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John Henley Heathcote-Williams (15 November 1941 – 1 July 2017), known as Heathcote Williams, was an English poet, actor, political activist and dramatist. He wrote a number of book-length polemical poems including Autogeddon, Falling for a Dolphin and Whale Nation, which in 1988 was described by Philip Hoare as "the most powerful argument for the newly instigated worldwide ban on whaling." Williams invented his idiosyncratic "documentary/investigative poetry" style which he put to good purpose bringing a diverse range of environmental and political matters to public attention. His last published work, American Porn was a critique of the American political establishment and the election of President Donald Trump; its publication date was the day of Trump's inauguration (20 January 2017). I

Property Value
  • هيثكوت وليامز (بالإنجليزية: Heathcote Williams)‏ هو كاتب ومؤلف وكاتب سيناريو وشاعر وممثل بريطاني، ولد في 15 نوفمبر 1941 بهلسبي في المملكة المتحدة، وتوفي في 1 يوليو 2017 بأكسفورد في المملكة المتحدة. بدأ مشواره المهني سنة 1964. (ar)
  • Heathcote Williams (* 15. November 1941 als John Henley Jasper Heathcote-Williams in , Cheshire, England; † 1. Juli 2017 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) war ein britischer Dichter, Schauspieler und Theaterautor. (de)
  • John Henley Heathcote-Williams (15a de novembro 1941 – 1a de julio 2017), konata kiel Heathcote Williams, estis angla poeto, aktoro, politika aktivulo kaj dramaturgo. Li verkis nombrajn libro-longajn polemikajn poemojn kiel Autogeddon, Falling for a Dolphin kaj Whale Nation, kiu en 1988 iĝis, laŭ , "la plej pova argumento por la ĵus instigita tutmonda malpermeso de balenĉasado." Williams inventis sian propran idiosinkrazian stilon de "dokumentar/esplora poezio" kiun li enkondukis al la montro de diversa gamo de konservismaj kaj politikaj aferoj al la publika atento. Lia lasta publikigita verko, nome American Porn estis kritiko de la usona politika medio kaj de la elekto de Prezidento Donald Trump: la publikiga dato estis la dato de la enpovigo de Trump (20a de januaro 2017). En junio 2015, li publikigis libro-longan esplorpoemun pri la "Islama Gandhi", nome Ĥan Abdul Gaffar Ĥan, "Badŝah Ĥan". Krom esti dramaturgo kaj scenaristo, Williams aperis en nombraj tre konataj sendependaj kaj holivudaj filmoj kaj estis inter la fmulaj gastoj en la lasta epizodo de la 4a sezono de Friends, nome "The One With Ross's Wedding". Li ludis la rolon de Prospero en la versio de Derek Jarman pri La Ventego kaj aperis en kelkaj "artaj" filmoj, kiel Orlando, same kiel en la holivuda filmo Basic Instinct 2. Al Pacino ludis la rolon de sekvanto de Williams en arta dokumenta filmo, nome Every Time I Cross the Tamar I Get into Trouble. Williams ankaŭ verkis kantovortumojn, kunlabore kun Marianne Faithfull inter aliaj. Williams estis ankaŭ fakulo pri natura historio kaj malkovris novan specion de miel-produkta vespo en la ĝangalo de Amazonio, nome okazaĵo kiun li registris en libro de poemoj nome Forbidden Fruit. Williams estis ankaŭ magiisto kaj membro de The Magic Circle. Li verkis televidan verkon nome What the Dickens! pri la intereso de Charles Dickens al plenumado de magiaj spektakloj. Bob Hoskins instruis al li fajrmanĝadon. Kiam li estis montronta sian novan talenton al sia tiama koramikino , li suferis akcidenton. Williams estis grava aktivulo en la loĝiga etoso de Londono en la 1970-aj jaroj kaj estris "agentejon pri nemoveblaĵoj" por domokupantoj nome "Ruff Tuff Cream Puff". En 1977 li kaj paro de centoj da domokupantoj establis la "ŝtaton" nome Frestonia en Notting Hill kaj deklaris sendependon el Britio. La tiam Shadow Chancellor, , verkis por esprimi sian subtenon kaj Williams estis nomumita brita ambasadoro. Frestonia daŭris preskaŭ unu jardekon kaj havis siajn proprajn instituciojn kaj poŝŝtmarkojn. Williams pentris grafition sur la muroj de la Palaco Buckingham kiel protesto kontraŭ la reĝino kiu subskribis la mortopunon kontraŭ Michael X kvankam teorie ne ekzistis tian punon en Britio. Komence de la 1970-aj jaroj, lia agitiga grafitio estis trajto sur la muroj de la tiam malmultekosta distrikto de Londono nome Notting Hill. (eo)
  • John Henley Heathcote-Williams (15 November 1941 – 1 July 2017), known as Heathcote Williams, was an English poet, actor, political activist and dramatist. He wrote a number of book-length polemical poems including Autogeddon, Falling for a Dolphin and Whale Nation, which in 1988 was described by Philip Hoare as "the most powerful argument for the newly instigated worldwide ban on whaling." Williams invented his idiosyncratic "documentary/investigative poetry" style which he put to good purpose bringing a diverse range of environmental and political matters to public attention. His last published work, American Porn was a critique of the American political establishment and the election of President Donald Trump; its publication date was the day of Trump's inauguration (20 January 2017). In June 2015 he published a book-length investigative poem about the "Muslim Gandhi", Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, Badshah Khan. As well as being a playwright and screenwriter, Williams appeared in a number of independent and Hollywood films and was among the celebrity guests in the last episode of season 4 of Friends, '"The One With Ross's Wedding"'. He played Prospero in Derek Jarman's The Tempest (1979) and appeared in several "arthouse" films, including Orlando (1992), as well as the Hollywood film Basic Instinct 2 (2006). Al Pacino played the part of a Williams fan in a spoof arts documentary, Every Time I Cross the Tamar I Get into Trouble. Williams also wrote lyrics, collaborating with Marianne Faithfull among others. Williams was a keen naturalist and discovered a new species of honey-producing wasp in the Argentine pampas, an event he recorded in a book of poems called Forbidden Fruit. Williams was a magician and a member of The Magic Circle. He wrote a TV play called What the Dickens! about Charles Dickens's penchant for performing magic shows. Bob Hoskins taught him fire eating. When he went to demonstrate his newfound talent to then girlfriend Jean Shrimpton, he accidentally set himself alight on her doorstep. Williams was a leading activist in the London squatting scene in the 1970s and ran a squatters "estate agency" called the "Ruff Tuff Cream Puff". In 1977 he and a couple of hundred fellow squatters established the "state" of Frestonia in Notting Hill and declared independence from Britain. The then Shadow Chancellor, Geoffrey Howe, wrote to express his support and Williams was appointed UK Ambassador. Frestonia lasted almost a decade and had its own institutions and postage stamps. Williams spray-painted graffiti on the walls of Buckingham Palace as a protest against the Queen signing Michael X's death warrant while there was no capital punishment in the UK. In the early 1970s, his agitational graffiti were a feature on the walls of the then low-rent end of London's Notting Hill district. The final paragraph of Williams' New York Times obituary summed up his philosophy: "If poetry isn't revolutionary, it's nothing," he told Saira Viola from the web publication Gonzo Today in 2015. "Poetry is heightened language, and language exists to effect change, not to be a tranquilizer." (en)
  • Heathcote Williams, né le 15 novembre 1941 à Helsby (Cheshire) et mort le 1er juillet 2017 à Oxford (Angleterre), est un poète, acteur et dramaturge britannique, également militant politique. (fr)
  • Heathcote Williams (Helsby, 15 novembre 1941 – Oxford, 1º luglio 2017) è stato un poeta, attore e commediografo inglese. Egli è stato anche occasionalmente un pittore, scultore e prestigiatore. È forse maggiormente conosciuto per la sua opera polemica Whale Nation, che nel 1988 divenne la più potente sollecitazione a livello mondiale riguardante il divieto di caccia alle balene. Nel 1970 i suoi graffiti provocatori caratterizzavano i muri nel quartiere di Notting Hill, a Londra. (it)
  • Хиткоут Уильямс (англ. Heathcote Williams; 15 ноября 1941 — 1 июля 2017) — английский поэт, актёр, драматург и политический активист. (ru)
  • 2017-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1964-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1941-11-15 (xsd:date)
  • John Henley Heathcote-Williams (en)
  • 1941-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 2017-07-01 (xsd:date)
  • 2017-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
  • 1778942 (xsd:integer)
  • 35065 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1102788519 (xsd:integer)
  • 1941-11-15 (xsd:date)
  • John Henley Heathcote-Williams (en)
  • Helsby, Cheshire, England (en)
  • Appearing on television discussion programme After Dark in 1988 (en)
  • 3 (xsd:integer)
  • 2017-07-01 (xsd:date)
  • Oxford, England (en)
  • Heathcote Williams (en)
  • Poet, actor, playwright (en)
  • 1964 (xsd:integer)
  • هيثكوت وليامز (بالإنجليزية: Heathcote Williams)‏ هو كاتب ومؤلف وكاتب سيناريو وشاعر وممثل بريطاني، ولد في 15 نوفمبر 1941 بهلسبي في المملكة المتحدة، وتوفي في 1 يوليو 2017 بأكسفورد في المملكة المتحدة. بدأ مشواره المهني سنة 1964. (ar)
  • Heathcote Williams (* 15. November 1941 als John Henley Jasper Heathcote-Williams in , Cheshire, England; † 1. Juli 2017 in Oxford, Oxfordshire, England) war ein britischer Dichter, Schauspieler und Theaterautor. (de)
  • Heathcote Williams, né le 15 novembre 1941 à Helsby (Cheshire) et mort le 1er juillet 2017 à Oxford (Angleterre), est un poète, acteur et dramaturge britannique, également militant politique. (fr)
  • Heathcote Williams (Helsby, 15 novembre 1941 – Oxford, 1º luglio 2017) è stato un poeta, attore e commediografo inglese. Egli è stato anche occasionalmente un pittore, scultore e prestigiatore. È forse maggiormente conosciuto per la sua opera polemica Whale Nation, che nel 1988 divenne la più potente sollecitazione a livello mondiale riguardante il divieto di caccia alle balene. Nel 1970 i suoi graffiti provocatori caratterizzavano i muri nel quartiere di Notting Hill, a Londra. (it)
  • Хиткоут Уильямс (англ. Heathcote Williams; 15 ноября 1941 — 1 июля 2017) — английский поэт, актёр, драматург и политический активист. (ru)
  • John Henley Heathcote-Williams (15a de novembro 1941 – 1a de julio 2017), konata kiel Heathcote Williams, estis angla poeto, aktoro, politika aktivulo kaj dramaturgo. Li verkis nombrajn libro-longajn polemikajn poemojn kiel Autogeddon, Falling for a Dolphin kaj Whale Nation, kiu en 1988 iĝis, laŭ , "la plej pova argumento por la ĵus instigita tutmonda malpermeso de balenĉasado." Williams inventis sian propran idiosinkrazian stilon de "dokumentar/esplora poezio" kiun li enkondukis al la montro de diversa gamo de konservismaj kaj politikaj aferoj al la publika atento. Lia lasta publikigita verko, nome American Porn estis kritiko de la usona politika medio kaj de la elekto de Prezidento Donald Trump: la publikiga dato estis la dato de la enpovigo de Trump (20a de januaro 2017). En junio 2015, (eo)
  • John Henley Heathcote-Williams (15 November 1941 – 1 July 2017), known as Heathcote Williams, was an English poet, actor, political activist and dramatist. He wrote a number of book-length polemical poems including Autogeddon, Falling for a Dolphin and Whale Nation, which in 1988 was described by Philip Hoare as "the most powerful argument for the newly instigated worldwide ban on whaling." Williams invented his idiosyncratic "documentary/investigative poetry" style which he put to good purpose bringing a diverse range of environmental and political matters to public attention. His last published work, American Porn was a critique of the American political establishment and the election of President Donald Trump; its publication date was the day of Trump's inauguration (20 January 2017). I (en)
  • Heathcote Williams (en)
  • هيثكوت وليامز (ar)
  • Heathcote Williams (de)
  • Heathcote Williams (eo)
  • Heathcote Williams (it)
  • Heathcote Williams (fr)
  • Уильямс, Хиткоут (ru)
  • Heathcote Williams (en)
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