knight's 2003 novel, The Taqwacores, the name is a portmanteau of "hardcore" and the Arabic word "taqwa" (تقوى), which is usually translated as "piety" or the quality of being "God-fearing", and thus roughly denotes reverence and love of the divine. The scene is composed mainly of young Muslim artists living in the US and other Western countries, many of whom openly reject traditionalist interpretations of Islam, and thus live their own lifestyle within the religion or without. (en)
  • Takwacore – gatunek muzyczny będącym połączeniem punk rocka oraz kultury Islamu. Określenie użyte pierwszy raz w Książce Michaela Muhammad Knighta, The Taqwacores z 2003 roku. Nazwa gatunku jest połączeniem słów core od hardcore oraz arabskiego słowa taqwa oznaczającego „pobożność”. O ile początki muzułmańskiej muzyki punk datuje już na rok 1979, wskazując na twórczość brytyjskiej grupy , to pierwszymi grupami, którą wskazać można jako tworzące takwacore są , Vote Hezbollah czy . (pl)
  • Таквакор (англ. Taqwacore) — направление в панк-музыке, связанное с исламом и исламской культурой.Слово придумано Майклом Мухаммадом Найтом в его романе «The Taqwacores», как словослияние слов hardcore и таква (араб. تقوى‎‎ — богобоязненность). Сцена таквакора состоит в основном из молодых мусульман в США и других западных странах, которые открыто отрицают традиционную интерпретацию ислама и ведут свой собственный образ жизни. (ru)
  • Taqwacore ist ein Genre des Punk, das mit dem Islam und seiner Kultur in Zusammenhang steht. Der Begriff wurde von dem zum Islam konvertierten amerikanischen Schriftsteller Michael Muhammad Knight in einem Roman mit dem Titel The Taqwacores geprägt und beschreibt dort als Kunstwort aus dem arabischen Begriff Taqwa (Gottesehrfurcht oder auch Demut gegenüber Allah,) und dem englischen Wort Hardcore als Analogie für Hardcore-Punk eine islamisch beeinflusste und geprägte Punkmusikbewegung. (de)
  • Taqwacore Islamarekin eta kultura islamikoarekin zerikusia duen punk musikaren adar bat da. Kontzeptua sortu zuen eleberrian. Hardcore eta hitz arabiarraren elkartzetik sortutako hitza da. Taqwaren ohiko itzulpena "errukia" da edo "Jainkoaren beldur" izatea. Lehen Taqwacore taldeak , eta izan ziren. Geroztik beste hainbat talde sortu dira, besteren artean, eta . (eu)
  • Taqwacore è un genere tematico relativo al punk rock (in particolare hardcore punk), che introduce temi trattanti la religione islamica.Questa corrente emerse in seguito al romanzo scritto da dal titolo di The Taqwacores (diffuso in Italia sotto il nome di Islampunk) pubblicato nel 2003. Le prime band ad autodefinirsi come taqwacore furono i , gli e . Altre band che caratterizzano la scena sono e . (it)
  • Taqwacore é um gênero derivado da música punk é totalmente relacionada ao islamismo e sua cultura, originalmente concebida por Michael Muhammad Knight autor do romance, "Os Taqwacores". O nome é uma junção do termo hardcore e da palavra árabe taqwa, que é normalmente traduzida como piedade ou a qualidade de ser temente a Deus e, portanto, denota o medo e o temor ao amor divino. As primeiras bandas a usar o termo taqwacore são The Kominas, 8-bit e Vote Hezbollah. Outras bandas inclusas na cena são Diacritical e Secret Trial Five. (pt)
  • Taqwacore (en)
  • Taqwacore (cs)
  • Taqwacore (de)
  • Taqwacore (eu)
  • Taqwacore (in)
  • Taqwacore (fr)
  • Taqwacore (it)
  • Takwacore (pl)
  • Taqwacore (pt)
  • Таквакор (ru)
  • Taqwacore (en)
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