An Entity of Type: ethnic group, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

Taiwanese people may be generally considered the people of Taiwan who share a common culture, ancestry and speak Taiwanese Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka or indigenous Taiwanese languages as a mother tongue. Taiwanese people may also refer to the indigenous peoples of the areas under the control of the Government of the Republic of China since 1945, including Penghu as well as Kinmen and Matsu Islands that collectively form its streamlined Fujian Province (see Taiwan Area). However, the inhabitants of Kinmen and the Matsu themselves may not consider the "Taiwanese" label to be accurate as they are a part of Fujian and not Taiwan. They have a distinctive identity from that of the Taiwanese; viewing themselves as Kinmenese or Matsunese, respectively, or as simply Chinese.

Property Value
  • Orang Taiwan/Republik Tiongkok (Hanzi tradisional: 臺灣人; Hanzi sederhana: 台湾人; Pinyin: Táiwān rén; Wade–Giles: T'ai2-wan1-jen2; /tʰaɪ wän ʐən/) (Minnan: 臺灣儂, Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tâi-oân-lâng; /Tai uan laŋ/; Hakka 臺灣人 : Thòi-vàn ngìn) (Inggris: Taiwanese) untuk membedakan dengan Orang Cina/Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (Inggris: Chinese, Indonesia: Tionghoa) adalah orang yang berasal dari pulau Formosa (secara resmi dikenal sebagai Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan) yang berbagi sebuah kebudayaan Taiwan bersama dan berbicara dalam bahasa Tionghoa atau penduduk asli sebagai bahasa ibu. Orang Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan juga dapat mengacu kepada individu baik yang mengklaim atau yang dianggap berfokus pada Formosa atau wilayah di bawah kendali Pemerintah Republik Tiongkok sejak tahun 1945, termasuk Penghu, Kinmen, Kepulauan Matsu, dan pulau-pulau sekitarnya. Setidaknya tiga paradigma terlibat (kadang-kadang tumpang tindih) yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi seseorang sebagai orang Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan: kriteria nasionalis, kriteria (termasuk konsep "Orang Taiwan Baru"), dan kriteria sosial budaya. Standar-standar ini tidak pasti, dan merupakan hasil dari perkembangan isu-isu sosial dan politik.Kompleksitas sebagai akibat dari standar yang terlibat dan berkembang diperparah oleh sengketa yang lebih besar mengenai identitas Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan, status politik Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan, dan kemungkinan kemerdekaan Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan de jure atau integrasi politik dengan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok/Cina. Menurut data pemerintah, lebih dari 95% populasi Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan yang berjumlah 23,4 juta terdiri dari Tionghoa Han, sedangkan 2,3% adalah penduduk asli Formosa . Kategori Tionghoa Han terdiri dari tiga kelompok utama: , Hakka, dan . Namun, akulturasi, perkawinan, dan asimilasi telah mengakibatkan suatu taraf pencampuran keturunan orang Han dan penduduk asli Formosa. Meskipun konsep "empat kelompok etnis besar" diduga menjadi usaha yang disengaja oleh Partai Progresif Demokrat yang didominasi orang Hoklo untuk meredakan ketegangan etnis, konsepsi ini telah menjadi kerangka acuan dominan untuk menangani isu etnis Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan dan nasional. Meskipun penggunaan luas dari "empat kelompok etnis besar" dalam wacana publik sebagai identitas yang dirumuskan secara esensial, hubungan antara orang-orang Formosa telah dalam berada keadaan konstan konvergensi dan negosiasi selama berabad-abad. Kelanjutan proses percampuran lintas etnis dengan etnis dari dalam dan luar Formosa, dikombinasikan dengan hilangnya hambatan etnis karena pengalaman sosial politik bersama, telah menyebabkan munculnya "orang Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan" sebagai kelompok etnis yang lebih besar. (in)
  • Taiwanese people may be generally considered the people of Taiwan who share a common culture, ancestry and speak Taiwanese Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka or indigenous Taiwanese languages as a mother tongue. Taiwanese people may also refer to the indigenous peoples of the areas under the control of the Government of the Republic of China since 1945, including Penghu as well as Kinmen and Matsu Islands that collectively form its streamlined Fujian Province (see Taiwan Area). However, the inhabitants of Kinmen and the Matsu themselves may not consider the "Taiwanese" label to be accurate as they are a part of Fujian and not Taiwan. They have a distinctive identity from that of the Taiwanese; viewing themselves as Kinmenese or Matsunese, respectively, or as simply Chinese. At least three competing (occasionally overlapping) paradigms are used to identify someone as a Taiwanese person: nationalist criteria, self-identification (including the concept of "New Taiwanese") criteria and socio-cultural criteria. These standards are fluid and result from evolving social and political issues. The complexity resulting from competing and evolving standards is compounded by a larger dispute regarding Taiwan's identity, the political status of Taiwan and its potential de jure Taiwan independence or Cross-Strait Unification. According to government figures, over 95% of Taiwan's population of 23.4 million consists of Han Chinese, while 2.3% are Austronesian Taiwanese indigenous peoples. The Han are often divided into three subgroups: the Hoklo, the Hakka, and waishengren (or "mainlanders"). Although the concept of the "four great ethnic groups" was alleged to be the deliberate attempt by the Hoklo-dominated Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to defuse ethnic tensions, this concept has become a dominant frame of reference for dealing with Taiwanese ethnic and national issues. Despite the wide use of the "four great ethnic groups" in public discourse as essentialized identities, the relationships between the peoples of Taiwan have been in a constant state of convergence and negotiation for centuries. According to Harrel and Huang, the distinction between non-aboriginal Taiwanese groups are "no longer definitive in cultural terms". (en)
  • 타이완인(중국어 정체자: 臺灣人, 간체자: 台湾人, 병음: Tâi-uân-lâng) 또는 대만인은 타이완에 정착하여 살고 있는 사람을 두루 가리킨다. 타이완에서는, 옛날에 "푸젠성 남부에서 이주한 사람(남인이나 푸젠 사람)"라고 하는 의미도 있지만, 그것은 하카인과 구별하는 경우도 있어서, 1945년 중화민국의 영토로 편입된 이후부터 최근에 이주한 한족(외성인)과 구별하는 경우도 있었다. 예로 리덩후이와 천수이볜은 본성인 계통의 중화민국 총통이었다. (ko)
  • 台湾人(たいわんじん)では、現在台湾(台湾本島とその付属島嶼と澎湖諸島)に在住する者について説明する。 (ja)
  • Os taiwaneses (chinês tradicional: 臺灣人; pinyin: Táiwān-rén) são o povo de Taiwan que compartilham uma cultura e ancestralidade comum e falam o mandarim taiwanês, o hokkien, o ou as línguas indígenas taiwanesas como língua materna. Taiwanês pode também ser referência aos povos indígenas das áreas sob o controle do governo da República da China desde 1945, incluindo Penghu, Kinmen e as Ilhas Matsu. Pelo menos três diferentes critérios, que ocasionalmente se sobrepõe, são usados para identificar alguém como taiwanês: critérios nacionalistas, critérios de auto-identificação (incluindo o conceito de "Novo Taiwanês") e critérios socioculturais. Esses critérios são fluidos e resultam da evolução das questões sociais e políticas enfrentadas na região. A complexidade resultante desses critérios concorrentes e em evolução é agravada pela disputa em relação à identidade de Taiwan, seu status político e sua potencial independência de jure ou unificação do estreito de Taiwan. De acordo com dados do governo, mais de 95% da população de 23,4 milhões de Taiwan consiste de chineses han, enquanto 2,3% são povos indígenas taiwaneses austronésios. Entre outros originários do continente, dois grupos principais eram o hoklo e o hakka. No entanto, a aculturação, o casamento e a assimilação cultural resultaram na mistura dos chineses han e dos aborígenes taiwaneses até certo ponto. Embora o conceito dos "quatro grandes grupos étnicos" tenha sido acusado de ser uma tentativa deliberada do Partido Democrático Progressista, majoritariamente hoklo, de acalmar as tensões étnicas, essa concepção se tornou dominante e uma referência para lidar com a problemática sobre a etnia e nacionalidade taiwanesa. Apesar do amplo uso dos "quatro grandes grupos étnicos" no discurso público como identidades essencializadas, as relações entre os povos de Taiwan estiveram em constante estado de convergência durante séculos. O processo contínuo de mistura étnica com etnias de dentro e fora de Taiwan, combinado com o desaparecimento de barreiras étnicas devido a uma experiência sociopolítica compartilhada, levou ao surgimento de "taiwaneses" como um grupo étnico maior e mais amplo. Exceto na ilha de Kinmen, cuja população se considera kinmenesa ou chinesa, e nas ilhas Matsu, cujos habitantes se consideram matsuneses ou chineses. (pt)
  • 臺灣人,由多種民族和原居台灣的臺灣原住民族所構成,依時期有17世紀左右漢族移民的閩南裔和客家裔,戰後時期移民的外省裔,以及各年代移民的臺灣新住民等民族及族群組成的,其中閩南漢族人數為大宗,約占七成。 17世紀前葉,葡萄牙、西班牙及荷蘭等西歐海權國家普遍以福爾摩沙之名稱呼臺灣本島,而居住於島上的人民則被歐洲人稱為福爾摩沙人(Formosan),此稱呼起初指臺灣原住民族,後隨移民族群加入與在地認同而成為臺灣人的自稱,並在至戰後時期之前,一直為國際社會所統稱。 (zh)
  • 26193616 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 4368634 (xsd:integer)
  • 84199 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1118647384 (xsd:integer)
  • Min name (en)
  • ㄊㄞˊ ㄨㄢ ㄖㄣˊ (en)
  • Dài-uăng ìng (en)
  • w (en)
  • Tair'uan ren (en)
  • Taiwanese people (en)
  • Thòi-vàn ngìn (en)
  • Toi4 Waan1 jan4 (en)
  • Táiwān rén (en)
  • Táiwān rén (en)
  • Xīnzhùmín (en)
  • Ū Tn̂g-soaⁿ kong, bô Tn̂g-soaⁿ má (en)
  • Tâi-oân-lâng (en)
  • 1538 (xsd:integer)
  • 4000 (xsd:integer)
  • 7050 (xsd:integer)
  • 8000 (xsd:integer)
  • 9000 (xsd:integer)
  • 11000 (xsd:integer)
  • 12000 (xsd:integer)
  • 30000 (xsd:integer)
  • 30985 (xsd:integer)
  • 34000 (xsd:integer)
  • 38000 (xsd:integer)
  • 44000 (xsd:integer)
  • 52768 (xsd:integer)
  • 69550 (xsd:integer)
  • 72000 (xsd:integer)
  • 145000 (xsd:integer)
  • 210000 (xsd:integer)
  • 373943 (xsd:integer)
  • 404000 (xsd:integer)
  • 23888275 (xsd:integer)
  • 26193616 (xsd:integer)
  • Taiwan (en)
  • United States (en)
  • Mainland China (en)
  • 台湾人 (en)
  • 台湾侬 (en)
  • 有公、無唐山媽 (en)
  • Tâi-uân lâng (en)
  • Táiwan rén (en)
  • T'ai²-wan¹ jen² (en)
  • Taiwan Hsin Chu-min (en)
  • 타이완인(중국어 정체자: 臺灣人, 간체자: 台湾人, 병음: Tâi-uân-lâng) 또는 대만인은 타이완에 정착하여 살고 있는 사람을 두루 가리킨다. 타이완에서는, 옛날에 "푸젠성 남부에서 이주한 사람(남인이나 푸젠 사람)"라고 하는 의미도 있지만, 그것은 하카인과 구별하는 경우도 있어서, 1945년 중화민국의 영토로 편입된 이후부터 최근에 이주한 한족(외성인)과 구별하는 경우도 있었다. 예로 리덩후이와 천수이볜은 본성인 계통의 중화민국 총통이었다. (ko)
  • 台湾人(たいわんじん)では、現在台湾(台湾本島とその付属島嶼と澎湖諸島)に在住する者について説明する。 (ja)
  • 臺灣人,由多種民族和原居台灣的臺灣原住民族所構成,依時期有17世紀左右漢族移民的閩南裔和客家裔,戰後時期移民的外省裔,以及各年代移民的臺灣新住民等民族及族群組成的,其中閩南漢族人數為大宗,約占七成。 17世紀前葉,葡萄牙、西班牙及荷蘭等西歐海權國家普遍以福爾摩沙之名稱呼臺灣本島,而居住於島上的人民則被歐洲人稱為福爾摩沙人(Formosan),此稱呼起初指臺灣原住民族,後隨移民族群加入與在地認同而成為臺灣人的自稱,並在至戰後時期之前,一直為國際社會所統稱。 (zh)
  • Orang Taiwan/Republik Tiongkok (Hanzi tradisional: 臺灣人; Hanzi sederhana: 台湾人; Pinyin: Táiwān rén; Wade–Giles: T'ai2-wan1-jen2; /tʰaɪ wän ʐən/) (Minnan: 臺灣儂, Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tâi-oân-lâng; /Tai uan laŋ/; Hakka 臺灣人 : Thòi-vàn ngìn) (Inggris: Taiwanese) untuk membedakan dengan Orang Cina/Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (Inggris: Chinese, Indonesia: Tionghoa) adalah orang yang berasal dari pulau Formosa (secara resmi dikenal sebagai Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan) yang berbagi sebuah kebudayaan Taiwan bersama dan berbicara dalam bahasa Tionghoa atau penduduk asli sebagai bahasa ibu. Orang Republik Tiongkok/Taiwan juga dapat mengacu kepada individu baik yang mengklaim atau yang dianggap berfokus pada Formosa atau wilayah di bawah kendali Pemerintah Republik Tiongkok sejak tahun 1945, termasuk Penghu, Kinmen, Ke (in)
  • Taiwanese people may be generally considered the people of Taiwan who share a common culture, ancestry and speak Taiwanese Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka or indigenous Taiwanese languages as a mother tongue. Taiwanese people may also refer to the indigenous peoples of the areas under the control of the Government of the Republic of China since 1945, including Penghu as well as Kinmen and Matsu Islands that collectively form its streamlined Fujian Province (see Taiwan Area). However, the inhabitants of Kinmen and the Matsu themselves may not consider the "Taiwanese" label to be accurate as they are a part of Fujian and not Taiwan. They have a distinctive identity from that of the Taiwanese; viewing themselves as Kinmenese or Matsunese, respectively, or as simply Chinese. (en)
  • Os taiwaneses (chinês tradicional: 臺灣人; pinyin: Táiwān-rén) são o povo de Taiwan que compartilham uma cultura e ancestralidade comum e falam o mandarim taiwanês, o hokkien, o ou as línguas indígenas taiwanesas como língua materna. Taiwanês pode também ser referência aos povos indígenas das áreas sob o controle do governo da República da China desde 1945, incluindo Penghu, Kinmen e as Ilhas Matsu. (pt)
  • Taiwanese people (en)
  • Orang Taiwan (in)
  • 台湾人 (ja)
  • 타이완인 (ko)
  • Taiwaneses (pt)
  • 臺灣人 (zh)
  • Taiwanese people (en)
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