An Entity of Type: architectural structure, from Named Graph:, within Data Space:

The Convent of San Francisco (historically known in Spanish as the 'Convento Grande de San Francisco') is located at the western end of Madero Street in the historic center of Mexico City, near the Torre Latinoamericana and is all that remains of the church and monastery complex. This complex was the headquarters of the first twelve Franciscan friars headed by Martín de Valencia who came to Mexico after receiving the first authorization from the Pope to evangelize in New Spain. In the early colonial period, this was one of the largest and most influential monasteries in Mexico City. It was built on the site of where Moctezuma II’s zoo once was. At its peak, the church and monastery covered the blocks now bordered by Bolivar, Madero, Eje Central and Venustiano Carranza Streets, for a total

Property Value
  • The Convent of San Francisco (historically known in Spanish as the 'Convento Grande de San Francisco') is located at the western end of Madero Street in the historic center of Mexico City, near the Torre Latinoamericana and is all that remains of the church and monastery complex. This complex was the headquarters of the first twelve Franciscan friars headed by Martín de Valencia who came to Mexico after receiving the first authorization from the Pope to evangelize in New Spain. In the early colonial period, this was one of the largest and most influential monasteries in Mexico City. It was built on the site of where Moctezuma II’s zoo once was. At its peak, the church and monastery covered the blocks now bordered by Bolivar, Madero, Eje Central and Venustiano Carranza Streets, for a total area of 32,224 square metres (3.2 ha; 8.0 acres). In the patio of the first cloister, there was a cross that was reputedly taller than the highest tower in the city and made from a cypress tree from the “Chapultepec Forest”, meaning the forested area to the west of the Zocalo, where San Francisco was built. The church and monastery saw a number of historic events in its time. A funeral mass for Hernán Cortés was here when it was thought that he died in Central America. In 1629, the Marquis of Gelves arrived in disguise to hide after quarreling with the archbishop. In 1692, the Count of Galve and his wife were granted refuge there due to a large-scale rebellion in the city. The end of the Mexican War of Independence was celebrated with a Te Deum at the monastery as the Trigarante Army of 16,000 troops marched past on Madero Street headed by Agustín de Iturbide. After the Reform War, the monastery of San Francisco, like many others, was disbanded and most of the property seized by the government. Much of the old monastery was demolished for the construction of new roads. Other parts of the old building are now a Methodist church facing Gante Street and a Panadería Ideal bakery. Where the bakery is now on 16 de Septiembre Street used to be the De Profundus Room, and the church is housed in the old cloister. On the corner of Venustiano Carranza and Eje Central are what used to be the Calvario and San Antonio chapels. These buildings still exist only because it was more expensive to demolish them than to leave them standing. All that is still left in church hands is the church itself. The church standing today is the third to be built on the site. The first two sunk into the soft soil underneath Mexico City and had to be torn down. This church was built between 1710 and 1716. Although the entire building is known as the San Francisco Church, the entrance on Madero Street is actually the entrance to the Balvanera Chapel. In front of this is an atrium with several sets of stairs leading down to the church building because it, too, is sinking. The church’s main facade, dating from 1710, is walled in and cannot be seen. Entrance is now through the side door into the Balvanera Chapel, then into the main church. The facade of the chapel was constructed in 1766 and it is not sure who constructed it but most think it was the work of , best known for his work on the Metropolitan Tabernacle. The chapel’s statues were removed when the chapel was in the hands of an Evangelical sect, but it kept other decorative elements such as volutes, sculpted leaves and flowers and the estipite (inverted truncated pyramid) columns with medallions. Inside there is an 18th-century altarpiece dedicated to the Virgin of Guadalupe as well as the entrance to what was once the Chapel of the Second Station of the Stations of the Cross. In the main church, there is a large gilded main altar, which is one that replaced the original Baroque one. This original one has been reconstructed because Neoclassic artist Jerónimo Antonio Gil left a drawing of it. Only the walls of the original De Profundis Room remain, the rest is remodeled into a bakery. The old cloister on Gante Street has fared a bit better. It is now a Methodist church, where inside both floors of the cloister have been well preserved. It can be visited only with prior authorization. (en)
  • El templo y exconvento de San Francisco de la Ciudad de México, San Francisco de México​ o Convento de San Francisco es un templo católico, restos de lo que fue la sede principal de la Orden Franciscana en el actual México, luego del arribo de dicha orden por la Evangelización en la Nueva España.​ Dicha sede, establecida en 1525, fue la construcción monástica más grande de la Nueva España,​ y aún en el siglo XIX conservaba más de 32 mil metros cuadrados de superficie. Varios japoneses que participaron en las primeras travesías desde Japón hacia Nueva España, fueron bautizados en el templo. Tres lo fueron el 23 de enero de 1611, durante la primera expedición organizada por Rodrigo de Vivero (quien había naufragado en Japón en 1609). Veintidós otros fueron bautizados ahí el 20 de abril de 1614. Participaban en la embajada de Tsunenaga Hasekura, Samurai japonés, vasallo del daimyō de Sendai, Date Masamune, cual lo había mandado a España y Roma para tratar asuntos religiosos y comerciales con el rey Felipe III y el papa Paulo V. ​ Derivado de las Leyes de Reforma y de la venta en 1868 por Matías Romero,​ del templo y exconvento, sus instalaciones novohispanas fueron casi demolidas y la superficie del inmueble —que llegó a alcanzar aproximadamente hacia el norte la Avenida Francisco I. Madero, hacia el poniente Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas, al oriente la y al sur la actual calle de fue fraccionada en diversos predios. Entre los edificios contemporáneos que los ocupan están la Torre Latinoamericana, el Templo Expiatorio Nacional de San Felipe de Jesús, el y la Librería del Fondo de Cultura Económica Juan José Arreola, entre otros inmuebles de valor histórico. El edificio actual que se conserva es el tercero de los erigidos en el lugar, fracasados los dos primeros a causa del terreno acuoso. Se comenzó el día de San Carlos (4 de noviembre) de 1710 y fue terminada seis años más tarde. Anexa a la iglesia se construyó en 1766 la capilla de Balvanera, cuya fachada es el acceso principal a la iglesia de San Francisco ya que su fachada principal está tapiada. La capilla de Balvanera se atribuye a Lorenzo Rodríguez, el principal arquitecto del barroco novohispano y autor del Sagrario metropolitano y posiblemente de la . (es)
  • L'église Saint-François (Iglesia San Francisco en espagnol) est située à l’extrémité ouest de la rue Madero dans le centre historique de Mexico, non loin de la tour latino-américaine. Elle est tout ce qu'il reste d'un plus grand complexe qui abritait une église et un monastère. Ce complexe était le quartier général des douze premiers moines franciscains guidée par Martin de Valence, qui virent évangéliser la Nouvelle-Espagne avec l'autorisation papale. Au début de l'ère coloniale, le monastère était parmi les plus influents de Mexico. Il fut construit à l'emplacement du zoo de Moctezuma II. À son apogée, l'église et le monastère couvraient une surface de 32 224 mètres2, occupant les emplacements environnants. (fr)
  • 圣方济各堂(Templo y exconvento de San Francisco)位于墨西哥城历史中心的马德罗大街西端,靠近拉丁美洲塔,是修道院建筑群的全部遗迹。建筑群是第一批十二位方济会修士的总部,他们获得教宗的授权,来到新西班牙传教。 在早期殖民时期,这是墨西哥城最大和最有影响力的修道院之一。它建在蒙特蘇馬二世的动物园曾经所在的地方。在高峰时期,修道院占据了现在玻利瓦尔街、马德罗街、Eje Central和维努斯蒂亚诺·卡兰扎街之间的街区。 总面积为32,224平方米(3.2公頃;8.0英畝)。 在第一个院子里,有一个十字架,据说比城市最高的塔还高,是用“查普特佩克森林”的柏树制成的,意思是在宪法广场以西的森林地区,即圣方济各的所在地。 修道院见证了许多历史事件。埃尔南·科尔特斯的葬礼弥撒就在这里,人们认为他已在中美洲去世。1629年,盖尔夫斯侯爵在与总主教争吵后,乔装打扮前来藏身。1692年,高尔夫伯爵和他的妻子由于该城的大规模叛乱而被允许在那里避难。墨西哥独立战争结束时,以阿古斯汀一世 为首的16,000人的军队在马德罗大街行进,修道院也举行庆祝活动,高唱讚美頌 。 改革战争 之后,像其他许多修道院一样,圣方济各修道院也被解散,大部分财产被政府没收。为了修建新的道路,原修道院大部分被拆除。这座旧建筑的其他部分现在是一座卫理公会教堂,面向甘特街(Gante Street),和一家面包店,面包店现在位于九月16日街。在Venustiano Carranza和Eje Central的拐角处,曾经是各各他小堂和圣安多尼小堂。这些建筑仍然存在,只是因为拆除它们比让它们存在更为昂贵。留在天主教会的只有修道院教堂本身。 今天的教堂是该处的第三座教堂。前两座均因软土地基沉降而不得不拆除。 这座教堂建于1710年至1716年间。虽然整个建筑被称为圣方济各教堂,但马德罗大街的入口实际上是巴尔瓦内拉小堂的入口。其前方是一个中庭,有几组楼梯通向教堂,因为它也在下沉。教堂的主立面可以追溯到1710年,用墙围起来,看不见。入口现在通过侧门进入巴尔瓦内拉小堂,然后进入主教堂 该教堂的正面建于1766年,不确定是谁建造的,但大多数人认为这是洛伦佐•罗德里格斯的作品,他最著名的作品是都城会幕。当该堂由福音派管理时,堂内的雕像被移除,但保留了其他装饰元素,如柱头、雕刻的叶子和花朵,以及带有徽章的柱子(倒金字塔)。堂内有一幅18世纪的祭坛画,献给瓜达卢佩圣母,以及原苦路第二站的小堂入口。 在主教堂中,有一个大型镀金正祭台,取代了原来的巴洛克式祭坛。原来的已经重建,是因为新古典主义艺术家杰罗•尼莫•安东尼奥•吉尔(Jerónimo Antonio Gil)留下了一张草图。只有原来的深渊房间(De Profundis Room)的墙壁仍然存在,其余的都被改建成面包房。根特街上的原修道院状况较好,现在是一座卫理公会教堂,内部的两层楼保存得很好。只有事先授权才能访问。 (zh)
  • 24121166 (xsd:integer)
  • 7367 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1063031361 (xsd:integer)
  • View of the Balvanera Chapel entrance from Madero Street (en)
  • Convent of San Francisco (en)
  • 19.43345 -99.14019722222223
  • The Convent of San Francisco (historically known in Spanish as the 'Convento Grande de San Francisco') is located at the western end of Madero Street in the historic center of Mexico City, near the Torre Latinoamericana and is all that remains of the church and monastery complex. This complex was the headquarters of the first twelve Franciscan friars headed by Martín de Valencia who came to Mexico after receiving the first authorization from the Pope to evangelize in New Spain. In the early colonial period, this was one of the largest and most influential monasteries in Mexico City. It was built on the site of where Moctezuma II’s zoo once was. At its peak, the church and monastery covered the blocks now bordered by Bolivar, Madero, Eje Central and Venustiano Carranza Streets, for a total (en)
  • El templo y exconvento de San Francisco de la Ciudad de México, San Francisco de México​ o Convento de San Francisco es un templo católico, restos de lo que fue la sede principal de la Orden Franciscana en el actual México, luego del arribo de dicha orden por la Evangelización en la Nueva España.​ Dicha sede, establecida en 1525, fue la construcción monástica más grande de la Nueva España,​ y aún en el siglo XIX conservaba más de 32 mil metros cuadrados de superficie. (es)
  • L'église Saint-François (Iglesia San Francisco en espagnol) est située à l’extrémité ouest de la rue Madero dans le centre historique de Mexico, non loin de la tour latino-américaine. Elle est tout ce qu'il reste d'un plus grand complexe qui abritait une église et un monastère. Ce complexe était le quartier général des douze premiers moines franciscains guidée par Martin de Valence, qui virent évangéliser la Nouvelle-Espagne avec l'autorisation papale. (fr)
  • 圣方济各堂(Templo y exconvento de San Francisco)位于墨西哥城历史中心的马德罗大街西端,靠近拉丁美洲塔,是修道院建筑群的全部遗迹。建筑群是第一批十二位方济会修士的总部,他们获得教宗的授权,来到新西班牙传教。 在早期殖民时期,这是墨西哥城最大和最有影响力的修道院之一。它建在蒙特蘇馬二世的动物园曾经所在的地方。在高峰时期,修道院占据了现在玻利瓦尔街、马德罗街、Eje Central和维努斯蒂亚诺·卡兰扎街之间的街区。 总面积为32,224平方米(3.2公頃;8.0英畝)。 在第一个院子里,有一个十字架,据说比城市最高的塔还高,是用“查普特佩克森林”的柏树制成的,意思是在宪法广场以西的森林地区,即圣方济各的所在地。 修道院见证了许多历史事件。埃尔南·科尔特斯的葬礼弥撒就在这里,人们认为他已在中美洲去世。1629年,盖尔夫斯侯爵在与总主教争吵后,乔装打扮前来藏身。1692年,高尔夫伯爵和他的妻子由于该城的大规模叛乱而被允许在那里避难。墨西哥独立战争结束时,以阿古斯汀一世 为首的16,000人的军队在马德罗大街行进,修道院也举行庆祝活动,高唱讚美頌 。 (zh)
  • Templo y exconvento de San Francisco (Ciudad de México) (es)
  • Convent of San Francisco, Madero Street, Mexico City (en)
  • Église Saint-François de Mexico (fr)
  • 圣方济各堂 (墨西哥城) (zh)
  • POINT(-99.140197753906 19.433450698853)
  • 19.433451 (xsd:float)
  • -99.140198 (xsd:float)
  • Convent of San Francisco (en)
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