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Ngô Văn Sở (吳文楚, died 1795) was a general of the Tây Sơn dynasty. Born in Tuy Viễn District (modern Tây Sơn District), Bình Định Province, he joined the Tây Sơn army at an early age. In 1787, Vũ Văn Nhậm led an army north into Tonkin. Sở and Phan Văn Lân followed the army to assist him. Nhậm occupied Thăng Long (modern Hanoi), executed Nguyễn Hữu Chỉnh, and installed Lê Duy Cận as a puppet "Prince Regent" (監國 giám quốc). Sở and Lân reported Nhậm's actions to emperor Quang Trung, who subsequently had Nhậm executed. The emperor then left Tonkin, leaving Sở, Lân, , , , and Ngô Thì Nhậm in Thăng Long to watch over Cận.

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  • Ngô Văn Sở (吳文楚, died 1795) was a general of the Tây Sơn dynasty. Born in Tuy Viễn District (modern Tây Sơn District), Bình Định Province, he joined the Tây Sơn army at an early age. In 1787, Vũ Văn Nhậm led an army north into Tonkin. Sở and Phan Văn Lân followed the army to assist him. Nhậm occupied Thăng Long (modern Hanoi), executed Nguyễn Hữu Chỉnh, and installed Lê Duy Cận as a puppet "Prince Regent" (監國 giám quốc). Sở and Lân reported Nhậm's actions to emperor Quang Trung, who subsequently had Nhậm executed. The emperor then left Tonkin, leaving Sở, Lân, , , , and Ngô Thì Nhậm in Thăng Long to watch over Cận. Qing China invaded Vietnam to reinstall the deposed emperor Lê Chiêu Thống of Lê dynasty. Sở ordered Cận to write a letter to the Qing viceroy Sun Shiyi. Describing himself as a popular ruler, Cận tried to persuade Sun to retreat, but his plea was rejected. Realizing the Tây Sơn army could not stop the Chinese army from marching to Thăng Long, Sở accepted the suggestion of Nhậm, abandoned Thăng Long, and retreated to Tam Điệp, and sent Nguyễn Văn Tuyết to Phú Xuân (mordern Huế) to ask support. Huệ and Sở then defeated the Chinese army in the Battle of Ngọc Hồi-Đống Đa. After the war, Huệ attempted to find a peaceful solution with Qing China. Sở was sent to China as a member of the diplomatic corps. Finally, Nguyễn Huệ was recognized as the new ruler of Vietnam by the Qianlong Emperor. The child emperor Nguyễn Quang Toản ascended the throne in 1792. The following year, Quy Nhơn was attacked by the Nguyễn lords. Nguyễn Nhạc was defeated, and asked for Toản's help. Sở led troops to reinforce Quy Nhơn together with Phạm Công Hưng, and , and the Nguyễn army had to retreat. Sở was a political ally of Bùi Đắc Tuyên. In 1795, Sở was sent to Tonkin to replace Vũ Văn Dũng. Dũng was ordered to return to Phú Xuân, but on the way there, persuaded him to stage a coup against Tuyên, who was subsequently arrested and thrown into prison. Sở was arrested by Nguyễn Quang Thùy and taken to Phú Xuân. He was thrown into the Perfume River together with Tuyên and Tuyên's son Bùi Đắc Trụ. (en)
  • 吳文楚(越南语:Ngô Văn Sở/吳文楚;?-1795年),越南西山朝將領。 吳文楚出生在的平溪(今屬平定省西山縣),其先祖來自天祿縣(今河靜省干祿縣)。吳文楚早年時候曾拜為師學習武術,與裴氏春是同學。 1771年,阮岳、阮侶、阮惠發動西山起義,吳文楚是早期參加的將領。1773年,吳文楚參加了攻打歸仁的戰役。1775年,又隨阮惠進攻富安,擊敗阮主的宋福洽部。此後吳文楚成為一位高級將領,封大司馬。1786年先後參加奪取富春(今順化)、攻滅鄭主戰鬥。 1787年,吳文楚和潘文璘隨武文任討伐阮有整。吳文楚和潘文璘被阮惠任命為參贊軍務,以監視武文任的舉動。武文任滅阮有整後,圖謀割據北河自立。吳文楚和潘文璘將此報告阮惠。1788年,阮惠率軍前往昇龍(今河內),吳文楚和潘文璘開城門接入,將武文任殺死。隨後阮惠凱旋而歸,留吳文楚守昇龍,以武文勇、潘文璘、阮文雪、吳時任輔佐。 同年,流亡清朝的後黎朝昭統帝向清朝求援,清朝派遣孫士毅率大軍助其復位。北河的西山軍不敵,清軍長驅直入。吳文楚與謀士吳時任商議,決定拋棄昇龍城,大軍前往駐紮,等待阮惠大軍的支援。阮惠率軍來到後,吳文楚和潘文璘作為西山軍的先鋒攻打清軍,將其驅逐出境。 在擊敗清軍之後,阮惠決定向清朝求和,1790年,派遣范公治假冒阮惠出使清朝。吳文楚作為西山朝的大臣跟隨前往。這次求和成功緩和了兩國關係,阮惠獲封安南國王。 1792年,阮惠逝世,阮光纘繼位。阮光纘年僅十歲,以裴得宣、陳光耀、武文勇等輔政。1793年,阮福映率軍入侵歸仁。吳文楚與太尉范公興、護駕阮文訓、大司隸黎忠帶兵一萬,支援歸仁的阮岳。 陳光耀、武文勇帶兵在外,太師裴得宣在朝中專權。為了削武文勇兵權,於1795年派遣吳文楚前往北河,替代武文勇。武文勇在回富春的途中遇到了中書令陳文紀,在陳文紀的慫恿下,武文勇發動兵變逮捕了裴得宣,並矯詔令北河節制阮光垂逮捕吳文楚押解回富春。武文勇以他們為謀反,將裴得宣、吳文楚等人投入香江溺死。 (zh)
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  • Ngô Văn Sở (吳文楚, died 1795) was a general of the Tây Sơn dynasty. Born in Tuy Viễn District (modern Tây Sơn District), Bình Định Province, he joined the Tây Sơn army at an early age. In 1787, Vũ Văn Nhậm led an army north into Tonkin. Sở and Phan Văn Lân followed the army to assist him. Nhậm occupied Thăng Long (modern Hanoi), executed Nguyễn Hữu Chỉnh, and installed Lê Duy Cận as a puppet "Prince Regent" (監國 giám quốc). Sở and Lân reported Nhậm's actions to emperor Quang Trung, who subsequently had Nhậm executed. The emperor then left Tonkin, leaving Sở, Lân, , , , and Ngô Thì Nhậm in Thăng Long to watch over Cận. (en)
  • 吳文楚(越南语:Ngô Văn Sở/吳文楚;?-1795年),越南西山朝將領。 吳文楚出生在的平溪(今屬平定省西山縣),其先祖來自天祿縣(今河靜省干祿縣)。吳文楚早年時候曾拜為師學習武術,與裴氏春是同學。 1771年,阮岳、阮侶、阮惠發動西山起義,吳文楚是早期參加的將領。1773年,吳文楚參加了攻打歸仁的戰役。1775年,又隨阮惠進攻富安,擊敗阮主的宋福洽部。此後吳文楚成為一位高級將領,封大司馬。1786年先後參加奪取富春(今順化)、攻滅鄭主戰鬥。 1787年,吳文楚和潘文璘隨武文任討伐阮有整。吳文楚和潘文璘被阮惠任命為參贊軍務,以監視武文任的舉動。武文任滅阮有整後,圖謀割據北河自立。吳文楚和潘文璘將此報告阮惠。1788年,阮惠率軍前往昇龍(今河內),吳文楚和潘文璘開城門接入,將武文任殺死。隨後阮惠凱旋而歸,留吳文楚守昇龍,以武文勇、潘文璘、阮文雪、吳時任輔佐。 同年,流亡清朝的後黎朝昭統帝向清朝求援,清朝派遣孫士毅率大軍助其復位。北河的西山軍不敵,清軍長驅直入。吳文楚與謀士吳時任商議,決定拋棄昇龍城,大軍前往駐紮,等待阮惠大軍的支援。阮惠率軍來到後,吳文楚和潘文璘作為西山軍的先鋒攻打清軍,將其驅逐出境。 在擊敗清軍之後,阮惠決定向清朝求和,1790年,派遣范公治假冒阮惠出使清朝。吳文楚作為西山朝的大臣跟隨前往。這次求和成功緩和了兩國關係,阮惠獲封安南國王。 (zh)
  • Ngô Văn Sở (en)
  • 吳文楚 (zh)
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