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Choe Hang (?–1024) was a civil minister (called munsin) of the Gyeongju Choe clan during the Goryeo dynasty. In 991, the 10th year of King Seongjong's reign, as he passed gwageo or civil minister exam, with the highest point, he entered to the court. When (金致陽) plotted to throne his natural born son in 1009, the 12th year of King Mokjong's reign, Choe prevented the conspiracy by helping Hyeonjong, to ascend the throne along with . In 1010, when he served as the post of Jeongdang munhak (政堂文學), he revived (八關會), a national Buddhist festival that had been ceased for the past 30 years.

Property Value
  • Choe Hang (?–1024) was a civil minister (called munsin) of the Gyeongju Choe clan during the Goryeo dynasty. In 991, the 10th year of King Seongjong's reign, as he passed gwageo or civil minister exam, with the highest point, he entered to the court. When (金致陽) plotted to throne his natural born son in 1009, the 12th year of King Mokjong's reign, Choe prevented the conspiracy by helping Hyeonjong, to ascend the throne along with . In 1010, when he served as the post of Jeongdang munhak (政堂文學), he revived (八關會), a national Buddhist festival that had been ceased for the past 30 years. (en)
  • 최항(崔沆, 972년 ~ 1024년 7월 13일(음력 6월 5일))은 고려의 문신이다. 자(字)는 내융(來融)이며, 본관은 경주(慶州)이다. 최언위의 손자이자 최유부(崔有孚)의 아버지이고, 더불어 이작충(李作忠)의 장인이다. (ko)
  • 崔沆(朝鮮語:최항/崔沆,?-1024年),字來融,高麗初期文官。本貫。 崔沆是崔彦撝的孫子。成宗在位期間,年僅二十歲的崔沆在科舉考試中登甲科。成宗愛其才,擢授右拾遺知制誥,累遷內史舍人。穆宗在位時,負責主持科舉考試,選拔出了許多名士。穆宗對他尤為倚重,政事無論大小必與之商議,轉吏部侍郎、中樞院使。穆宗病重時,金致陽圖謀不軌。崔沆與蔡忠順定計,迎立顯宗。顯宗即位後,拜崔沆為翰林學士、承旨、左散騎常侍。不久下稱讚了他,授政堂文學,為顯宗的師傅。在任期間,恢復了被成宗廢止三十餘年的。 1011年(顯宗三年),遷吏部尚書、參知政事,監脩國史。1015年(顯宗七年),拜內史侍郎平章事。1019年(顯宗十一年),賜推忠盡節衛社功臣號。翌年,授檢校太傅、守門下侍郎、同內史門下平章事、清河縣開國子,食邑五百戶,加守正功臣號。 崔沆不喜歡當官,且為官清廉,年未及七十歲就請求辭官致仕,顯宗多次不同意。性格聰穎而沉默寡言,又篤信佛教。 1024年病卒,顯宗非常哀悼,諡節義,贈賻絹三百匹、布五百匹、米麥各一千石,其子有孚以父遺命,固辭不受。後來其牌位配享顯宗廟庭。德宗二年贈正匡。靖宗加贈侍中。文宗二十一年,又加贈守太師兼中書令。 (zh)
  • 24351032 (xsd:integer)
  • 1473 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1029324661 (xsd:integer)
  • 최항 (en)
  • 崔沆 (en)
  • Ch'oe Hang (en)
  • Choe Hang (en)
  • Choe Hang (en)
  • Choe Hang (?–1024) was a civil minister (called munsin) of the Gyeongju Choe clan during the Goryeo dynasty. In 991, the 10th year of King Seongjong's reign, as he passed gwageo or civil minister exam, with the highest point, he entered to the court. When (金致陽) plotted to throne his natural born son in 1009, the 12th year of King Mokjong's reign, Choe prevented the conspiracy by helping Hyeonjong, to ascend the throne along with . In 1010, when he served as the post of Jeongdang munhak (政堂文學), he revived (八關會), a national Buddhist festival that had been ceased for the past 30 years. (en)
  • 최항(崔沆, 972년 ~ 1024년 7월 13일(음력 6월 5일))은 고려의 문신이다. 자(字)는 내융(來融)이며, 본관은 경주(慶州)이다. 최언위의 손자이자 최유부(崔有孚)의 아버지이고, 더불어 이작충(李作忠)의 장인이다. (ko)
  • 崔沆(朝鮮語:최항/崔沆,?-1024年),字來融,高麗初期文官。本貫。 崔沆是崔彦撝的孫子。成宗在位期間,年僅二十歲的崔沆在科舉考試中登甲科。成宗愛其才,擢授右拾遺知制誥,累遷內史舍人。穆宗在位時,負責主持科舉考試,選拔出了許多名士。穆宗對他尤為倚重,政事無論大小必與之商議,轉吏部侍郎、中樞院使。穆宗病重時,金致陽圖謀不軌。崔沆與蔡忠順定計,迎立顯宗。顯宗即位後,拜崔沆為翰林學士、承旨、左散騎常侍。不久下稱讚了他,授政堂文學,為顯宗的師傅。在任期間,恢復了被成宗廢止三十餘年的。 1011年(顯宗三年),遷吏部尚書、參知政事,監脩國史。1015年(顯宗七年),拜內史侍郎平章事。1019年(顯宗十一年),賜推忠盡節衛社功臣號。翌年,授檢校太傅、守門下侍郎、同內史門下平章事、清河縣開國子,食邑五百戶,加守正功臣號。 崔沆不喜歡當官,且為官清廉,年未及七十歲就請求辭官致仕,顯宗多次不同意。性格聰穎而沉默寡言,又篤信佛教。 1024年病卒,顯宗非常哀悼,諡節義,贈賻絹三百匹、布五百匹、米麥各一千石,其子有孚以父遺命,固辭不受。後來其牌位配享顯宗廟庭。德宗二年贈正匡。靖宗加贈侍中。文宗二十一年,又加贈守太師兼中書令。 (zh)
  • Choe Hang (Goryeo civil minister) (en)
  • 최항 (972년) (ko)
  • 崔沆 (高麗文臣) (zh)
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