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Jonathan Hickman (born September 3, 1972) is an American comic book writer and artist, best known for his creator-owned series The Nightly News, The Manhattan Projects and East of West, as well as his lengthy stints as a writer on Marvel's Fantastic Four, The Avengers and The New Avengers. Hickman's other notable work at Marvel includes the S.H.I.E.L.D. limited series, the creation of the Fantastic Four spin-off title FF, as well as two crossover limited series, Infinity and Secret Wars, both of which acted as centerpieces for the eponymous company-wide crossover storylines. Between 2019 and 2021, Hickman worked on "Dawn of X", a relaunch of various X-Men-related titles for which he provided the core storyline and concepts.

Property Value
  • جوناثان هيكمان (بالإنجليزية: Jonathan Hickman)‏ هو ‏ أمريكي، ولد في 3 سبتمبر 1972 في كارولاينا الجنوبية في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
  • Jonathan Hickman (* 9. března 1972, Florence, Jižní Karolína) je americký komiksový scenárista a kreslíř. Proslul svou prací pro Image Comics a Marvel Comics, zejména autorskou sérií The Manhattan Projects a prací na sérii Fantastic Four, u které strávil tři roky. Později začal psát sérii Avengers vol. 5. (cs)
  • Jonathan Hickman (3 de setembre de 1972) és un escriptor i dibuixant estatunidenc. És conegut per crear les sèries d'Image Comics , , i , com també per treballar per Marvel Comics als títols Fantastic Four, , i . El 2012 Hickman va acabar la seua etapa amb títols Fantastic Four per a escriure The Avengers i The New Avengers, com a part del rellançament de "". El 2013 Hickman va escriure una minisèrie de sis parts dita , a més de números d'Avengers per a Marvel Comics. El 2015 va guionitzar el crossover . (ca)
  • Jonathan Hickman (born September 3, 1972) is an American comic book writer and artist, best known for his creator-owned series The Nightly News, The Manhattan Projects and East of West, as well as his lengthy stints as a writer on Marvel's Fantastic Four, The Avengers and The New Avengers. Hickman's other notable work at Marvel includes the S.H.I.E.L.D. limited series, the creation of the Fantastic Four spin-off title FF, as well as two crossover limited series, Infinity and Secret Wars, both of which acted as centerpieces for the eponymous company-wide crossover storylines. Between 2019 and 2021, Hickman worked on "Dawn of X", a relaunch of various X-Men-related titles for which he provided the core storyline and concepts. (en)
  • Jonathan Hickman, né le 3 septembre 1972 en Caroline du Sud, est un scénariste et dessinateur de comics américain. (fr)
  • ジョナサン・ヒックマン(Jonathan Hickman)は、アメリカ合衆国のアメリカン・コミックスのライター、アーティストである。イメージ・コミックで『The Nightly News』、『The Manhattan Projects』、『East of West』を立ち上げ、またマーベルコミックスで『ファンタスティック・フォー』、『』、『S.H.I.E.L.D.』などのライターを務めたことで知られる。2012年に『ファンタスティック・フォー』を降板した後はでリランチされた『アベンジャーズ』と『ニューアベンジャーズ』のライターとなった。 (ja)
  • 조너선 힉맨(영어: Jonathan Hickman 조너선 히크먼[*])은 미국의 만화가이다. 이미지 코믹스에서 《나이틀리 뉴스》, 《이스트 오브 웨스트》, 《맨해튼 프로젝트》 등의 작품으로 데뷔했으며 마블 코믹스에서 《판타스틱 포》, 《시크릿 워리어즈》의 시나리오를 담당해 능력을 입증했다. 2013년 마블 나우! 이후에는 《어벤저스》와 《뉴 어벤저스》 스토리라인을 이끌고 있으며, 《인피니티》와 《시크릿 워즈》 이벤트를 진행했다.2019년도부터는 엑스맨 시리즈들을 맏게 되었다 (ko)
  • Jonathan Hickman (3 settembre 1972) è uno scrittore e fumettista statunitense. Debutta come scrittore e disegnatore di fumetti nel 2006 con la miniserie pubblicata della Image Comics. L'autore viene subito notato dalla Marvel Comics che nel 2009 gli affida una serie regolare mensile quale Secret Warriors. Nello stesso anno gli viene affidata la storica serie della Marvel Fantastic Four di cui scrive soggetti e sceneggiature fino al n. 611 (l'ultimo della serie). Attualmente continua la sua collaborazione sia con la Marvel realizzando serie legate al rilancio degli Avengers, e sia con la Image e Avatar Press per quanto riguarda i suoi progetti creator-owned. Nel 2012 Hickman è stato inserito al 51º posto tra le 100 persone più influenti nel mondo dell'editoria a fumetti di lingua inglese. La motivazione risiede nei suoi rivoluzionari progetti per la Image e per il suo ruolo nel rinnovamento dei personaggi Marvel. (it)
  • Jonathan Hickman (ur. 3 września 1972) – amerykański scenarzysta i artysta komiksowy. Jest znany ze stworzenia takich komiksów dla wydawnictwa Image Comics jak The Nightly News, The Manhattan Projects i East of West, a także z pracy dla wydawnictwa Marvel Comics nad takimi tytułami, jak Fantastyczna Czwórka i S.H.I.E.L.D. (pl)
  • Джонатан Хикман (англ. Jonathan Hickman; род. 3 сентября 1972) — американский писатель и художник комиксов. (ru)
  • Jonathan Hickman é um autor e desenhista de histórias em quadrinhos americanas. É o criador das séries , The Manhattan Projects e East of West, publicadas pela Image Comics e ilustradas, respectivamente, pelo próprio Hickman, por Nick Pitarra e Nick Dragotta. The Nightly News foi indicada ao Eisner Award de "Melhor Minissérie" e o próprio Hickman foi indicado ao Eisner Award de "Melhor Escritor" duas vezes: em 2013, por seu trabalho em The Manhattan Projects, e em 2014, tanto po seu trabalho em The Manhattan Projects quanto por East of West, Avengers e . (pt)
  • 13294313 (xsd:integer)
  • 54996 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1118526995 (xsd:integer)
  • 1972-09-03 (xsd:date)
  • South Carolina, U.S. (en)
  • 0001-09-29 (xsd:gMonthDay)
  • y (en)
  • 10792 (xsd:integer)
  • y (en)
  • y (en)
  • Infinity (en)
  • Secret Wars (en)
  • The Avengers (en)
  • The New Avengers (en)
  • Secret Warriors (en)
  • East of West (en)
  • Dawn of X (en)
  • Fantastic Four and FF (en)
  • Reign of X (en)
  • The Manhattan Projects (en)
  • The Nightly News (en)
  • y (en)
  • Jonathan+Hickman (en)
  • Fantastic Four writer (en)
  • Jonathan Hickman (en)
  • The Avengers writer (en)
  • The New Avengers writer (en)
  • X-Men writer (en)
  • FF writer (en)
  • Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates writer (en)
  • creator (en)
  • credit (en)
  • y (en)
  • 2009 (xsd:integer)
  • 2011 (xsd:integer)
  • 2013 (xsd:integer)
  • 2019 (xsd:integer)
  • جوناثان هيكمان (بالإنجليزية: Jonathan Hickman)‏ هو ‏ أمريكي، ولد في 3 سبتمبر 1972 في كارولاينا الجنوبية في الولايات المتحدة. (ar)
  • Jonathan Hickman (* 9. března 1972, Florence, Jižní Karolína) je americký komiksový scenárista a kreslíř. Proslul svou prací pro Image Comics a Marvel Comics, zejména autorskou sérií The Manhattan Projects a prací na sérii Fantastic Four, u které strávil tři roky. Později začal psát sérii Avengers vol. 5. (cs)
  • Jonathan Hickman (3 de setembre de 1972) és un escriptor i dibuixant estatunidenc. És conegut per crear les sèries d'Image Comics , , i , com també per treballar per Marvel Comics als títols Fantastic Four, , i . El 2012 Hickman va acabar la seua etapa amb títols Fantastic Four per a escriure The Avengers i The New Avengers, com a part del rellançament de "". El 2013 Hickman va escriure una minisèrie de sis parts dita , a més de números d'Avengers per a Marvel Comics. El 2015 va guionitzar el crossover . (ca)
  • Jonathan Hickman (born September 3, 1972) is an American comic book writer and artist, best known for his creator-owned series The Nightly News, The Manhattan Projects and East of West, as well as his lengthy stints as a writer on Marvel's Fantastic Four, The Avengers and The New Avengers. Hickman's other notable work at Marvel includes the S.H.I.E.L.D. limited series, the creation of the Fantastic Four spin-off title FF, as well as two crossover limited series, Infinity and Secret Wars, both of which acted as centerpieces for the eponymous company-wide crossover storylines. Between 2019 and 2021, Hickman worked on "Dawn of X", a relaunch of various X-Men-related titles for which he provided the core storyline and concepts. (en)
  • Jonathan Hickman, né le 3 septembre 1972 en Caroline du Sud, est un scénariste et dessinateur de comics américain. (fr)
  • ジョナサン・ヒックマン(Jonathan Hickman)は、アメリカ合衆国のアメリカン・コミックスのライター、アーティストである。イメージ・コミックで『The Nightly News』、『The Manhattan Projects』、『East of West』を立ち上げ、またマーベルコミックスで『ファンタスティック・フォー』、『』、『S.H.I.E.L.D.』などのライターを務めたことで知られる。2012年に『ファンタスティック・フォー』を降板した後はでリランチされた『アベンジャーズ』と『ニューアベンジャーズ』のライターとなった。 (ja)
  • 조너선 힉맨(영어: Jonathan Hickman 조너선 히크먼[*])은 미국의 만화가이다. 이미지 코믹스에서 《나이틀리 뉴스》, 《이스트 오브 웨스트》, 《맨해튼 프로젝트》 등의 작품으로 데뷔했으며 마블 코믹스에서 《판타스틱 포》, 《시크릿 워리어즈》의 시나리오를 담당해 능력을 입증했다. 2013년 마블 나우! 이후에는 《어벤저스》와 《뉴 어벤저스》 스토리라인을 이끌고 있으며, 《인피니티》와 《시크릿 워즈》 이벤트를 진행했다.2019년도부터는 엑스맨 시리즈들을 맏게 되었다 (ko)
  • Jonathan Hickman (ur. 3 września 1972) – amerykański scenarzysta i artysta komiksowy. Jest znany ze stworzenia takich komiksów dla wydawnictwa Image Comics jak The Nightly News, The Manhattan Projects i East of West, a także z pracy dla wydawnictwa Marvel Comics nad takimi tytułami, jak Fantastyczna Czwórka i S.H.I.E.L.D. (pl)
  • Джонатан Хикман (англ. Jonathan Hickman; род. 3 сентября 1972) — американский писатель и художник комиксов. (ru)
  • Jonathan Hickman é um autor e desenhista de histórias em quadrinhos americanas. É o criador das séries , The Manhattan Projects e East of West, publicadas pela Image Comics e ilustradas, respectivamente, pelo próprio Hickman, por Nick Pitarra e Nick Dragotta. The Nightly News foi indicada ao Eisner Award de "Melhor Minissérie" e o próprio Hickman foi indicado ao Eisner Award de "Melhor Escritor" duas vezes: em 2013, por seu trabalho em The Manhattan Projects, e em 2014, tanto po seu trabalho em The Manhattan Projects quanto por East of West, Avengers e . (pt)
  • Jonathan Hickman (3 settembre 1972) è uno scrittore e fumettista statunitense. Debutta come scrittore e disegnatore di fumetti nel 2006 con la miniserie pubblicata della Image Comics. L'autore viene subito notato dalla Marvel Comics che nel 2009 gli affida una serie regolare mensile quale Secret Warriors. Nello stesso anno gli viene affidata la storica serie della Marvel Fantastic Four di cui scrive soggetti e sceneggiature fino al n. 611 (l'ultimo della serie). (it)
  • Jonathan Hickman (en)
  • جوناثان هيكمان (ar)
  • Jonathan Hickman (ca)
  • Jonathan Hickman (cs)
  • Jonathan Hickman (it)
  • Jonathan Hickman (fr)
  • 조너선 힉맨 (ko)
  • ジョナサン・ヒックマン (ja)
  • Jonathan Hickman (pl)
  • Jonathan Hickman (pt)
  • Хикман, Джонатан (ru)
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