Odontostomatida is a small order of ciliates, referred to as odontostomes. They use their cilia, or hair-like structures on unicellular organisms, to propel themselves.
Odontostomatida is a small order of ciliates, referred to as odontostomes. They use their cilia, or hair-like structures on unicellular organisms, to propel themselves. (en)
즐구류(櫛口類, odontostome)는 즐구목(櫛口目 Odontostomatida)에 속하는 섬모충류 원생동물의 총칭이다. 몸을 앞으로 이동시키기 위해 섬모를 이용한다. (ko)
Odontostomatida is a small order of ciliates, referred to as odontostomes. They use their cilia, or hair-like structures on unicellular organisms, to propel themselves. (en)
즐구류(櫛口類, odontostome)는 즐구목(櫛口目 Odontostomatida)에 속하는 섬모충류 원생동물의 총칭이다. 몸을 앞으로 이동시키기 위해 섬모를 이용한다. (ko)