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Anarchy, State, and Utopia is a 1974 book by the American political philosopher Robert Nozick. It won the 1975 US National Book Award in category Philosophy and Religion, has been translated into 11 languages, and was named one of the "100 most influential books since the war" (1945–1995) by the UK Times Literary Supplement.

Property Value
  • Anarchie, stát a utopie je kniha z roku 1974 amerického politického filozofa Roberta Nozicka. V roce 1975 vyhrála americkou národní knižní cenu v kategorii filozofie a náboženství,, byla přeložena do 11 jazyků, a vyhlášena jednou ze „100 nejvlivnějších knih od války“ (1945-1995) britským časopisem Times Literary Supplement V opozici proti Teorii spravedlnosti (1971) Johna Rawlse, a v rámci debaty s Michaelem Walzerem, Nozick argumentuje ve prospěch minimálního státu, „omezeného na úzké funkce ochrany proti krádeži, podvodům, násilí, na zajištění vymáhání smlouvy atd. “ Když stát přebírá více odpovědností než tyto, tvrdí Nozick, porušuje něčí práva. Na podporu myšlenky minimálního státu předkládá Nozick argument, který ilustruje, jak minimální stav vzniká přirozeně z anarchie a proč je neoprávněné jakékoli rozšíření státní moci za tento minimální práh. (cs)
  • Das im Jahr 1974 erschienene Werk Anarchy, State, and Utopia (deutsch: Anarchie, Staat und Utopia, 1976) ist ein libertärer Gegenentwurf von Robert Nozick zu der egalitaristischen Theorie der Gerechtigkeit von John Rawls. Beide Werke zusammen gelten als entscheidender Impuls zur Neubelebung der politischen Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert. (de)
  • Anarchy, State, and Utopia is a 1974 book by the American political philosopher Robert Nozick. It won the 1975 US National Book Award in category Philosophy and Religion, has been translated into 11 languages, and was named one of the "100 most influential books since the war" (1945–1995) by the UK Times Literary Supplement. In opposition to A Theory of Justice (1971) by John Rawls, and in debate with Michael Walzer, Nozick argues in favor of a minimal state, "limited to the narrow functions of protection against force, theft, fraud, enforcement of contracts, and so on." When a state takes on more responsibilities than these, Nozick argues, rights will be violated. To support the idea of the minimal state, Nozick presents an argument that illustrates how the minimalist state arises naturally from a Lockean state of nature and how any expansion of state power past this minimalist threshold is unjustified. (en)
  • Anarquía, Estado y utopía es un libro de filosofía política escrito por Robert Nozick. Fue publicado en 1974. Actualmente, Fondo de Cultura Económica y Editorial Innisfree son quienes publican la edición en castellano. (es)
  • Anarchie, État et utopie (titre original : Anarchy, State, and Utopia) est un ouvrage de philosophe politique écrit par le philosophe américain Robert Nozick. Il y défend des conceptions philosophiques minarchistes, considérant la possibilité d'un État « minimal ». En opposition au livre Théorie de la justice (1971) de John Rawls, et dans un débat avec Michael Walzer Nozick plaide en faveur d'un État minimal, c'est-à-dire un État limité aux fonctions étroites de protection contre la violence, le vol, la fraude, et veillant à l'application des contrats, etc. Lorsqu'un État prend plus de responsabilités que celles-ci, Nozick considère que les droits individuels seront violés. Pour soutenir l'idée de l'État minimal, Nozick présente un argument qui illustre comment celui-ci découle naturellement de l'anarchie et comment toute expansion du pouvoir de l'État au-delà de ce seuil minimaliste est injustifiée. Anarchie, État et Utopie a remporté le National Book Award américain de 1975 dans la catégorie philosophie et religion a été traduit en 11 langues et a été nommé l'un des "100 livres les plus influents depuis la guerre" (1945-1995) par le The Times Literary Supplement. (fr)
  • 《무정부, 국가 그리고 유토피아》 (Anarchy, State, and Utopia)는 미국 정치 철학자 로버트 노직의 1974년 책이다. 이 책은 1975년 미국 내셔널 도서상 철학 및 종교 부문을 수상했으며 11개 언어로 번역되었으며 UK Times Literary Supplement에서 "전쟁 이후 가장 영향력 있는 책 100권"(1945-1995) 중 하나로 선정되었다. 존 롤스의 정의론 (1971)에 반대하면서 노직은 "강제, 절도, 사기, 범죄에 대한 보호의 좁은 기능으로 제한되는" 최소 국가에 찬성한다고 주장한다. 계약 등." 국가가 이들보다 더 많은 책임을 맡으면 권리가 침해될 것이라고 노직은 주장한다. 최소한의 국가라는 아이디어를 뒷받침하기 위해 노직은 최소한의 국가가 무정부 상태에서 어떻게 자연스럽게 발생하는지, 그리고 이 최소한의 문턱을 넘어선 국가 권력의 확장이 어떻게 정당화되지 않는지를 설명하는 주장을 제시한다. (ko)
  • 『アナーキー・国家・ユートピア』(Anarchy, State, and Utopia)とは1974年に哲学者ロバート・ノージックにより発表された著作である。 (ja)
  • Anarki, stat och utopi är ett verk i politisk teori skrivet av Robert Nozick 1974. Denna minarkistiska bok har vunnit ett flertal priser, blivit översatt till elva språk och utnämndes 1995 till "en av de hundra mest inflytelserika böckerna sedan kriget" av Times Literary Supplement Nozick går i polemik mot John Rawls och dennes bok En teori om rättvisa genom att försvara den minimala staten. En stat som är "begränsad till de några funktionerna såsom skydd mot våld, stöld, bedrägeri, uppehålla avtal osv". När en stat åtar sig mer uppgifter än dessa kommer, enligt Nozick, rättigheter att kränkas. För att stödja idén om den minimala staten presenterar Nozick ett argument som visar hur den minimala staten naturligt växer fram från anarki och hur en utvidgning av staten förbi denna nivå är orättfärdig. (sv)
  • 《无政府、国家与乌托邦》(英語:Anarchy, State, and Utopia), 是美国哲学家罗伯特·诺齐克在1974年发表的政治哲学著作。诺齐克反驳了约翰·罗尔斯在《正义论》中发表的观点,并主张自由意志主义所提倡的最小国家,即国家权力应该仅限于防止盗窃,维护合约等。 (zh)
  • 320.1/01
  • 978-0465097203
  • JC571 .N68
  • 334 (xsd:positiveInteger)
  • 852930 (xsd:integer)
  • 63881 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1107527469 (xsd:integer)
  • Cover of the first edition (en)
  • JC571 .N68 (en)
  • United States (en)
  • 320.100000 (xsd:double)
  • 978 (xsd:integer)
  • English (en)
  • Print (en)
  • Anarchy, State, and Utopia (en)
  • 334 (xsd:integer)
  • 1974 (xsd:integer)
  • Robert Nozick (en)
  • Anarchy, State and Utopia, Reprint Edition 2013, p. 5 (en)
  • Anarchy, State and Utopia, Reprint Edition, 2013, p. 117 (en)
  • Anarchy, State and Utopia, Reprint Edition, 2013, p. 33 (en)
  • Anarchy, State and Utopia, Reprint Edition, 2013, p. 78 (en)
  • Anarchy, State and Utopia, Reprint Edition, 2013, p. 75 (en)
  • Anarchy, State and Utopia, Reprint Edition, 2013, p. 87 (en)
  • Anarchy, State and Utopia, Reprint Edition, 2013, pp. 118–119 (en)
  • Anarchy, State and Utopia, Reprint Edition, 2013, p. 24 (en)
  • This construal of the problem cannot be utilized by a tradition which holds that stealing a penny or a pin or anything from someone violates his rights. That tradition does not select a threshold measure of harm as a lower limit, in the case of harms certain to occur (en)
  • [...] focus upon a nonstate situation in which people generally satisfy moral constraints and generally act as they ought [...] this state-of-nature situation is the best anarchic situation one reasonably could hope for. Hence investigating its nature and defects is of crucial importance to deciding whether there should be a state rather than anarchy. (en)
  • Since an enormous number of actions do increase risk to others, a society which prohibited such uncovered actions would ill fit a picture of a free society as one embodying a presumption in favor of liberty, under which people permissibly could perform actions so long as they didn't harm others in specified ways. [...] to prohibit risky acts limits individual's freedom to act, even though the actions actually might involve no cost at all to anyone else. (en)
  • There are only individual people, different individual people with their own individual lives. Using one of these people for the benefit of others, uses him and benefits the others. Nothing more. [...] Talk of an overall social good covers this up. . To use a person in this way does not sufficiently respect and take account of the fact that he is a separate person, that his is the only life he has. He does not get some overbalancing good from his sacrifice [...]. (en)
  • “Our explanation does not assume or claim that might makes right. But might does make enforced prohibitions, even if no one thinks the mighty have a special entitlement to have realized in the world their own view of which prohibitions are correctly enforced”. (en)
  • We may proceed, for our purposes, by saying that a necessary condition for the existence of a state is that it announce that, to the best of its ability [...] it will punish everyone whom it discovers to have used force without its express permission. (en)
  • “Clearly the dominant agency has almost all the features specified [by anthropologist Lawrence Krader]; and its enduring administrative structures, with full-time specialized pesonnel, make it diverge greatly – in the direction of a state – from what anthropologists call a stateless society”. (en)
  • [...] nor need we state the principle exactly. We need only claim the correctness of some principles, such as the principle of compensation, requiring those imposing a prohibition on risky activities prohibited to them. I am not completely comfortable presenting and later using a principle whose details have not been worked out fully [...]. I could claim that it is all right as a beginning to leave a principle in a somewhat fuzzy state; the primary question is whether something like it will do. (en)
  • Basic Books
  • Das im Jahr 1974 erschienene Werk Anarchy, State, and Utopia (deutsch: Anarchie, Staat und Utopia, 1976) ist ein libertärer Gegenentwurf von Robert Nozick zu der egalitaristischen Theorie der Gerechtigkeit von John Rawls. Beide Werke zusammen gelten als entscheidender Impuls zur Neubelebung der politischen Philosophie im 20. Jahrhundert. (de)
  • Anarquía, Estado y utopía es un libro de filosofía política escrito por Robert Nozick. Fue publicado en 1974. Actualmente, Fondo de Cultura Económica y Editorial Innisfree son quienes publican la edición en castellano. (es)
  • 《무정부, 국가 그리고 유토피아》 (Anarchy, State, and Utopia)는 미국 정치 철학자 로버트 노직의 1974년 책이다. 이 책은 1975년 미국 내셔널 도서상 철학 및 종교 부문을 수상했으며 11개 언어로 번역되었으며 UK Times Literary Supplement에서 "전쟁 이후 가장 영향력 있는 책 100권"(1945-1995) 중 하나로 선정되었다. 존 롤스의 정의론 (1971)에 반대하면서 노직은 "강제, 절도, 사기, 범죄에 대한 보호의 좁은 기능으로 제한되는" 최소 국가에 찬성한다고 주장한다. 계약 등." 국가가 이들보다 더 많은 책임을 맡으면 권리가 침해될 것이라고 노직은 주장한다. 최소한의 국가라는 아이디어를 뒷받침하기 위해 노직은 최소한의 국가가 무정부 상태에서 어떻게 자연스럽게 발생하는지, 그리고 이 최소한의 문턱을 넘어선 국가 권력의 확장이 어떻게 정당화되지 않는지를 설명하는 주장을 제시한다. (ko)
  • 『アナーキー・国家・ユートピア』(Anarchy, State, and Utopia)とは1974年に哲学者ロバート・ノージックにより発表された著作である。 (ja)
  • 《无政府、国家与乌托邦》(英語:Anarchy, State, and Utopia), 是美国哲学家罗伯特·诺齐克在1974年发表的政治哲学著作。诺齐克反驳了约翰·罗尔斯在《正义论》中发表的观点,并主张自由意志主义所提倡的最小国家,即国家权力应该仅限于防止盗窃,维护合约等。 (zh)
  • Anarchie, stát a utopie je kniha z roku 1974 amerického politického filozofa Roberta Nozicka. V roce 1975 vyhrála americkou národní knižní cenu v kategorii filozofie a náboženství,, byla přeložena do 11 jazyků, a vyhlášena jednou ze „100 nejvlivnějších knih od války“ (1945-1995) britským časopisem Times Literary Supplement (cs)
  • Anarchy, State, and Utopia is a 1974 book by the American political philosopher Robert Nozick. It won the 1975 US National Book Award in category Philosophy and Religion, has been translated into 11 languages, and was named one of the "100 most influential books since the war" (1945–1995) by the UK Times Literary Supplement. (en)
  • Anarchie, État et utopie (titre original : Anarchy, State, and Utopia) est un ouvrage de philosophe politique écrit par le philosophe américain Robert Nozick. Il y défend des conceptions philosophiques minarchistes, considérant la possibilité d'un État « minimal ». Anarchie, État et Utopie a remporté le National Book Award américain de 1975 dans la catégorie philosophie et religion a été traduit en 11 langues et a été nommé l'un des "100 livres les plus influents depuis la guerre" (1945-1995) par le The Times Literary Supplement. (fr)
  • Anarki, stat och utopi är ett verk i politisk teori skrivet av Robert Nozick 1974. Denna minarkistiska bok har vunnit ett flertal priser, blivit översatt till elva språk och utnämndes 1995 till "en av de hundra mest inflytelserika böckerna sedan kriget" av Times Literary Supplement (sv)
  • Anarchy, State, and Utopia (en)
  • Anarchie, stát a utopie (cs)
  • Anarchy, State, and Utopia (de)
  • Anarquía, Estado y utopía (es)
  • Anarchie, État et utopie (fr)
  • アナーキー・国家・ユートピア (ja)
  • 무정부, 국가, 그리고 유토피아 (ko)
  • Anarki, stat och utopi (sv)
  • 無政府、國家與烏托邦 (zh)
  • Anarchy, State, and Utopia (en)
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